How do some young people actually like Hillary Clinton?

How do some young people actually like Hillary Clinton?

Was chatting up this girl on tinder, not that into her so I decided to bring up politics.

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give her the wall

>has a brother with downs

I'd never mate with her anyways, who cares

I think the best argument for Trump is that he can't be bought because he's filthy rich. Whereas these other career politicians are using their positions to make money. No matter how seemingly squeaky clean a politician seems, you can never know if they just want the money. Donald Trump demonstrably doesn't.

People could counter that Donald Trump wants the presidency to make more money but that's illogical. He's sufficiently rich that any money he could make as president would either be insignificant to him or, to make it significant to him, would have to be hugely scandalous and likely come to light if investigated.

Donald Trump legitimately wants to good by his country and his immense success proves he has the ability.

Make America Great Again.

Tl;Dr , the slut is voting for Hillary because Hillary has a vagina.

If you were a horribly corrupt fuck up at every job you've had does that really count as "experience"?

What equality are disabled people lacking?

This is a sliding thread

>muh experience meme
Yet they can't name a single one of her accomplishments.


What are those plans?

crashing this country

Talking politics on Tinder. Please, go drink bleach.

> Meanwhile....

How many survivors?

Do you remember you journey, back when you thought you saw a difference between msm news channels? Back when your fat lesbo teachers were telling you every day who to vote for?

Young people are making that same journey. This is why memes are so important.


>How do some young people actually like Hillary Clinton?
Some people are just born stupid.


>break the stereotype that women are too unstable to have power by electing one of the most unstable women who's ever lived
what did she mean by this?


Rosie is a fat pig, who doesn't understand she isn't relevant anymore.

>MY FEEFEEES!!!! :((((((((((((((((((((
fucking dropped

Good job op

Technically Megyn Kelly too, but that's it.

Give him this video and say that he didn't make fun of the disabled person.

>Why would you even bring her up
>Pfft just her no way
>ok lets just move on
I believe you've found a kike user

Keep going, I'm enjoying this

hory shit, I never even saw that one, good find OP

That's just how women argue.

remember he's an equal opportunity insult-hurler. does she want to be treated equally or put on a pedestal?

If this is real, OP, I think you have the potential to redpill a lot of people

Welp you won now. Be sure to repeat yourself at least 3 times.

WOW how'd I miss that one?


Letting women vote and hold office was a mistake.

Keep at it senpai

Yep. Every discussion I've had with a woman ends like that. Sliding the subject because she has no arguments. Starts the argument, loses, changes subject or goes "Bla bla bla".

Tons of women fucking hate her and think she's Satan. Women hate other women with a passion.


and also bang this qt if he doesn't fuck it up. just gotta not be too condescending and finish it off with some
>enjoyed talking with you and respect your willingness to have a discussion involving opposing ideas.

Yet again, talking politics on a hook up app. Wtf is wrong with you senpai?

>arguing with a woman about politics

wow, you're never going to get laid.

dat establishment shilling

Why did he point out facts?

The delusion these people have is nuts they even have a hard time convincing themselves.

My best friend is a liberal shill and his version was "If I had to chose who to trust with my dog it would be Hillary over Trump."

Why can they never just come up with an actual good thing she has/might do?


BROO you gotta say he said

When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. THEIR rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Stop fucking this up, the jew media has terrible grammar, thats how it is


Why are you apologizing and using smiley faces? Cuck detected.

I work for a state government's mental health department. There are people with influence who want disability "rights" to be the same contradictory cluster fuck as feminism: they should have all the privileges of an adult, and not be treated like children - that is, unless they forget to pay their own bills, or commit a crime/have dangerous outbursts, or they are faced with any other real consequences that come from being a fuck up adult. Those people are fucking intolerable.

Oh god

Not true. If by the end you haven't personally attacked her or insulted her and she is pretty close to middle politically, she will respect you more for standing by what you believe in and being able to argue logically. Obviously if she is a raging liberal, this isn't going to work.

Example: my wife. Mexican who voted for Obama in 2008. Now she is a strong Trump supporter. Just takes time and calm discussion of ideas with facts ready.

>Disabled people are only disabled people and are immune to mockery
How tolerant.

So do you still wanna fuck this girl still OP? She might go for it honestly if you ask her.

