New Iron Man is a strong, beautiful African Princess!

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>Riri is a science genius

do comics with non white or deliberately changed ethnicity for the sake of "diversity" ( make black ) sell less or do comics people not give a shit or will they just make another split where tony is still iron man ?


>(((Brian Bendis)))
color me surprised

western comics and animation are dead.

come home white man.

>pander to SJWs
>we waz iron manz an sheeit
>sales plummet
>storyline where iron man is handed back
>white tony stark returns

marvel have previous for this. Either the above will happen, or lolnewuniverse

She will need an extra helmet for all that afro.


Fucking Bendis.

>she's the head of a multi-billion dollar peanut business
>she invented to peanut reactor, a powerful device that is fueled by crunchy peanut butter.

Recently anime's have been focusing on kind of social justice and EQUALITY FOR ALL themes...
I'm kinda scared now.

>do comics with non white or deliberately changed ethnicity for the sake of "diversity" ( make black ) sell less or do comics people not give a shit or will they just make another split where tony is still iron man ?

I don't have a source on hand, but I've read about this quite a bit in the past. The SJWs rally for these changes, and then don't actually consume the media because they were never really interested in it in the first place. All the while, the original fans feel like they've been betrayed and stop buying the product. Overall, sales go down, but that's OK because "it's just because people are racist, and we don't want racist fans anyway". This applies to comics as well as other media.

I do find it very funny how the oh-so-backwards Japan has an anime and manga industry that has way better representation for women, and not only are they not shameless shoe-ins, they've been doing it for a long ass time. If you look at the classics they are full of female characters and leads.

At least DC isn't changing Superman's race and gender because muh diversity.

>Iron Man

Blacks haven't even gotten past the stone age

sjws don't like anime though because it's sexualized

>sjws don't like anime


Actually there is a black kid a Superman now.

>caring about capeshit

>comic books
Literally who cares? If you read comic books and are older than 11 you need to examine your life.


It's the only way to say that niggers graduated from the MIT.
I bet they use these comic characters on statistics too.

how does dis make you feel whiteboi?

so is spiderman
they finaly made Hombre araña a thing in the main universe

What the hell have you been watching?

Anime is still full of strong male lead characters and male-geared fan service, it'll hold us over until the day of the rope

true but its still clear pandering and is worth examining as a market phenomenon

I don't understand. Why do they keep pandering to the very people that refuse to even read the comics in the first place?

Nah, because it's riddled with tropes and cliches. Loli is also degeneracy. There are like 20-25 good anime and thats it

It's been a while since I saw a western shit. Only animes matter, this news is kinda fun.

>we want more diversity
>make everyone black

why is it always black with comic book writers?


>literally a slur for retards

My mistake, I was thinking of another hero.

They keep on doing this shit but like--does anyone have any info on how it's impacted the sales of their comics? I'm assuming the movies have done a lot to bolster sales, but there's got to be some kind of graph on Marvel comic sales from around 2006 to now.

no they dont like it because that evil Sup Forums guy uses it

Is there anyone at Marvel who ISN'T black or a woman by now? Apart from the villains, of course.

They pander to niggers so that white liberals buy their shit.

The blond girl (Alice, perhaps) was on a wheelchair, right?

There are people even caring about these dogshit comics in general, how devoid of any intelect and imagination you have to be to even read one page of it

at least manga has weird shit and a lot of themes characters, western comics is just this awkward shit that is supposed to be for kids but has to appeal to manchildren



Would have to see the stats.

>why is it always black with comic book writers?
With American liberals they seem to think humans only come in two versions, white caucasian and african. They are often as clueless about the world as the rednecks they like to laugh at.

>this whole thread

Funny how comics have become fascist gender propaganda.

That's misty knight. Her armor is made by stark just like rescue's

yet comics and comic movies are still incredibly racist against asians

simple african tokenism is really insulting if they're really trying to speak for diversity

No, anime has always had strong SJW elements. They don't do it the same way as in the west by jamming it full of niggers and whining about sexism, but it's always been full of left-wing politics (beta protagonist, protect the weak, diversity is strength) and women who are much stronger than men.

>Hulk is asian
>Thor female
>Cap is black
>Iron Man bis a black Girl
>War Machine is a black girl
>Blade is a black girl
>Trump is villain

They have impressive opening months and then sales drop to the point of cancellation. The only comic that has survived SJW is Spider-Man when they made him black (haven't read comics in awhile so idk what the status is atm) and that's because it's Spider-Man. Iron man is popular but with this change I doubt it will keep up.

>raycist an sexist much!


Whatever happened to Captain America consuming the redpill?

That's because anime is for cuck faggots. Watching anime is on par with watching My Little Pony and trying to defend and rationalize it.

They get a temporary boost in sales and attention because of the controversy.

Marvel is doing the "no such thing as bad publicity" thing. Any controversy means an uptick in sales and interest for a few issues.

