> tfw she's innocent
Hillary 2016
> tfw she's innocent
Hillary 2016
welp, its official, Sup Forums can't recover from this
I dunno about you guys, but I am now a #cruzmissile
"Extremely reckless"
I love this meme
anything happens AT ALL
and it's #cruzmissile time
Why are you summarizing Trump's platform in a Hillary thread?
USA you are now officially a banana republic. Just like Serbia. Literary on the same level.
Oh how hard have you fallen....
>one post by this id
If this is shown after clicking OP's ID 20 posts into the thread, OP is a confirmed shill. After 20 posts, stop replying.
Except the FBI didn't say this. They infact said they have proof she HAS broken the law.
They just aren't going to recommend prosecution.
the best part is that cruz isn't even in the race
nothing can stop the #cruzmissile
This is not the last time that Sup Forums will throw their tendies in rage this election. What a time to be alive.
i dont see how shes going to lose
she cannt even be touched by the law
"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions."
Comey's going to get reamed tomorrow.
>"you do know that gross negligence does not require intent, don't you Mr. Comey?"
And that's the end of his career.
Ya can't shillary the Hillary
Because she can't bribe the entire electorate like she can with DoJ officials.
>that's the end of his career
Better than a barbell around your career than around your neck.
The thing that will always get me fucking heated is that the FBI literally admitted that she broke the law. The only fucking defense they have for her is "She was careless! She didn't mean to!"
They also said anyone else would face security or administrative actions, which would have lost her the position in office. But now she's above the law and they suggest no punishment when she's running for an even higher position of office?
Also if her literal defense is "I was so careless while breaking the law with confidential documents" why the fuck would anyone want her as president?
>voting matters
it doesn't
She can bribe the electoral college in some states and fix the vote with electronic voting machines in others.
"For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation."
"Top secret is the highest level of classified information.[4] Information is further compartmented so that specific access using a code word after top secret is a legal way to hide collective and important information.[5] Such material would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if made publicly available.[6] Prior to 1942, the UK and other members of the British Empire used Most Secret, but this was changed to match the US's Top Secret to simplify Allied interoperability."
"Such material would cause "exceptionally grave damage" to national security if made publicly available."
we don't even have the good parts of a banana republic
>She can bribe the electoral college in some states
Why bribe any of the electors? If electors go renegade, it will draw unnecessary attention to the election.
Just rig the machines and pay off the people in charge of said machines, that's much easier and harder to prove if done properly.
He's already done irreversible damage. Clinton will more than likely receive no fucking charges after his speech.
>She didn't even attend, she gave a separate speech at the same time
She literally knew she broke the law and wouldn't even get a slap on the wrist. There's absolutely no way this isn't corruption
Not me, I'm a #Cruzsader
This thing will not quiet down.
The attention is too high, the bullshit too thick.
Comey's hearing tomorrow is only the beginning.
Look moron, Comey knows that the Clintons could afford an army of lawyers who would beat the charges so fast it'd make your ass hurt. In the meantime, it would squander tens or even hundreds of millions in public resources while potentially setting dangerous legal precedent.
Comey has repeatedly proven himself competent as AG and also as director of the FBI, and has long been involved in the Republican party machine. The last thing he needs to do is explain himself to a mouth breathing knuckle dragger on a Burmese origami picture forum.
Yeah but it's high time we had a woman president so this doesn't matter :^)
I think the word you're looking for is "unindictable".
delet this
Believe me, I hope shit actually gets done about this. But after hearing "There was no intent, no prosecutor would have any case here" my belief in the justice system is dead.
Hi Hillary
His career ended days ago.
The good news is that the people organizing and doing the hearing tomorrow, know exactly where the problem lies: the fact that Comey said "no charges because no intent".
He is going to fry no matter what, and I can only imagine his advice not to press charges will be rescinded or corrected in some way.
LOL. The fucking FBI head literally said if it wasn't a Clinton she would have been jailed
"And this is not to say under the same circumstances with a different person it would have ended the same"
I would really like that, but again, my hopes aren't too high on anything being actually done about it.
