Nigger is not an argument
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Police are destroying everyone senpai.
Police do that shit to everybody
It's a problem that isn't going to go away either. And just to be clear, blacks are just as responsible for the problem as the officers that killed them.
>A few incidents that happen in fewer numbers to black people than white people is evidence of a systemic problem for black people.
pic related
>commit crime
>fight with cops
well god damn i guess they are evil fascists for not letting us get away with that
We know the system is rigged, but blacks mess so much shit up, they deserve it.
The only problem is they don't kill enough.
Nigger doesn't know the difference between "systemic" and "anecdotal".
Also the nigger deserved it.
>leaving out the replies calling him an egotistical faggot trying to sound polsmart
and that systemic problem is black crime
>in 2015 990 people got killed by the police
>only about 250 of them were blacks even thought blacks the most criminal demographic in the US and in the world
>have police break into your home
>defend yourself
>get shot
>Country of 300+ million people
>Ethnic group with shitty crime glorifying culture
>Blacks kill far, FAR more black people by themselves
Black people have a gang and drug crime problem; black neighborhoods need more policing, not less.
>have air pistol
>get shot
>Now, what we’ve been doing is looking at the data and we know that police somehow manage to deescalate, disarm and not kill white people everyday.
I mean technically with more black people in american prisons doesn't that mean that more black people have been successfully been arrested and not killed by cops than white people?
Look at the color of his skin and show me how hard he had it with light skin "just dark enough but still caramel enough" privilege
T. God-fearing dark chocolate here. The only thing worse than chimpout field nigger gangbangers ruining it for the rest of us are house niggers like him who get theirs and spread false seeds to keep field nigger victim mentality flourishing.
Total race-baiting cunt
His statement is not an argument. It's incredibly fallacious and there is no evidence that supports it. You know all the names of every black person killed by police but not a single name of any white person. This tells me that these are man bites dog stories. The fact that in a large majority of these videos, we see blacks taunting the police, rushing the police, and making other sudden movements that paint them as dangerous. Jesse is ignoring this fact. He has concluded his premise before even asking the question. It's likely his logic center is stunted by the fact that he's a nigger.
>things you'll never hear
White Lives Matter
Still relevant.
this nigger is basically saying that anecdotal evidence is enough to generalize an entire nation. fuck him
that guy could pass as Sicilian or North African
The problem with the "system" is that too many blacks break the law and become "justice involved". Many black people are god tier, hard working people, but many more are worthless dindu's.
Attack police - get shot. It's not a rocket science.
Not just whites. What about the latinos that got killed by cops? Where's the outrage? Why is it only blacks?
Just look up the faggots on twitter. They use the 990 people statistic, but they pretend as if ALL those 990 people are black.
Have I lost my fucking mind?
but that's not true you fucking retard.jpeg.
police aren't destroying black people anymore than they're destroying white/mexican etc. stats demonstrate this clearly. FOR THE NUMBER OF CALLS police receive for white/black/mex/asian perpetrators, there are actually lower instances of police violence/murder PER INTERACTION.
the thing that dumb nogs like jesse can't seem to get through his thick skull is that black people are committing crime exponentially more than other races, so of course the police will be involved in more violence against blacks per capita. they are engaged with blacks in violent situations more per capita.
again, cops commit less violence against blacks as a percentage of the time they are engaged with them compared to other races.
>Violence against criminals is wrong
Wew lad.
I know. Most people in the US fail to see blacks as a problem.
it's impossible to - in good faith - deny the evidence against them.
"White privilege" is not an argument
even if it were all blacks, 990 is nothing compared to gang violence, abortion, drug abuse, etc
Weird how the original school shooters were a Jew and some weird looking mixed race kid, yet whites are still blamed for school shootings.
I'm average complexion and I make sure I hide my power level nowadays. You could have a differing opinion some time ago, but now I'd be lynched and called an ignorant uncle Tom.
Everything I post with this IP is satire.
checked, but also the whole Asian community stood behind that guy, unlike the white community
Jesse Williams is an insipid cunt who is being fed lines by DNC types to push a narrative.
He's basically an unfunny trans-nigger Americanized version of Jon Oliver that has straight teeth and is more attractive so impressionable millennial girls don't question what he says.
I bet he celebrated Hillary's victory yesterday.
You can't praise FBI and complain about "muh system". You can't have it both ways.
I don't even care anymore. Not even a self-hating black, I just sincerely feel like black people at large will be stuck in the past at least for a few more decades.
I'm just tired of it, you know?
