/cfg/ - Clinton Foundation General: We March On Edition

>TLDR info here.
>First FBI thread
>Second FBI thread




What we know:
(((George Soros))) funnels money to Democracy Alliance, which goes through the Amalgamated Bank and into the Clinton Foundation. Heavy amounts of money laundering, coming from a massive amount of donors.
This is (((George Soros)))' investment arm linked to it




Pastebin: pastebin.com/PBejCc6J (embed)
Others involved...
>Media Matters Revenue

>American Bridge Stalking GOP
Bill Clinton is heavily involved with human trafficking with Jeffrey (((Epstein))) on the "Lolita Express"
Virginia Roberts was one of the sex slave victims.




Thread theme

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.com/books?id=DjRqD_Nt3SQC&pg=PR4&lpg=PR4&dq=Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail by Gerry Spence&source=bl&ots=m8SkaewU1n&sig=Wh-KraPTChpsskUSr-SggduYx0I&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzmYbSwN3NAhVCHT4KHWquBio4ChDoAQgzMAM#v=onepage&q&f=false - Reframing Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning.pdf
uib.cat/depart/deeweb/pdi/acm/arxius/premsa/information-rules VARIAN SHAPIRO.pdf
j1visa.state.gov/participants/how-to-apply/sponsor-search/?program=Summer Work Travel

Old things

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How's everyone doing today?
What are the goals as of now? Who are we looking into and what else? Not vague, i.e. the CF but anyone in particular?

>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Phonebanking is extremely simple, just follow these steps:
>Find a company on the Mind Map
>Call them saying you're doing a story for X regarding Y
>Slowly let them realize you're asking about the CF
This accomplishes 3 things
>Provides a screen for Journalists so they don't get disappeared
>Provides us with Info
>Blows their alarm system the fuck out

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

>Step 3: Post results

One thing I personally want to try looking at, I might need help with specifics, is seeing where exactly in Africa the Clintons sent relief aid and other shit to.

And I want to compare it to migrant patterns.

I have a hunch that the places they are "helping" are the same places migration patterns line up with in terms of people coming to the EU/US.

/intel/ related

>>Provides a screen for Journalists so they don't get disappeared

what if i want to get disappeared :(

posting Huma Abedin related links from oldbread:


image from the .pdf:


Huma Abedin and connections to terrorist orgs


Thread theme:

Keep it up anons you've done amazing shit so far

To discover their network we first need to map it, it's easier and more intuitive to split it in three maps, one for personal connections, one for corporate connections and one with both. After that get as much info as possible on each and every node and connection.

Use for every person a common formatting style (see bottom of my post) before you paste it on pastebin, keep a master pastebin and some back ups of all the persons and their individual pastebins and back ups (we need to make sure they wont be able to delete our research).

So the tasks are simply
1. Create list of all possible known, unknown and speculated hillary and bill connections.
2. Find as much info as possible on each of these persons (don't shy away from turning in FOIA requests and digging through non public/online databases and records), think outside the usual box of flight records, contact and work history → look at vacations, social media, papparazzi, global events.
3. Flag anything suspicious, don't discard information because it is boring → simply add it to the file.
4. Map it in a fashion that's easier for humans to find patterns and format it in a database so that our beloved code monkeys can unleash some algorithms to find connections.
5. Once we know when and where their network is active we can try to find connections between their movements and things happening such as financial market stuff, missing persons in locations, terror attacks and other happenings.

Persons of interest

- Clintons
- Bill
- Hillary
- Chelsea
- Aides
- Huma
- Mills
- Blumenthal
- Others
- Friends
- Business connections
- Foreign connections
- Criminal connections
- Hollywood connections (check especially for those with abuse allegations against them, maybe important)
- Donors
- Epstein
- Waltons
- Burkle
- Soros
- Others

Corporations of interest

- Clinton foundation
- Tavistock
- Democratic alliance
- And others


Someone should try to compile/organize info from past threads. There's a ton of info.

> Past thread copypasta

This is one of the more tinfoil hat things we're doing, but download this file if you want the two FBI threads and every /cfg/ thread (until yesterday) on your own storage:


Below, every thread, still live.

>First FBI thread
>Second FBI thread
Archive Theme: youtube.com/watch?v=4czDzG63m_c


Ng Lap Sen related:



good thinking user, have a bump

>those patterns

Those aren't refugees, its a fucking invasion

Creepy daycare in Salt Lake City possibly involved in child trafficking


2008 HillRaiser List: web.archive.org/web/20071024224318/http://www.hillaryclinton.com/feature/HillRaisers/
2016 HillBlazer List: hillaryclinton.com/about/hillblazers/

>Someone should try to compile/organize info from past threads. There's a ton of info.