Holy kek your composure is making he rage.

>*reporter with a disability

Same as person of color and colored person, what's the difference ?

no its so he can keep the convo going and not seem like hes attacking her for shits and giggles. dumbass detected


You're right, OP should reveal his power level all at once.

She slid you off Hilary and you are on the defense for trump
Turn it around, son

Because I had the company I work for listed here. I don't want her to go full SJW mode and try to get me fired.

>My wife
Hey, Jeb! What's up with you lately?!

Mocking a reporter is nothing compared to selling off the national secrets and allowing Americans to die in Benghazi

What the fuck dude

He literally did not mockthe reporter so why are you claiming that he did now

Just stop you Fucking cuck

>person-first language

Really? You didn't know this?

I know New Yorkers love using hand gestures, and Trump is no excuse. How could Trump particularly know or remember that one reporter?

Trump talks to thousands of people, and if you have read Art of the Deal, even back in the 80s he would get at least 50 calls a day. I doubt he would particularly remember that one in a million guy he may or may have not even seen.

Well yeah, now you have more ammo, fellas. Good luck.

Both that doesn't change the fact that women are a negative force in politics and production.

A very tiny minority of women who are not completely retarded doesn't make up for the other 99% who screws us over.

The next post better be you declaring your undying love for Uncle Adolf

I fucking hate women.

She's starting to curse. If you want to tap that, you need to "agree to disagree" and suggest continuing the conversation over coffee sometime.

Playcating an idiot who you fundamentally disagree with, and have no obligation in doing so. Leaf detected.

>use a good strategy and SJW talk
Holy shit just end yourself already.

Maybe if you stopped jerking off to cartoons and left your basement you would realize there is a whole world out there full of young Hillary voters.

person first language

jesus christ these people exist and aren't immediately put into labor camps

Disabled reporter is the same thing as a reporter with a disability. Same thing. You're still a reporter, you're just disabled. Big deal.

2016, can't not just pick the words we use but the ORDER IN WHICH WE USE THEM JESUS FUCK

Person of color, such things

As someone with disabilities I agree. Fuck Trump.. I honestly wouldn't give a crap before but now Trudeau cut my disability check.

Now ask when you can fug and start dominating her.

jesus downhill quick

Cuck yourself idiot

>got me so heated
She wants your cock.

"When are they going to get those fucking ree-tards out of here?" - Hillary Clinton

Gotta be honest, this makes me like her a little bit.

>He literally did not mockthe reporter so why are you claiming that he did now
have you seen the video? as much as it amused me it doesn't look good.

What does that even mean though? Preface any reference to a minority group as "oppressed African american?"

Don't want her to get me fired, which is why I'm apologizing.

She can't get you fired you fucking moron. Holy shit you're just as stupid as her. End the discussion.

>Don't want her to get me fired
This is why Tinder is a fucking joke

>Log into your kikebook account so we can link your face to our fuck service!

Yeah how about no


I have a disability and am offended.

i stand corrected. good vid.

if he went all in an said that the left is wrong as much as he could without cushioning his argument with smiley faces that give off the effect of someone trying to have a friendly conversation, she would've went full SJW, called him a racist bigot or whatever and dropped the convo like all liberals do. or do you know that little about interactions between people? amerifat detected

smooth segue cuckaroony

>these are the people you have to deal with to continue the human/white race
kill me now

>Hey anons, watch me BTFO this desperate qt3.14 on a dating app by supporting Trump! Isn't this echo chamber fun?! I'm so smart.
>Oh noes! I gave her the power to fundamentally destroy my life. Whoops! Mistakes happen.
Please remove yourself from the gene pool.

>...OP's balls shrunk three sizes that day.

You're dumb

Oh my god this is cringeworthy

>first point is valid
No, it isn't, you fucking retard.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

It's already confirmed that Trump was not making fun of the guy who he had never met when he was talking about something that had absolutely nothing to do with the guy.

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Trump made fun of the media, and the media pulled out a completely irrelevant disabled guy and simply claimed that Trump was talking about that guy.

Are you retarded?
This is why we're losing. People like you are why our society is fucking. You let them manipulate you and walk all over you. We will never win because of people like you.

She might as well said ''Trump killed some people'' and you could have said ''ah, fair point''.