“In a way, what Tarantino has done with the French New Wave and with David Lynch is what Pat Boone did with rhythm and blues: He's found (ingeniously) a way to take what is ragged and distinctive and menacing about their work and homogenize it, churn it until it's smooth and cool and hygienic enough for mass consumption. Reservoir Dogs, for example, with its comically banal lunch chatter, creepily otiose code names, and intrusive soundtrack of campy pop from decades past, is a Lynch movie made commercial, i.e., fast, linear, and with what was idiosyncratically surreal now made fashionably (i.e., "hiply") surreal [...] D. Lynch is an exponentially better filmmaker than Q. Tarantino. For, unlike Tarantino, D. Lynch knows that an act of violence in an American film has, through repetition and desensitization, lost the ability to refer to anything but itself. A better way to put what I just tried to say: Quentin Tarantino is interested in watching somebody's ear getting cut off; David Lynch is interested in the ear.”
Is it finally over for Quentin?
David Foster Wallace on Quentin Tarantiny-brain
French new wave is literally some of the most inauthentic, meandering bourgeoise pap ever inflicted on celluloid.
all three of these guys are hacks
Am I a brainlet for not understanding Lynch flicks?
oh god this guy sucks. Foster was a hack who wrote absolute garbage and his 'sincerity' shtick inflicted quite some (hopefully not lasting) damage on the literary world. it wasn't sincerity, it was sentimentality.
also this
I honestly don't even think that is necessarily a bad thing. Being able to take some style or some spirit from one movement and be able to alter it and make it mainstream for a wider audience usually ends of being good because you are just introducing something once underground to the masses.I know people wanna bitch about it's just ripping something off or just appropriating something, but that is how ideas and inspiration spreads. If you discover something new, you wanna take elements from it and put them into your world and see what happens and if they become popular, than others can trace back where those ideas stem from and find those original ideas all over again and then may find new ones all over again. I think it's kinda cool when you decide to bring something you like to the masses and if it gets accepted and praised then you are just kinda passing the torch on, in a sense. I would feel very lucky to be one of these torch passers than be some guy spending just banging rocks and "original" ideas together, never getting anywhere and staying unknown. fuck that
they're mostly dream logic
I don't think the plebs that post on Sup Forums can comprehend even 10 % of what he is saying there. These are the same people who are obsessed with marvel movies.
Based Foster God
this thread is out of place here
>le quirky spergelord who hanged himself
>le /lit/ man
>having relevant opinions
>le meme arrows hero
Not really. It's about Quentin Tarantino.
>mfw audiovisual plebs near me
>D.Lynch and French New Wave are the top tier of comparisons for this man
He's a psuedointellectual that died before psuedointellectualism became popular to point out and squash. He's similar in that way to Bill Hicks.
>and but so this is water!!!!111
You should probably leave if you feel this way,pseud.
Or are you one of those people who sticks around to shit post yet if you were truly intelligent you wouldn't find anything here funny
what was that David Foster Wallace film with Jason Segel like?
was it any good?
very comfy, but nothing special
Would Animorphs make a good movie?
what shitty taste in /lit/.
>not dfw essays
>not mason and dixon
>not the idiot
>not war and peace
>can't read that next one
>or the other
>or the one above that
>les mis is trash literature.
I primarily surf /lit/
post some dank /lit/ menes then
Loved this guy in Leverage.
>Music hardly requires attention
didn't PTA take one of his classes?
They definitely don't. I just come here to laugh at the butthurt they get over their inability to understand big words. It makes me feel better about my high IQ and sophisticated cinematic tastes.
Post some sophisticated kinema for us
Woah, they look surprisingly well adjusted for people who'd go to a fucking Sup Forums meetup.
Compare to the pic of Reddit or /fa/ for comparison.
true dat
No way that's a /lit/ meetup. Everyone's too old and normal-looking. Plus, the pic looks like it was taken in the late 90s/early 2000s.
So?you are still here.
>suggested Infinite jest
>give it a shot
>First 80 some pages is just great detail of a socially akward dudes weed history
I've never read anything that went nowhere as much as that assholes shitty book. It might pick up, but it was a seriously offensive waste of time for 80 pages. I wasn't going to waste anymore time seeing if there was anything worth reading.
Long post short, David Foster Wallace is a huge faggot.
post the one where they harrass the youtube girl
I think you mean Godard, not all french New Wave is like that.
I love that one
DFW wad an asshole who killed himself because Federer had his first real wobble.
It would be hilarious to travel back to a dying DFW and whisper in his ear "Fed will win a slam in 2017, always trust the goat"
and just see his dumb eyes widen in shock as he died
If you can't even give a book your attention for a thousand pages in order to actual critique it then you're probably too much of a pleb to make any sort of estimation of its quality
Well looks like I have to find a new poster boy. Someone popular on reddit must have made a video about him or something, because lately I've seen an explosion of people incorrectly using the term "postmodernism", usually describing anything made past 2000 and weird, and spamming his face everywhere.
>such lack of comprehension on what makes music a great form of the arts
>that stack of books that was clearly ripped off of a "best books ever written"
>not a single crack in any of the spines
>pretending to have understood Finnigans Wake
>thinks he's being humble
Saving it for the next cringe thread
Wallace had good taste in film (Blue Velvet was an immediate favorite of his when it came out), but his liberal allocentrism was the end of him.
wonderful trips. By far this is the best most entertaining thing /lit/ has ever done. Bravo
It was breakfast you fuck.
