How Slav are you?

>did pic related from 8am to 5pm
>lost 7000 calories
>half drunk on beer all the time
>rested in squat position since it is easy on the achilles tendon
>now going to the gym to have leg day and do atg squats there

Baushtelle in Germany ftw.

My neighbor is some sort of slav and he fills 5 recycling bins a week full of german beer bottles.

There must be 100 bottles per bin. He doesn't throw parties. How the fuck does he drink so much?

It is extra challenging if you have half insane father who insists doing every single day of his free time doing construction and repair around the house. This week's agenda was building a brick fence around our yard.

>dug two bigass holes to put fenceposts in
>put fenceposts in, mixed concrete and filled hole
>had to make sure that shit was level
put dirt on top of dried concrete, replaced tiling


Nice bond wall you got there son.

My grandpa used to drink 2 bottles of wine and a 1l bottle of whiskey every day. It gave him a bit of a buzz, but he was still able to move around, have coherent conversations and do work around the house. He lost his left leg in the war, but that didn't stop him from going out every day to buy drinks and newspapers.

Well that is extreme even for Slav standards.

>building a brick fence around our yard.

>OPpic brick=UR a faggot
>old brick=you maybe arent faggot at all

pick one

Similar drinking habit of my grandpa, 1l wine 1l whiskey rest was beer. He was a smart fucker too, great engineer, until that shit caught up with him and he wasn't even able to subtract numbers. I miss his drunk ass sometimes.

>He was a smart fucker too, great engineer
Mine was a school teacher and an architect. He was a very intelligent man.
He died from prostate cancer.

I don't know from what mine died, I only remember the doctors saying his brain was deteriorating rapidly, he was straight up delusional in the end.

I'm an American Jew I go to 7/11 every day buy slurpies and sit on my fat ass and play vidya:)

some of my great grandparents are polish

for some reason I still don't enjoy cleaning toilets

If you ever wish to channel your inner Slav, hit the gym and do squats and deadlifts.

Was it really whiskey or are you just not saying rakija to help westerners understand?

In my case really whiskey, the man loved his whiskey

Some Polish and Russian ancestry, maybe 25% Slav total.
Life is similar to what you describe.

I like to drink kvass , eat dry fish and sunflower seeds, and speak Russian sometimes.

Rate my Slav level.

rakija is a variety of whiskey. Saying rakija isn't whiskey is like saying scotch isn't whiskey.

That fucker better be checking if that's level

Is your kvass homemade or you just drink carbonated piss from shop?

I can't quite explain why, but there's something incredibly beautiful about this wall.

slav squat hurts my knees, how can you vodka-masters do it so long?

>both parents from Poland as is most of family
>cant tan
>work summer job at uncles autobody shop where I'm constantly drinking beer with my cousib
>spend half the time working half dicking around
>almost got out of the car while leaving it in neutral

id say pretty slav


I've been drinking cheap estonian vodka, but it doesn't seem to help. Maybe I'll need more of it.

Drunk bricklaying is british tradition.
Fucking cultural appropriating Croat

>high iq
>still squat
fuck slav genes.

I didn't know the guy who's turned on by tile patterns lurks here.

Do you practice slav yoga like in pic rel too?

>be hue
>live in pic related
>see properly made wall for first time
>no graffiti
>no bullet holes
>just wall
>break down in tears
>i-its just so perfect
>carry on your day serving local druglord

I've passed out in poses like that after drinking more than once

>sunflower seeds
You are Slav through and through.

>leg day
>not full body day

Ive Been eating sunflower seeds for breakfast for the past 2 years not knowing it had to do with my 25% slav ancestry

that was a great read

Didn't say it was leg day. FYI was for years on Wendler 5/3/1 and now am on Stronglifts (5x5).

Also, full body is for newbs. After 2 initial months it is time for a proper strength training program with built in periodization.

rakija is more of a brandy

>Do well paying manual labour job
>Work with lots of poles
>I often squat, mainly to improve my joint mobility
>Its comfy to sit like that now
>Eat roasted sausage for lunch
>Next to no fatties
>Im 10% bf atm
>havent counted calories in 2 months
>Drink straight vodka, more alcohol, less sugars
>Lots of redpilled poles
>Understand why we wanted to leave
>Look forward to EU collapse

All I need is a polish woman and im a lost cause lads.

Full body day . Yeah get tired while doing one part , then do all the rest tired , stop jewing with us

Question for slavs: Do you squat heels down or up? Is it important/relevant?

Serbs are lazy workers, just as bad as Albanians or Greeks. Best workers from Balkan are Croats & Bosnians.

>tfw you are a foreman in building construction
>you only got the job because 90% of the workers are Poles and you speak Polish.

Neither, buy a fucking chair.