I currently have a doc running.

It's a royal fuckton of unformatted stuff from threads.

...Partially why I haven't made an open link to it yet because of how messy it is.

This may or may not help
Key people
Marie Lichtenberg
Mogens Amdi Petersen
Jackson Mtimbuka

Do we allow Russians anymore? Putin hasn't been seen in public since the Finnish trip and he has cancelled events for the week.


(OP) #
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>/cfg/ General Guide
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>Step 1: Find a task
Simple tasks include making memes, phonebanking, joining the social botnet, and digging for OC dirt on the CF.

>Step 2: Do a thing
Steal a meme from Occupy Democrats or elsewhere and replace the text. Memes should roughly follow this format:
>X: Money donated to the CF
>Y: What did the donater get in return?
>Z: Source.

Phonebanking is extremely simple, just follow these steps:
>Find a company on the Mind Map
>Call them saying you're doing a story for X regarding Y
>Slowly let them realize you're asking about the CF
This accomplishes 3 things
>Provides a screen for Journalists so they don't get disappeared
>Provides us with Info
>Blows their alarm system the fuck out

Join the botnet by making a throwaway twitter, connecting the account with ifttt.com, and using twittermoneybot.com/ to autofollow followers of major figures like Trump. See → # → # → → # → # → # → → for more info. Don't use your home computer for this.

Digging for info is trickier, but there's a shitton to get you started in the archive. Read all of the most important discoveries and follow the trail.

>Step 3: Post results

Remember when we said phone bank starts in full on Tuesday?
Yesterdayy we get a contacts list dump
Trust that there is a plan

I'm scared that America is full of people who make decisions fully based on personal preference and don't ever look at the facts, even if the facts are so apparent. I don't understand, why are people so quick to judge and take sides and never consider they might be wrong just because they don't want to be wrong. Why are Americans so conceited? :[

first try, feedback pls

btw I'm out since yesterday, have we decide one meme style to pursue?

Anyone have a privacy guide? I wanna dig deeper, but would love to do so intelligently.

Any rules of thumb? I don't have an 8gb+ thumb drive yet (soon) to run tails on...

Here's another good tool, user:


Never forget the lives lost....

is trump also involved in the pedophile/sex traffic ring? anyone knows anything?

Interesting, even though a line goes through the city I live in, I've never seen one

Probably yes

He's been on Epstein's sex plane

To the individual users of the website "Sup Forums.org",

I am writing to inform you that continued smears pertaining to our client, Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, in the United States of America, constitute clear and unambiguous acts of defamation as recognised in the State of California.

Any and all users of the site "Sup Forums.org" engaged in the invention and distribution of unsubstantiated claims regarding Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton and her immediate family, on any and all communicative mediums, are requested and required to cease such activity immediately.

This message constitutes a cease and desist as recognised by the State of California. Further escalation in the form of legal action against not only the owners of this website, but also individual posters, will commence on the 10th July 2016. To avoid this occurrence, immediately cease continued publication of any and all material which makes any reference to Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.


Max Worth

Clifford Chance LLC
Telecommunications Division
10 Upper Bank Street
United Kingdom

[email protected]

>I have a hunch that the places they are "helping" are the same places migration patterns line up with in terms of people coming to the EU/US.
I said it before

since the earthquake all southern cone countries are getting flooded with haitians. One user posted she helped a soros foundation

and theres those emails


To do-- Goal 1: Bring immediate influx of human capital into education sector in concentrated areas, and map out plan for long- term development of teachers/human capital.

Goal 1: Human Capital: Create Haiti Teacher Corps. Model loosely off of Peace Corps/Teach for America, CityYear Teacher corps (US): Recruit, train, and place 500-1000 teachers from US this spring and summer. We can do this. o Recruiting: Limit variable this year, and build up and out as we go. This spring we go to Georgetown, Univ of

Goal 3: Build/reconstruct schools and training centers that will support high quality education, and on their own, motivate and inspire children, families, and communities to send children to school.

one of the way they were getting in was by getting college scholarships, they would go 1 week and were never seen again


in the rubble from a country in ruins. "How long will that child survive without somebody rescuing them," Moyes said. westportnow.com/index.php?/v2/26294/ Save the Children Emergency Team Reaches Haiti



>The Rockefeller Foundation has funded work on resilience that ranges from addressing post-Sandy New York and post-Katrina New Orleans to rapidly growing Asian cities, and agricultural innovations in African countries. It has already invested more than $100 million in programs that has resulted in significant knowledge development, the production of practical solutions, and stronger resilience in these communities and regions.








