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is it though?

oy oy oy

You see the episode where he wanted to sleep with his mom? and he threatened his dad because his dad was fucking with him and he was jealous of his dad?.

vey vey vey

What's Adam up to these days? Do you think him and Jimmy are still buddies?

>that episode when they got women to sign a petition to end woman's sufferage

Could they get away with this today on a big network?

After his abysmal show following The Man Show, he got into radio and podcasts.

He's still doing his radio show, but I don't think he does much TV anymore. And yes, he still clings to Jimmy like a life-raft

When is Jimmy going to apologize for being such a chauvinistic misogynistic asshole who lost weight?

Speaking of Adam's show, there's one bit of kino that everyone remembers from it. In case you haven't seen it, it's worth a watch:

i was thinking about this show the other day
always preferred adam desu

Adam Corolla had a really good podcast when he first started it
It was off the cuff just hanging out letting people be funny or interesting without being in their "act"

Its slowly become a Morning Zoo Radio type show where everything is canned, its lost its appeal. Its sad because it used to be really good.

goy goy goy

Things I remember about the Man Show
>Andy Milonakis selling beer
>juggies on trampolines
>old guy who could swallow a whole beer in one second

Thats it

the guy in the right would end up voting for Hillary Clinton

Lots of people did

>ZIGGY ZIGGY ZIGGY ZIGGY!It's ep 50 and for the 50th time will watch girls on trampoline
>Uuuu exciting, uuuu we're so rebellious!
What a cringy show!

This show had a lot of homoerotic humor.

What is the Man Show boy doing these days?

>It's an episode where Kimmel looks like a complete slob moron! he's drunk and he can barely pronounce words.

The married with children skits were miles better.

He does tons of podcasts, "writes" books, directs documentaries, and will soon have a Spike show about home improvement.

They are still buddies, and Adam occasionally writes jokes for Jimmy.

Holy shit.... did that episode actually air??

>Juggies are pretend boxing and one of the Juggy's tops begins to fall off, but she tries to keep it on while still boxing
>hello puberty

I didn't remember anyway of this until you said it. But by god now I do. Now I do.

Amazingly, yes, it did