Lmfao, Trumpkins are so fucked.
The Hilldawg just made 4 year Colleges tuition free
welp everyone say goodbye to how valuable your degree is. hopefully engineering doesn't get too overcrowded
>a 4-year degree is still valuable
>even moreso when EVERYONE has one
Fuck off shill
Great. Now the brainless morons that support her have the psuedo economists on their side as well.
And there go the bernouts.
Well, they probably aren't voting anyway.
lmao she just got the millenial vote with that one
RIP western civilization
Anyone who actually believes a word coming out of her mouth is beyond saving.
That isn't going to happen.
>Scroll to bottom
>"Donald Trump’s Atlantic City casinos were an epic failure. For everyone but him."
This is adorable.
I want to make america great again, but I think I'll shill for hill now. Maybe I should hold out a little longer and see if she'll buy me a car too.
Can't wait to see her tax plan on this, followed shortly by every working class middle American white male voting for Trump.
>having to face 40 k in debt due to tuition
>vote for the candidate that isn't going to help you instead of the one offering free shit
face it, she just won the election with this. From college kids to parents who are to stupid to realize that free college will help them economically but hurt their kids in the long run will vote for her now. Trump basically has to come up with a plan better than this or he's going to lose.
Whats better than free? Santa Claus always beats George Washington.
What a fucking liar.
Will never fucking happen in a million years.
What other people can get college for free while I get to pay off $60,000 dollars still. Fuck this shit.
>people in the future will have easier, better lives than me?! UNACCEPTABLE
That's not a good argument.
Oh boy, a free lunch. Looks like I'm #ShillaryArtillery now.
Yes free college will help us now.
>but continue to enslave our children with the shackles of debt- only to be released when you've given blood to the industrial war machine.
There is no such thing as free. Free is a word used to entice the short term survivalists, and the low intelligence immigrant.
>get through college with only $2800 in debt, and pay it off within a year by busting my ass
>everyone who made shitty choices will be on the same level as me
No it's not
>War was a failure for everyone but the winners
Yes it is, commie.
That's Trump's window. Hillary's plan is sweet if you're going to start college in 2019, but it's shitfor most debtholders already on federal plan
Everyone already has one though.
In meaningful concentrations? Welp...
She's literally just saying this shit because her campaign and her image is crashing. She's bending over for the Bernie supporters.
Don't trust anything she says.
country is in debt to likes of china.
Somebody has to pay for it.
RIP the middle class and RIP America.
This is insanity.
>freed from certain incrimination
>tfw looking for a distraction
Considering other countries have it, and it's worked there, why do you think it's ridiculous and could never happen?
I get to pay for younger entitled people's education through taxes but they don't pay mine? Fuck off kike.
>taxes are gonna go up 50% yay oh wait that's bad fuck
Work smart, not hard bro.
Because we have niggers and spics the likes and amounts of which you have never seen.
Normal people with good degrees dont require the government to pay it off
will my student loans get retroactively forgiven if this happens or am I just absolutely turbo fucked?
turbo fucked. No way will they just be like, ye have it free bro.
lol, no they wont. What happens when everyone has something that used to be valuable due to its rarity? Are all those professors , administrators and support staff going to work for free?
If you need anymore evidence that socialism is a killer, just watch the security footage of a grocery store in Caracas on bread day.
Turbo fucked.
You'll still have all your loans, but the next generation won't have any, so they'll be fine. :^)
This. End of discussion.
Turbofucked. For actual debt forgiveness, you have to vote Green or actual Marxists.
Stupid, she can't give fuck all away until she's elected, which will never happen.
Die faggot. Never Shill only MAGA!
>maybe the country won't be fucked and I won't pay 80% income tax if Bernie doesn't become president
>oh never mind, Chillary will end up making it a 95% income tax
What country would be worth moving to after the election?
1. It's sad how politics nowadays is mostly about who can promise the most free shit
2. She's not gonna do it
This is how she attracts all the bernouts and wins
This would never work here because there are too many people who would abuse the system
Imagine universities who are putting a TON of money into research now getting no payment. Either that, or we get taxed a fuck ton
Wow! Now any brainless dumbfuck can get a degree!
It's already getting over crowded. Salaries have been stagnant for 10 years in engineering and ageism is becoming a huge problem.
that would be piss me off to no end, seeing kids 4 years younger than me going to school absolutely free while I'm still paying off tens of thousands of debt.
Yeah that platform sure worked out well for Bernie
Thank god we have stonewall republicans in congress
>Degree is already useless piece of paper
>Still have the best job imaginable
>Get paid pretty damn well
>Free travel to anywhere in the world.