Start here:

Check this out:

Then pay for it with cash bought gift cards

>inb4 shill cuz long link
I just pasted the first google link

>inb4 shill cuz this isn't Area 51 level secure
Our threat level doesn't warrant anything more than this

>Max Worth


Anyone have a link to the Psy Ops reading materials FBI user recommended? Id like to do my part in the outreach part of our operation.

Here's the part I DON'T LIKE.

>Their primary mission is to develop, engineer, and test the non-nuclear components of nuclear weapons. The primary campus is located on Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico and the other is in Livermore, California, next to Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Sandia is a National Nuclear Security Administration laboratory.




>100 Resilient Cities
100 Resilient Cities
100 Resilient Cities

Idk if anybody found this yet, but its interesting and also connects BC to having a five-year business partnership with Dubai’s authoritarian ruler, Sheikh Mohammed bin-Rashid al-Maktoum

thanks. i'm literate enough to take it from here.

tor's b& on 4ch, ya?

>Finding purpose in my life
>Looking for employment
>Spend most of my time on vidya
>Then this shit blows up

Dont even have the drive to play vidya anymore thanks to this

Also I cant look at other boards the same again. Just degenerate consumerist shitholes

Anyone feel me?

If I refuse, what'll happen? You'll bomb us again?

Stay woke senpai - the tides are finally turning.

Max, I'm sorry. But your opinion and fakeness isn't worth much to me or any other roaster in this website.

Some PDFs of the psyops books found by some french user

>Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail by Gerry Spence
books.google.com/books?id=DjRqD_Nt3SQC&pg=PR4&lpg=PR4&dq=Win Your Case: How to Present, Persuade, and Prevail by Gerry Spence&source=bl&ots=m8SkaewU1n&sig=Wh-KraPTChpsskUSr-SggduYx0I&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjzmYbSwN3NAhVCHT4KHWquBio4ChDoAQgzMAM#v=onepage&q&f=false

>Reframing by Richard Bandler and John Grinder - Reframing Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning.pdf

>Intelligence; From Secrets to Policy by Mark Lowenthal

>Propaganda by Edward Bernays

>Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky

>Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills by George Siedel

>Information Rules: A Strategic Guide to the Network Economy
uib.cat/depart/deeweb/pdi/acm/arxius/premsa/information-rules VARIAN SHAPIRO.pdf

>The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind

>THE ART AND SCIENCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS: CASE STUDIES OF MILITARY APPLICATION. Department of the Army Pamphlet No. 525-7-1, 2 vols. Washington, DC: Department of the Army, 1976.
>Baret, Peter, Beth Irwin Lewis and Paul Peret

If he is, he wants out. He banned Epstein from his hotel ages ago when Epstein's sex plane went public.

>we gunna sue 4chinz









Anyone can copy paste that

how is that binding in any way

I don't get it

How do we know you are who you claim to be


Thank you so much. Time to study the shit out of these and do my bit.

Yea last time I checked it was- probably from Sup Forumsfags posting cp

Lynn Forester de Rothschild has a close personal relationship with the Clintons.


Don't know what to make of this, I'm really tired.

Trump definitely has known about it for awhile. There was a Howard Stern appearance where he makes a weird comment around not being into "younger" women. And theres also that whole Jeffrey is alot fun to be around, "I admire his taste in women especially younger ones" (I paraphrasing it)

Probably can't do shit about it because they'll get away with it and it'll hurt him. Seems like most who know about the take a similar stance.

Sargon did a video on Rules for Radicals, it was pretty good


Reminder that #MoreTrustedThanHillary is still trending on twitter though the shills and leftist bias is beginning to show.

Saved, as well as the J-1 stuff from last thread.


another link shown here:


(Lady Lynn Rothschild knows well and I am sorry say that I supported the McCain/Palin ticket the final weeks-I truly believed Sen McCain was more likely include you his cabinet).

And shows Clinton/DNC collusion as far back as 2009:

BTW, would like your campaign staff for the 2016 election!
Gods speed and tight hug,
Prameela Bartholomeusz
DNC Platform Committee Member

I took the absurd 7.5 GB dump from last night, unzipped the nested zips, stripped out all of the video, and made a new zip. It's only 215 MB now.

I hope there's something useful in there.


Holy shit thank you.

Suspicious bump

These legally binding notifications must be submitted in writing, as well as the fact we have evidence to back up all claims. Therefore, unsubstantiated claims are not being made. Fuck off shill.

Appears we´re adopting Clinton's official style. Association will bite them in the ass.

Like this


I don't know how relevant this is to our "mission" as it relates to social media, but the @FBI account is getting BTFO by twatterers. Pretty fucking hilarious to watch them roll in


Thank you for this. I'll add it to the OP

Can I point out a glaringly obvious flaw in all of this, as much as I want FBI user to be real? He said "people are trying to leak this, we shut them down too fast" and "FBI looks at Sup Forums" - so if they shut this shit down regularly, and they actively look at Sup Forums... How the fuck is anything here being allowed to get off the ground?

why can't anyone dump everything on a thread

I can start dumping literally everything. Would you like that?