Tired of being scrutinized for doing things too white or black or opressed or hoodlum. I just want it to stop but I don't see an end in my lifetime if I'm being honest
I'm in the same boat, user. I pray that some day there will be such a huge happening, everyone wakes up.
Just go on a shooting spree. Kill some BLM members. You'll be doing us all a favor since no one will be able to blame whitey on the shooting.
Post policekilling raping and beating white people, moonigger. I'll wait.
Guys, YOUR police are the problem.
AMERICAN police, not police.
There are bad police everywhere, but in the 1st World it is American police that are the problem.
Canada just had Toronto's Pride parade's moment of silence for the Orlando victims interrupted by Black Lives Matter.
Which is ridiculous because Canada isn't perfect but it doesn't have the Cops versus Black problem that the USA does. But it's the same ignorance -- BLM comes to Canada to solve a problem that doesn't exist, and now Canada hates BLM.
You guys blaming "the police" for everything without realizing that "the police" outside the USA might be different than yours.
COPS in Canada aren't like cops in the USA. In fact, apparently they won't even hire people who have worked in US law enforcement.
BLACKS in Canada don't act like blacks in the USA. A few might, probably in Toronto, but 99% of Canadian blacks are just like everyone else.
Good luck with your cops and blacks and all that.
So kill yourself. The more black people commit suicide (no victims aside from the self), the better. I hate blacks for the most part. The only good ones are old black ladies. Everyone else male or female is a cunt, antisocial, or should kill themselves.
this would be a good graphic BUT IT DOESN'T INCLUDE ANY WHITES, ffs.
I was looking for that Batman nutjob - not there, etc. This would be a lot more convincing if it could be used without everyone saying "You left the whites out!"
Screen cap this and send it to him
>being this bait
STFU senpai. They act the same here.
The more darkies and druggies you have, the shittier your societies get and the cops get commensurately more violent - but because racial profiling is illegal, cops are obliged to treat everyone like a buck nigger that might have a gat and six ounces of coke in their waistband lest some (((lawyer))) draw a comparison in court between how a particular PD responds to calls about whites versus calls about blacks.
sauce pls
>COPS in Canada aren't like cops in the USA.
>BLACKS in Canada don't act like blacks in the USA.
Leaf, there's a difference in terms of violence and attitude between a less than 4% minority and a more than 12%. Trust France one this one.
And the myth of school shootings caused by bullying still exists.
Columbine didn't happen because of bullying. D&E even said so on one of their videotapes.
The ONLY school shooting I've ever heard of that was actually, and then only partly, caused by bullying was Nevada 7th-grader Jose Reyes who killed a teacher, and wounded two students, then killed himself.
Empire of Dust. It's great.
Bingo! Same thing with all this bullshit. Want to go on a plane, everyone is a potential terrorist now since we can't hurt anyone's faggy fee fees.
Well, I've lived in Ontario, Quebec, BC, and Alberta, and I'm older than you and I haven't seen it. I've also lived in the USA, and I know the problem first-hand, and I just don't see it in Canada.
Are you referring to the Jamaican criminals in Toronto?
Where do you live?
Yes it is, nigger
>blacks killed by police in the U.S.:
>whites killed by police in the U.S.:
Hi, have had a few feelings with police, mostly highway stops for traffic violations, one of which was quite an ordeal with multiple officers, two break downs, and an incident at my house (attempted burglar). I have never had a problem with a cop except one. She was a new officer and her problem was overcompensating for her vagina.
Unless you are stupid, u.s. police are fine
He's not even black.
>Refuted successfully.
Gotta virtue signal for your black half because maybe that can make you full black.
I'm very against police brutality and I see it a lot. Cops have a terrible reputation for being stupid and violent. The blacks they interact with also have that reputation, however. There's a reason these two groups of people are juxtaposed in our society; neither is fit to interact with anyone else but the other.
When I see clear-cut evidence of police brutality, like when Michael Slager obviously shot a black guy several times who was hobbling away from him and posed no immediate threat, and when even beyond that Slager had a documented history of violence, I condemn the guy and think the book should be thrown at him.
But, on the other hand, when the video isn't clear, when it's cops dealing with a black guy who is clearly a long-time criminal, who seems to be resisting arrest, who may very well have had a gun, etc.. when that guy is killed by a cop who may have been trying to save his own life by ending some shitbag's, how can I condemn the cop?
I may lay low today and for the next couple of weeks, because violent and irrational people want to intimidate me because to them I symbolize systematic oppression, but they can't intimidate me into losing the ability to think and use common sense.
Does anyone have that pasta where that white chick btfo the blm guy over #whitelivesmatter because whites are killed at a higher rate than blacks?