Why the quotation marks around "murder"? What is he actually trying to say? I feel that Trump tweets should always be accompanied by a translation into standard English so we can understand what the fuck he is saying, rather than just vague innuendos interspersed with grammatical errors and ambiguity.
Getting away with murder is a common saying. However, if Trump said Clinton is getting away with murder outright, the media would crucify him for it. So he has to emphasize that he's using the saying.
The quotation marks confuse the meaning. "Getting away with murder" is a common and well-understood colloquial phrase (though badly chosen in this case). "Getting away with 'murder'" suggests something more sinister and vague.
Can't Trump just fucking learn to write?
Yeah. When he takes shit for it, He will say he intended to imply what you mentioned. But his phrase and usage of the quotations definitely evokes a handful of clinton scandals - the ones that actually have to do with real murder. Mostly everyone is aware of the clintons hit list theory - and im sure that this is what people will think of. However he could never outright say it. Plus, itd be a bad idea, since there is no formal evidence. I wish he would stop doing cryptic, publicity tweets like this. Yeah it gets him attention but it also turns a lot of normies off because they see it as so absolutely outrageous. It feeds into the whole "we cant.trust him.with the codes"shit.
It's dog-whistle politics that isn't even subtle. It makes him look like a cowardly conspiratorial retard. If you have a theory, just fucking assert it. If it's too retarded to be asserted in public, then just fucking keep quiet. And try not developing conspiratorial positions that can't be supported by evidence.
This is why 20 percent of alt-right retards love Trump and why "normies" think he's incompetent and unqualified. It's a nice condensation of exactly why he won't win. And why he's not the right guy for the nuclear codes.
Ahhh, the chosen.
I fucking love ambiguity. I just think he's doing it wrong. It's not even good ambiguity. Something like Shakespeare's Sonnet 20 is good ambiguity. Trump is just seeming like a drunk uncle hinting at nefarious conspiracies that he can't even back up himself. Retarded!
>I'm too stupid to understand nuance
>Why can't Trump write at my level
>Haha, Trump speaks at a 4th grade level
We can never win with you fucks
the user ameribro doesn't understand plain American speak. uh-huh riiiiigghhhhhhhhttttt
how much are they paying you per post? they gave me .75 per, but i'm in cali and they said its location-dependent.
>ITT: English major tries to justify his worthless degree
buzz words
Yea unfortunately this. Especially the last part. I want to know who is in charge of his twitter because they obviously dont have a accurate pulse on the race. The tweet will do nothing but hurt him. Its this type of shit that is fucking him over. He has already secured the votes from the crowd that likes this post. He doesnt need to do that anymore. All it does is alienate the middleground who want him to behave "presidential".
do you honesty at all?
literally autism
you should shill on /r/the_donald; they're much more willing to engage with the lines of non-argumentation you're employing here... at least that's what i found.
The problem is the opposite: it's completely transparent rhetorical tricks that aren't smart or interesting. They seem like a sleazy wink in the direction of the bros down the back of the room. But everyone sees it. Trump needs to learn to be a straight shooter. He's not a majestic rhetorician.
ahhh and the conspicuosly feigned concern from an idiotic shill. mmmmhhmmmm suuurrrreeeeee
What is this reddit website? Why do you like it so much?
what did he mean by this
this one prefers to give blowjobs and poo licking to true lying lawyer professor "smartest" "person" in "the room" politician treason artists including obama and hill and kerry- and do you berniebro?
I wish that were the case friendo. Instead its a real genuine concern from a complete and utter trump shill who desires with every ounce to see him win.
I fucking love donald trump.
>autistic anime board poster thinks he has an 'accurate pulse on the race'
that or shill
either way, shut up.
he's hiding his power level. he's always been hiding his power level. once he gets into office, it's OYVEYSHUTITDOWN time
What does he gain from this tweet? Do you see any undecided reading it and saying "oh fuck im a trump stump now he just made an indiscernible tweet about clinton being a murderer". No thats not going to happen you dumb fuck. The undecided will see it and it will reinforce their undecided sentiment because they see it as immature, confusing, and unprofessional. I am semi convinced that you cunts are double agent shills aiming to halt any productive or meaningful conversation about his campaign. If a shill disrupts and halts the flow of conversation their job is complete. So fuck you for doing that. If we cant talk collectively about how are candidate can improve and capture more voters than the shills win. Gg
>they see it as immature, confusing, and unprofessional
Except they don't. Nate Silver-type pundits have been making this claim about Trump's campaign since the primaries, and have been BTFO at every turn. There's a reason why the shills have moved on from this argument--it's obviously false and making it only weakens their position.
fuck off, people can have opinions different from you shill
>if i call him a shill back people might take me seriously again
okay, well may God be with Trump. i don't think anyone should fall for the "not presidential" meme. he is the true definition of presidential and minds have been distorted to the point that many don't see it... yet. he needs to stay true to his school and perhaps tighten up his messaging a little. he should seek his own counsel of one and trust his instincts, because the fact is that the previous two candidates went out and weren't themselves when the general began, racing to the "middle", becoming pure milquetoast and tepidness- he needs to own who he is and be authentic. he is exposing all the gears of treason in power, the entire mosaic of corruption, and it is a thing of beauty. have faith, user.
>What does he gain from this tweet?
Perhaps he isn't looking to "gain" anything and is simply posting things that he believes/feels.
Isn't that one of the reasons some voters are drawn to him?