He was speaking about major leaks by high level officials.

i like that site... its basically an electronic database of flow chart data...

So what's in there

Is #BreakTheFoundation still trending?

If you share a Jewgle doc publicly, is the email address you shared it from kept anonymous?

Transferring 40 pages of our shitposting and reformatting is going to suck.

Twatter is fucking enraged right now, normies, nigs and women are all calling for Hillary to be hung.

FYI for you paranoid fucks, here's a simple way to open questionable files safely.

1. Install VirtualBox virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads
2. Download a free, ready-to-go Windows VM. IE11 on Win 7 is good. Choose VirtualBox platform. developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/
3. Import .ova into VirtualBox
4. Edit VM settings and remove network interface
5. Add a read-only shared folder to the directory (on your real computer) with the spoopy files.
5. Boot up VM
6. Enjoy not being v&

You can install the Microsoft Word viewers and a PDF reader, too. Just download to your real computer and install them via the shared folder you made in step 5.

yep, expand the nodes and get an idea of how these nested shell companies operate and it's no wonder they have a hard time tracking the money.

If I had access to the proper equipment and data, I could figure out the key players pretty quick.

Sorta like an Ender Wiggin.

Anything from the past ~12 hours for backup purposes.

Tripfag Nigel, are you back?

no, did he leave?

did he ever post the "psyops reading list"?

So a high level official is sitting in his office, racked with guilt over the knowledge that little girls are being peddled around like cattle, and decided he can't let it go on, in his mind something snaps and he wants to go and talk to someone about it. As he reaches into his pocket for his phone, before he can even find the journalist he knows would believe him in his contacts, an FBI agent comes in and tells him what a bad idea that would be? I'm not buying it.

He left a message for Droga, came back once or twice and then didn't say anything.

He's been gone since the 4th

Lads, is he rip?

There is a lot that happened just yesterday. So tell me what you want first.

Pic related

Do you know what the message was? Is he doing digging?


If anyone has the time/inclination: Can you make an image with Hillary as the wizard of oz (glowing green face) with the text PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE FOUNDATION BEHIND THE CURTAIN.

My photoshop skills end at touching up images and adding text. I don't know how to make hillary's head look like the wizard of oz (pic related).

Hillary death squads, anything on nukes, Vatican stuff and false flags.

Supposedly he did one of the phonebanking things and said he was from RSBN and most likely asked about advertising because of who Droga5's clients are.

Didn't get any word back from him or them since he left a message on the 4th.

I'm attempting to upload the unzipped contents to Mega. Hopefully it will let me share the entire folder so people can pick through it piecemeal.

Probably because past attempts to shut down discussion here (ie: GG) only resulted in dissenters spreading to other forums. Not moderating said discussion would be the best way to "contain" Hillary dissent to Sup Forums.

And second, people in the FBI do want Hillary charged and they also want intel spread but if they release too much sensitive or need to know data, they'll know exactly who leaked it and they'll be next on Hillarys hitlist.

Dank meme coning through

For example, here are a few key nodes expended

Keep in mind a lot of this is tinfoil mixed in with legitimate information for the sake of plausible deniability.

Here's the first page of the nuke shit.

Pretty dank meme imho


8/pol/ is better for dumping, because you can also post multiple images at once.

meme template attached.

Botting + Safe Shitposting + Propoganda Creation + Media fucking Guide v1.0

The other emails will be visible by the google doc owner

In the last thread we were trying to research the human trafficing links of the CF.
It seems that the J-1 SWT exploitation was really rampant especially among small business owners and strip clubs:
"Strip clubs and adult entertainment companies openly solicit J-1 workers, even though government regulations ban students from taking jobs "that might bring the Department of State into notoriety or disrepute."

"If you wish to dance in USA as a J-1 exchange visitor, contact us," ZM Studios, a broker for topless dancers, advertised on its website this year. The ad said ZM Studios is "affiliated with designated visa sponsors" and can get women J-1 visas and jobs at topless clubs in cities like Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

So any links to the CF is proving to be hard to find except for the mentions in the WikiLeaks cables.

Some links anyway:
J-1 list of sponsors
j1visa.state.gov/participants/how-to-apply/sponsor-search/?program=Summer Work Travel

Hey Swissbro.

You still out there?

That's fine with me if the owner can view it, I just want to make sure people can't view mine, even if it's a throwaway.

>its a fucking invasion

Fifth thread when?