>spidy is black
>wolverine female

Brian Michael Bendis was born on August 18, 1967 in Cleveland, Ohio to a Jewish-American family. Despite rebelling against a religious upbringing, he attended a private, modern Orthodox religious school for boys.

Modern Orthodox "religious school for boys:

the only time you'll see the beta male protagonist is in the shit aimed at losers to self-insert which is a fairly small fraction of anime

and anime is also notoriously nationalistic, with "the world is teaming up on poor japan, fight back" plots being extremely common


>she studied Egyptology

I might actually read this

>a fucking Mary Sue

Wtf i hate iron man now

t. 16 year old from the naruto generation

>Better leave our core audience behind in the name of social justice
>Oh shit those people don't actually buy comic books?
>Better double down on our retarded strategy.

The don't sell well. DC is dong a whole ''rebirth'' thing and bringing back old characters. It's just a matter of time until the same happens with marvel. SJW do not buy comics.

Would Bleach her.

underrated and undercheck'd


For fuck's sake, look at the picture you posted. Two extremely gay, effeminate boys right on the cover. And isn't that show about a diverse cast of characters overthrowing a dictatorship?

>beta protagonist
To allow the male otaku to feel better about themselves, though this only applies to certain genres, like many harem anime. Mostly it's to provide them with a girl to adore, so an unthreatening male MC will keep the girl "pure". You will find tons of strong male leads in anime that are more action-oriented.

>protect the weak
Well, if you're the only 14 year old who can pilot the giant mecha that is able to defeat the invaders, you're not going to turn your back on your fellow citizens.

>diversity is strength
Now you're just making things up.

Damn even an asian male would have been more fitting

And you'll still bitch about anime not being tailored for your shit taste every day anyway.

>Pandering to people who don't buy the products they shout about does not work, instead it pisses of longtime fans.

Who would have thought

I quit comics because of the shameless pandering and shitty rehashing of ideas. I was just about to get back into it. Damn.

This is so true. I've always wondered why they cry about Black people when latinos are waaay more ""underrepresented"" in pretty much everything.

So much of it is terrible now. Name a based anime since code geass. I miss the days of outlaw star, cowboy bebot, gits etc.

The problem is, it kills the franchise in the long run. ALL of these series have tanked in short order. The people they try to lure with it don't stay while the old fans quite en masse. So it's short term profit maximization for long term scorched earth outcome.

I want to get off Mr. Goldstein's wild ride.

Comic books have always been trash used to sell things to children.

It's about two alpha as fuck guys fighting for freedom


White guilt, I assume. There's no other reason I can imagine why they would ignore Hispanics or Asians otherwise. Either it's "muh slavery, we need to apologize" or they are just retarded and narrow-minded.

Lol aren't you the retard that keeps trying to say anime is feminist because it has female heroines wearing next to nothing?

Black think they deserve representation in everything for slavery and shit, they are entitled to everything.
Mexicans just don't act like cunts and could not care less about something as marginal as this. They are not that petty.

That's unfortunately because of the artists they chose. Also it's about overthrowing a globalist dictatorship and restoring nationalism and stability.

There was a black superman in the 90s. He even had a movie.

Code Geass came out almost 10 years ago m8.
If you think all anime since then has been crap I don't know what to tell you.

>In other words, part of the blame for the failure of diversity-led titles has to lie with you, the readers. No, no one is obligated to buy a book they’re not interested in just because it hits a diversity checkbox. And yes, Marvel and DC have to make these titles interesting enough to bring in readers. Still, it’s baffling that we have a comics community that regularly demands diversity and yet doesn’t support the books which have risen to meet that demand. If this keeps up, then the books will be cancelled and when they return, they’ll revert back to their non-minority led counterparts.

Just goes to show that the fucking SJW's don't buy their shit, thy just want a (((diverse))) comic they can see on cover on Huffpost and share the link on Facebook.

Her name is literally REEEEE-REEEEE. Coincidence? I think not.

feminists want to wear next to nothing in real life so they can get attention, but they hate seeing it in media because sexist (aka drawing attention away from them). Usual leftist hypocrisy

Toonamitards are cancerous as fuck. Stay the fuck out with the rest of the ANNfags and tumblrinas, thanks.

Marvel comics puts its balls in the muh diversity purse every day. Started with Thor becoming a womun, now it's iron man. Fuck off.

>Shaquille O'Neal

Yeah the story checks out

Wait so this isn't a spin off, this is a replacement for tony stark? Also, the hero's name is literally Iron MAN, are they going to change that as well?

I wish that meme would end, why are the left so focussed on only their own country, unable to see populations in a global context?

Give it five or ten years, Anons. Most people fucking hate this shit and it's all starting to wind down.


Well I stopped watching most of the shit that followed because it was shit. Basically gave up. Can you name a few good ones to restore my faith? Also yea did t really realize how old it was. Weird to think about


>dresses like a skank with hoop earings and fro
>genius working in her dorm to build an iron man suit from scratch with no financial resources

pick one