Would be something though
It won't, this won't hurt Clinton in any way at all, this will only hurt Comey. There's no point in him going down if it doesn't hurt Clinton, which it won't, because even if he rescinds his statement and says she should be charge then it will be labelled a republican witch hunt and then Lynch will say she is going to honor their original statement saying the new one was "coerced" by a hostile congress.
Comey is going to flounder tomorrow at the hearing.
There is no way he can talk himself out of contradicting the law.
His credibility will be gone, as will the credibility behind his advice not to charge.
That will do more than enough to pave the way for an indictment.
Santorum 2016 bitch
>broke no laws
What a standard to live up to.
>I would rather let a criminal off scotfree and vote her into office, since bringing her to justice would just be too expensive. Oh, and ensuring Top Secret information doesn't get possibly leaked on unsecured channels is direly dangerous.
Demoshits really are the stupidest fucking sheep there are.
Vote for the oligarch above the law and diddle your tiny dicks over mr bad guy conservative racist
The culpability of Benghazi actually rests upon Obama in terms of criminal behavior, but no one can prove that. Hillary just denied security to her ambassador in one of the most dangerous countries in the world (which she help destroy) and denied this security hundreds of times upon request.
while not criminal per se, it shows she either wanted him to get killed or just didn't care. Couple that with the willful breaking of laws in the email scandal, this is one dangerous individual that you do not want in any position of power. But Democrats just don't care. They love winning even if the worst criminal scum does it for them.
>following congressional statutes is a bad legal precedent
Fuck off kike.
she a good gurl she dindu nuffin she on her way to church
except gowdy couldn't even call her a liar last week after issuing a report that proved what everyone already knows which is that she is a liar.
She's about as innocent as OJ. Rigged system on display.
I really want you to be right, I wish it would work out, but I just think that all of this is just a ploy to get us to become complacent again that the system IS working look we're targeting the guy who fucked up! Which will go one of two ways, either he explains himself and congress says it checks out, or he says I MAY have fucked up POSSIBLY so I'm going to step out now, bye public eye! And then that will be that because he won't give a definitive answer, not enough of one to reverse the decision anyway.
Trust me, this thing is going to blow up bigly.
Comey already threw himself on the sword so Lynch wouldn't need to. There is no more "but what if" with him. He's done.
>I don't understand modern western legal systems because I live in shariastan
>I don't understand how precedents are set and you do so you must be a crafty JEW
The funniest part is that they think they're the anti-establishment
PROTIP: When you have every media outlet, politician, and actor/actress on your side, you ARE the establishment.
You don't even have any bananas Serbia.
>yfw there is literally no justice left in this world, because people like Shillary killed it
leftist shill concerned about squandering of public resources, impunity, competence, and asses being hurt.
wew the cognitive dissonance is strong with this one, lads!
> tfw FBI admits you broke the law, but also admits you're above the law
> tfw when the media has to create a chimpout just to get the public to forget
>She's not a criminal, she's just incredibly incredibly stupid. Because of how retarded she was we can't justify putting criminal charges on her because it's easier to explain how stupid she is than her deliberately being a criminal.
Hillary supporters:
>So you mean she won? First woman president! #ImWithHer
This is some South American/Middle-East corruption level shit. How do you get to become a president nominee by narrowly escaping criminal prosecution?
That looks retarded, just use Cruzader.
Are wikileaks and Guciffer 2.0 finished with the leaked emails?
You democrat idiots don't understand the legal system at all do you, no grounds for prosecution does not equal broke no laws. Comey never once said she didn't break the law.
That's a funny way to spell "we would have charged anyone else".
>too careless to keep track of secret gov data
I know exactly how precedents are set. Are you aware it's already precedent to prosecute those who violate this statute in the way Hillary did?
Not prosecuting her ignores precedent as well as the letter of the law.
it's even worse than that.
>republicans letting another republican off the hook
Trump btfo now im #crumzissle
Daily reminder that if it had been you, you'd be in jail right now.