Did your cunt lose clay or gain clay?

Did your cunt lose clay or gain clay?

Wtf is CLAY? lol! We did get bigger though based jap-anime bro! :)

There's no such thing as nation or borders within Schengen or the EU

both desu

gain many clay then lose some irrelevant clay in the end

Yes, we lost this

There was only one country that gained clay after WW2

We have much clay and have only gained. Although we at risk of shitty other countries (especially china) disrespecting the soverign rights of our Antarctic clay if the 'only science' treaty ever expires

Lost Greenland, Iceland, the Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland, Faroese islands, isle of Man, Dublin, Bohuslen, Jemtland and Herjedalen
We did however gain some clay on the south pole and Svalbard


Yes. Portugal, Britain and France GIVE IT BACK


I think we actually gained some from Romania, but I'm not sure.
I'd give up that clay for us not being commie all those years.


nice now leave us alone

Crimea and Peanut Hole though.

we wuz romanz so all of europe rightfully belongs to italy

Lost clay to the anglos and the french.


do you really need all those shitholes?

What are those leather straps on their helmets and what are they for?

We should extend to the Rhine

>all of Europe
only south and west Europe. the rest of Rome was in Asia and North Africa

We lost the clay but virtually all Finns and Karelians were resettled in Finland or evacuated to Sweden

shut the FUCK up

We got some clay from Best Guay

We make our own clay.