I watched Celine and Julie Go Boating today and it was one of the worst film experiences I've ever had. Fuck the French New Wave. So much absolute garbage.
>all three of these guys are hacks
Does DFW have a book of critical essays?
david brooks in an axl rose wig dot jpg
Spoilers, shitlord
watch it
5th is Don Quixote and 7th looks like Ulysses.
does it really matter how many people someone has slept with though? i used to reject women if i even thought they might be loose and by loose i thought having sex with 10 guys was absolutely revolting. now im late 20s and fucked almost 20 women while living like a hermit for 5 of those 10 years. it just doesnt make sense to judge a woman harshly for fucking 10 guys when a decent looking woman gets advances on a daily basis and probably rejected 98% of the guys.
How's the movie on DFW's life? It's called The End of the Tour. Is it worth watching?
why is quentin so based bros?
rekt? lol. Bret Eason Ellis is a talentless ant compared to DFW. while i do think DFW is overrated (my how i hate what that word has become), Ellis doesn't even merit comparison. i'm with Norman Mailer when he said he wished a better writer had written American Psycho since it was a great idea awfully executed.
David Foster Wallace is like that guy from The Royal Tenenbaums but he actually killed himself.
DFW is a classic example of wasted talent.
dfw is shit lol
i cringe everytime i see a teen talking about him (those are the only people that talk about him)
Wow I never saw it before but DFW is like a wes anderson character.
dat framing
how so? he used his talent to teach and write several amazing books of essays and a couple of impressive works of fiction. he killed himself, but he didn't waste his talent. he produced great work, mate.
what works of his have you read? his piece on the filming of Lost Highway is hilarious.
his fiction is bad. i dont mind his commentary.
If you've read any of DFW's books or watched any of his interviews it won't tell you anything new about him or his ideas, and Jason Segel's performance doesn't really come close to capturing all the idiosyncrasies of his character. They also imply DFW was a full-blown TV addict, as if he was addicted to TV the same way an alcoholic is to booze. I don't know how true that really is but it really really seems like a stretch just to give him some concrete motivation or whatever.
tbqf no other movie has caught the same atmosphere of life in the late 90's
Yes, you hedonist/nihilist cuck.
you mean his essays? yeah, they're very well written and supremely engaging.
just curious, what fiction of his have you read to decide his fiction is bad? Infinite Jest? The Pale King? Brief Conversations with Hideous Men? which one exactly?
Who cares what David Foster Wallace thinks? He's a pussy that blew out his brains because he couldn't handle life. Neither was he that good of a writer.
>said the one trick pony
If it wasn't for Christian Bale he'd be a fucking nobody
Not even any movie made in the actual late-90s?
>blew out his brains because he couldn't handle life
But that takes strength. It also means he was too intelligent to delude himself like everyone else does day in and out.
wrong, mate. DFW was a very good writer. very, very good. read his essays. they're amazing. if you have no sympathy for suicides, maybe you have an empathy problem.
Strangely, no
swingers? rounders? out of sight?
>psuedointellectualism became popular to point out and squash
Things that literally never happened. Popular culture is dominated by psuedointellectuals.
>he was too intelligent to delude himself like everyone else does day in and out.
that's a myopic way to view DFW's suicide. he had depression issues, crippling anxiety, and substance abuse issues. i also think he was emotionally immature and prone to self-loathing. he was highly intelligent, though. that's obvious to anyone who has read his work.
The difference is that those movies are influenced BY the 90's, but don't really reflect everyday life, this one (at least for me), did
Will watching the movie help me understand? I can't sit and read a 1000 page drivel
He survived, op pic is of him wearing the bandages, see he is happy now he blasted the depression right out of his brain.
>instagram memes now on Sup Forums
Is this what Sup Forumsmblr has come to?
what movie? End of the Tour? no, that's just a brief look at him through a less talented writer/journalist's lens. i did like a lot of the film, but that's not even the Cliff's Notes to a DFW's life. also, don't read novels to try to understand anything. read them for pleasure. with DFW, i'd start with his essays. try Consider the Lobster or A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again (the Lynch piece is in it).
David montage in a david lynch film is more of a stream-of-conciousness thing than a logical thing.
The way he cuts from one image to the next follows a very non-linear sort of dream-logic. It's not meant to be realistic or objective.. it's meant to depict the human thought process more directly.
Funnily enough, that means it's heavily symbolic rather than literal/objective/realist.
There's too much material, I think it could only work as a tv show. I'm surprised netflix hasn't gone after it.
That's a quote by John Green.
Yes, an English class at Amherst in the early 90s.
This is still probably the best thing I've seen on Sup Forums.
>hey gius i hate some of the most acclaimed art works of the 20th century, am i cool yet?
What a pretentious fag. I'm glad he killed himself
i've read everything he's ever written dude.
unless it's some obscure shit - then no I probably haven't read it.
it's literally all hype - and he knew it.
>most acclaimed art works of the 20th century
o i am laffin
>Infinite Jest
>not praised to high Heaven in literary circles
pick one
protip: their opinion means a helluva lot more than yours
>appeal to authority
cool fallacy, bro
>cites """literary circles""""
as me how i know ur a retard
how i know ur a retard?
You read his posts.
people who fuck a lot are statistically more unsatisfied with their marriages
Underrated post.
Ellis wrote two very good novels and all of his work is "readable" - DFW's essays are wonderful, his fiction is accessible only to the rare enthusiast, the kind of novelist loved by many and read by few.
>People who haven't read it will never understand