How come CGI from 2001/2002 looks better than today?

How come CGI from 2001/2002 looks better than today?

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It's not CGI, it's a CGI wearing a suit.

That sure as shit doesn't

It looks like fucking shit bro

>15 years later

CGI from 2014 looks like its from 2001

>board games
kek this movie is a nostalgia trip

The alien is clearly better

that Alien looks amazing compared to OP's pic

im getting baited but the water in the flood scene in BvS was CGI. that is pretty good desu

I saw that piece of shit yesterday, I think I dislike it so much is because you can see D.H. Famalamadingdong wanted to do better but he couldn't or maybe he went oh fuck it that's good enough.


It doesn't?

some of the worst CGI I've ever seen in a blockbuster film

Looks amazing

Fuck you The Mummy 1999 has some of the best CGI ever

Looks like Dwayne Johnson

looks real



Once again Ridley proves he is a better director at showing Aliens on screen than Cameron was

is this from a video game?

It is.

yea i don't liked it either. I just talk about that single scene when he saves peoples from roofs, while everything is flooded. that was pretty good CGI imho. not the fucking video game bossfight at the end man

Why the fuck did he think that hiding out in a catapult was a good idea anyway?


I think it has something to do with uncanny valley, old CGI looked like something fantastic taken out of a fantasy book and brought to life, new CGI pretend so hard to be real that it looks weird.

>old CGI looked like something fantastic taken out of a fantasy book and brought to life

So that's how you're going to try and justify it looking bad?

Yes, when you try too hard to make it look "real" or "human" they look actually worse, because brain can not identify them as something imaginary or something real.