Most "Serbs" in Switzerland and Germany are Albanians that had to get a Serbian passport to work in Europe, i mean we're basically the same shit as Croats and Bosnians.

>go all day picking up cherries
>drink beer all day
>squat on tree to have better acces to cherries
>now prepare them in home to make delicious wisniowka from them (cherry vodka)
>getting ready with vodka for today's match


> tfw I never realized my addiction to sunflower seeds was a slave trait
> tfw half polish

It all makes sense now.


Sounds comfy

>pick 7kg of cherries
>dont eat any of them
>they all rot
>the horror

Bazirovanny Dedushka.

To what age did he live? (Give me hope)

So is the entire population of the People's Republic of China, by that logic!

>Working on body
>Drinks alcohol
You're a fucking retard OP. Keep wasting your time at the gym until you put up the booze

Booze is only consumed during manual labour or when put with friends. Meaning 10 beers a month for me.

flat feet or you not real slav
t.prawdziwy kozak

>went to pick up a wardrobe, bought at cheap place, don't deliver
>fking car decides to go dead
>pull the fucking thing on my back for a mile uphill and to the 5th floor without elevator
>3 rounds of this till all boxes are home

>budweiser after the work - heaven

> not squating, south slav, we sit on benches and concrete, unlike russians who would get their ass frozen to the ground

dont be a baby

Mostly Croat mix here, haven't worn jeans in over 10 years.

>recycling bins

Might be an Austrian, we're downright militant about recycling.

>tfw cherries dont grow well here in florida
feelsbadman, its the peach and pear life for me


rakija is the sweet nectar of balkans

Mostly Ukrainian from my dad's great grandfather who was born in austria-hungary.

yes, some how the good old sturdy orange brick has become the essence of latin american architecture

I need to learn how to squat

under rated


99% spy

Honestly that city looks a lot more attractive than the typical American city of the same size.

You have no idea how ugly most of America is because of its lack of uniform architecture as well as just plain bad 'modern' architecture.

as hell ziomek
I had the same with grapes oh the horror indeed
feels bad, but you've got oranges mate

t. croat or bosnian immigrant

>Get home from work
>water all my plants (raspberries for Russian points)
>drink 2 glasses of Tarhun
>eat salty fish
>go back outside and clear all the grass in a certain part of my yard with shovel

Pretty much max slav here.
Yeshwith mydad wewere doingshit constantly around the house.

you the kind of bong we need on Sup Forums

both, heels down is just a meme

The key to proper squatting is to lay your feet flat on the ground, not stand on your toes. You can only achieve this balance by placing your armpits over the knees.

also answer to

How do I get in touch with my inner Slav?
Dad is 100% Croatian, mom is 100% Polish.

pure gold, my sides are in fucking orbit

except it isn´t

Why are your days so long as a bricklayer?

You are really slow or full of shit

All the mexicans behind it really brings a tear to my eye.

they get paid per hour in the UK dude. they don´t get paid per job or per task.

they longer it takes you the more money you can charge.

and they make actually brick houses.. not the type of wooden sheds or mudhuts that you have in Estonia..

Croatian builders ftw.

If we built WTC towers in NY, those planes would bounce off like dead flies.



>leg day

that's gay

..because they're slavs?
Serious: I have no idea. My fucking dad has been doing this all his life, and calls this "the eternal slavic squat" (odwieczny słowiański przykuc), the "primal squatting position" if you will. And he knew this pre-internet era.
Something's in the air. Or in our blood.
I personally like to squat, but I'm too ashamed.

How do you burn 7000 fucking calories in one go?
>captcha: select all the food

That tile pattern looks like a butthole tho

>tfw standing in a line for a bus
>want to squat but too ashamed

haha that's great. It kind of makes sense too.

I remember reading that in Russia it's inappropriate to sit on the ground because it's dirty. Is that a cultural thing in Poland as well? It would definitely explain the squatting.

have ever been as a bricklayer?
Carrying around all that bricks, making cement, layering those bricks with that cement all day in sun is pretty exhausting

wtf is this thing? where does it come from and does it lay eggs?

t. Disco pumper

i k t f
I have no idea if it does, actually squatting is pretty uncommon here, but the purest of slavs somehow manage to maintain the tradition.
No, definately not. That would also explain why squatting is not so common in Poland. And good, because it looks fucking ridiculous.

American here, spending a week in Krakow to fuck my Polish gf. How Slavic does that make me?

Whenever I'm out drinking and i meet another Slav in America all we do is talk about how much we hate gypsies.

jachi smo ud subdine (spelling) Serbs drink a lot becuz they don't have much of a drug culture. I've worked and hired many Slavs, for the most part they are great workers, better and equally as fast as Mexicans, but complain much more.

Doyou knowhow totype inenglish