Does Bill have AIDS?

I've been looking into the Clinton family since yesterday. I figured everyone would be looking for ways to screw over Hillary after the FBI news, but I was way more concerned with trying to figure out what the hell that thing was that called itself "Bill" in the background of her images. After considerable research, here's what I've found to support my hypothesis.

The Clinton Foundation has a Board Member who is solely focused on the treatment/study of HIV/AIDS: Ambassador Eric Goosby, MD.


In 2010, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) became its own organization, splitting off from the Clinton Foundation. The group does assist in care for malaria and tuberculosis, but mostly focuses on AIDS/HIV, especially treatment in really poor areas of Africa. The group got some flak for only providing initial treatment for the infected without any follow-up care or adherence(The make sure you do this and don't do this stuff your doc tells you after giving you a shot for the infection in your cock).


In April 2007, Bill requested the new head of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for some floor time. He talked about the middle east, nuclear issues and... HIV/AIDS. The event was critiqued as "strange."


There is also some things that could be said about his heart problems and Hillary's partial stroke, but I feel like that is too common to assert anything. However, if you'd like more info on that:

(Under Personal Health)

Give me your thoughts Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

or he's almost 70.
>Give me your thoughts Sup Forums
i think you should stop.


those pants

If Trump can have a massive concerted effort to portray him as a closet Nazi, Bill can have one to portray him as a sex-addicted maniac.

>If ever you stumble upon a statement or idea that may or may not be true but you suspect people will believe it, WHETHER IT IS OR NOT, ALWAYS CLAIM IT IS TRUE WITH CONFIDENCE, because that's what you usually do anyway.

>Bill can have one to portray him as a sex-addicted maniac.
>concerted effort

dude he made the oval office the oral office
it's not a secret

>Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)
>You guys have got to try the cold Chai.


>implying you wouldn't let Monica Lewinsky suck you off in the same circumstances.

It's either AIDS or zombie virus.

G.R.I.D.S.-infested pozcum

don't worry
be happy

Agreed, start a rumor he has AIDS. Fuck him, his entire family, and the establishment that protects them.

I bet for syphilis

> can't wake up

where's the webm of Bill standing in the background of a Hillary speech all zoned out and slackjawed?

Lots of shops of that picture, and every single one makes me crack up.

What's the nale of that meme by the way?

Sick Bill?

AIDS Bill?

Healthcare Bill?


He's been forbidden to rape until the election is over and it's destroying him inside and out

ill bill

Ill bill

Terminally Bill

ill Clinton


Did nobody catch how OP said Sup Forums at the end of his post?

He's HIV+ and has Hep C

The Clintons are literally filth

Aids Billex

that face when you poop your pants

He def just pooped.

Poor guy, he's like 75 right?

that face when the lights are on, but no ones home.

He's 69, He's YOUNGER than Trump!

Ah fuck those are good

Jimmy carter and HW are like 90 and way more coherent than Bill half the time

presidency adds 20 years tho

man he doesn't look good
that's what you get if you're not only with her but married her i guess

what shops?

I remember someone making the prediction that Bill Clinton will be made to succumb to the AIDS or whatever he has in the weeks leading up to the election to ensure Hilary gets a boost due to sympathy. Seems likely when you consider that the unshopped photo is not much better.

Kaposi sarcoma as resulting from HIV infection.

illbill or unedited bill

>Does Bill have AIDS?

most likely

It's syphilis, his brain is slowly turning into swiss cheese, he knows it, she knows it, and their handlers know it. If it were HIV they probably would have gleefully announced it, being HIV positive to a liberal is like being blessed with the Stigmata, it's the ultimate status a white man can receive in the oppression olympics.

But he got syphilis instead, and that is a wholly undesirable, dirty disease associated with the lowest dregs of society.

Regardless of whether she gets elected, you can expect the clinton foundation to announce that bill has "dementia/alzheimer's" sometime in the next few years. It will be a major boon for hillary, and make Bill politically untouchable. But it too will be a lie.

even worse, the lost lost lost in the background.

>made a bunch of these yesterday
woo bill posting is best posting

Meme is wayy too dank.

Used to fantasize about her so much in late 90s



It's fucking sad, honesty. Ding dong niggers can't fucking read for shit. He might as well posted in said board and would still get the same response


what the fuck is wrong with his ears

they look like goblin ears

Hillary has herpes

srs question: can Trump sue for defamation of character for all the "racist" claims by so-called legitimate journalism outlets?

syphilis is curable though