I don't think my field will be in danger. But I worry about STEM degree's
Promising to give away free stuff will get her elected, especially after the FBI recommending no charges be brought against her, the left isn't going to look at the scolding that Comey gave her in his statement, just the no charges part.
wow, wrong gif. this is more appropriate
this, same reason public heathcare works in WHITE, HOMOGENEOUS countries and begins to fail once you're let in some multikulti
You need to be a nigger or otherkin to be able to apply for it, right?
The worst situation looks like its going to happen.
>Hillary becomes president
>gives liverals everything they want while fucking up everyones lives behind closed doors
>everyone thinks shes the best president america has ever had
>no habbening happens, only a slow decline that will be blamed on white men
she is a liar. and what about my private loans?
fuck it, this country is a joke filled with retards. ill work and pay off my debt. I dont think pol realizes how much of this country lacks the ability for critical thinking.
learn to think and whatever degree you have will serve its purpose.
The entire arguement against bernie was that she's reasonable because she isn't just promising free shit. >Don't vote for bernie because free college will never actually happen
Meanwhile I got scholarships, worked, and lived it home to pay for a degree.
There's literally shit loads of non whites in London and the NHS works so much better than your system. Faggot.
>raising taxes on an already struggling middle class
People will actually think this is a good idea
at least my extremely lucrative field wont be affected. 99% of people have no idea what an actuary is.
>pandering to the part of the population that's too stoned and lazy to vote
wow, what a winning strategy
dumb shit
1 city? you can't be this retarded bong
That last bit is false. There will be habbenings so often that we'll get bored.
Full on damage control after yesterday's revelations to divert attention.
You jack off horses, right?
>he thinks a degree is valued
>he doesnt know about nepotism
Haha stay cucked third worlder.
Yes, but I meant London as a microcosm of the entire UK. There's shit loads of non whites all around.
Kek it's already overcrowded, engineering is approaching meme-degree tier. burgers don't realise how easy they have it, a half competent engineer over there can be on 6 figures within a few years, you'd be hard pressed to hit the equivalent to that over here after 20
It is when you are making them pay for it by force. Why pay for something that doesn't help, and maybe even hinders you in the long run?
>rewarding 70% of americans too stupid to save their money
wew lad
Japan is looking more and more welcoming
What's your specialty?
150 shitskins, for now :^)))
>a city that is demographically dissimilar to the rest of the country is a microcosm of that country
How is making college free to future students going to help graduates who already have large student debt?
Yea, and NYC is a microcosm of the US, right? Wrong.
It's not true.
no, no there isn't lol
there are massive swaths of the UK that are 90%+ white. all of those members support your shithole.
England 42,279,236 (79.8%) (2011)
Scotland 4,863,000 (91.8%) (2011)
Wales 2,855,450 (93.2%) (2011)
Northern Ireland (including White Irish and White Other) 1,738,604 (98.28%) (2011)
Thank God most college kids don't vote anyways
so Remain won handily?
Ornithology (Bird Behavioral Specialist), I study birds. Comfy as fuck desu
>tfw you realize we are in the last days of the Western World
Fun while it lasted.
No. I dress up like a donkey, and I get paid to slam chicks south of the border. People call me Beat'n Cheeks Willly.
It's not. Trump = tax breaks = the debtor vote. Young people are already going to vote for Shillary, Trump will either snag a bunch of bitter debt-ridden fence-sitters or it will be a wash. OR, Shillary's internal figures are making her shit herself and she really needs something to lock down the bernout vote.
tfw the US is turning into Brazil
So basically as someone who earned my way through college, did my time in the military, and managed to graduate completely debt free due to my own fiscal responsibility I've had a fast one pulled on me and now all those kids who sunk themselves in debt because YOLO are going to get off without having to deal with the consequences of their actions? I want a fucking check for all that GI Bill money that now turned out to be retroactively free anyway, I want the fucking savings I also spent back, fuck this shit.
Free college is good. As someone who can't afford med school, id be happy about this. Dont get the bitching desu.
>Yes goy I'll make college free just elect me
>Lol faggots sorry idk what you mean, we can't do it after all
Look forward to another fake promise you idiot fucking kids
No you can pay for their college via taxes instead you bigot child murderer
>tfw my teachers always told me I'd never amount to anything without college
I did a two semester stint in vocational school learning how to operate and maintain heavy construction equipment. Now I have a fun job that pays well.
My point is, college is for a specific path of careers that every single student might not want to pursue.
We still have a LONG way to go before we become Brazil.
But I will say Brazil has some of the most fascinating fauna.
So this makes my Liberal Arts degree totally fucking worthless?!!
At least it wont become a reality because it's literally can't be, unless you want one of the most advertisable features of america to go away. And yes, that effects you, leafy.
>student housing and textbook prices mysteriously increase by 1000%
Let's face it, the colleges are going to get their money one way or another even if tuition becomes "free".
In 15 years when all the boomers die from drinking diet coke and eating fast food everyday we'll already be Brazil tier