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Its not Gingrich, Trump already rejected him as VP. Trumps VP will be none other than Scott Brown. They are throwing out everyones name but Brown because they want it to be a secret. You heard it here first. Gingrich= Sheldon Adelsons bitch.
It'll be none other that Rand Paul
Screencap this
are you retarded ?
It's Gingrich.
He nullifies the "no experience" claim. He has a proven history of working across party lines. He has taken on the Clintons.
It's been Gingrich all along.
>yfw moonbases under Trump
Truly the birth of the emperor of mankind.
It's Sessions you dumb shit
Sessions will/wants to be Secretary of State.
Its been Gingrich all along
>Its been Gingrich all along
Its been Gingrich all along
>Its been Gingrich all along
Its been Gingrich all along
>Its been Gingrich all along
Its been Gingrich all along
>Its been Gingrich all along
>Pedo for VP
Gringrich will be a death sentence. He has too much history and little charisma.
Rubio would be a good choice to corral the neo-cons.
Otherwise, he'd need to pick up some literally who with experience.
And here, a weapon against the Clintons
No candidate will rally the base like Newt. He doesn't need charisma. Donald Trump has the charisma.
Face it youngbloods, Newts going to save the party yet again.
It won't be Gingrich you retard. He's been in politics for over two decades, he is the establishment.
I'm going with FBI-user, it's gonna be general Michael Flynn. Screenshot this niggers.
Trump's running mate will be Newt Gingrich. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing I don't know. But what I do know is this:
It's time to attack the fucking Clintons. Newt Gringrich is the best person to do this. Appeasing the Republican Party or centrists no longer matters. Hillary has proved she is untouchable. This election is not about winning voters. It's about destroying her. Nodoby knows more about the clintons than Newt. It's like picking a mongoose to fight a snake or picking a paladin to fight a witch. Newt knows everything about them and how they function, and most importantly how to fight them from his time as speaker of the house in the 90's. He should honostley be the one debating her. He's the best choice to stop Hillary. End of discussion
You're all wrong it's gonna be Mike Pence. He needs to get the conservative vote locked up
Screencap this thread for when it's not Gingrich.
>implying Trump is going to pick a VP before Clinton
Newt has too much baggage and will get Trump shot.
We're going to be #InWithFlynn.
Please not Newt. I have a bad feeling about him
>Gingrich proposed moonbases
>Moon Man is from the moon
>Trump is a racist who wants to genocide hispanics, muslims, and blacks
>Moon Man is a racist who wants to genocide hispanics, muslims, and blacks
It's like poetry.
tell me about gingrich i know nothing about him
all i know is that george lucas named a bad guy after him, Nute Gunray.
Conservatives love Newt.
Mike Pence is a nobody.
Just watch any debates from the 2012 primaries.
Newt did everything Bill Clinton takes credit for.
Picking Rubio would be akin to Trump scheduling his own assassination.
Aussie shitposters literally never cease to make me happy or amaze me with their talents.
>three times married
>cheated on his ex wives with his future wives
>probably a snake
>speaker of the house in the '90s
>accomplished some stuff in the house
He's a conservative icon for leading the House in the '90s, and he's a seasoned politician. He's also probably a snake that will backstab Trump to become Prez.
>bill clinton takes credit for everything newt did
Even monica?
This is what I want to happen.
This is what probably will happen.
It's palin
Would be a much better choice than Newt tbh
>b-b-but m-muh establishment
>Post yfw it's Sanders
Sheldon Adelson is Newts owner, just more jewry for you faggots to be "proud of"
Newt is a zionist piece of shit, just another neocon
If Gingrich is his VP then any chance of trump winning has gone down the toilet
Newt would be no different in that regard.
You forgot
>supported amnesty as late as 2012.
Trump is pulling a John McCain on us. Meaning he lets people assume he's looking at this large group of candidates who were assume are gonna be the VP, but instead picks someone no one was expecting. Newt and Chrisite are liabilities. Bob Crocker would be a good choice since he has the experience to get things done. Sides, he isn't a cuck like say Ryan is
He could always pick Mike Pence who is universally hated in his own state.
Rolling trips, its a woman VP
It's going to be Sam Hyde the mass shooter
sam hyde is a police officer you dumb cuck
It's gonna be Joni Ernst you fools
Hoosier here, can confirm.
try it, i dare you
I wish.
Probably the smartest choice, though not the choice I want.
>ctrl+f "webb"
I'm disappointed in you guys
Good for Trump's ability to make "DEALS"!!!
>Creation Date: 2015-11-11
ITT:Plebs denying the unstoppable power of a Trump/Webb ticket.
what are this guys policies?
The DNC will be ground zero when Trump unlsashes Nuke Gingrich
Funny way of spelling GOP. Trump deserves to lose if he picks Gingrich
His whole platform is completely destroy Islam
I have no doubts he is already in talks with his CIA buddies about JFKing Trump
>He nullifies the "no experience" claim
that claim nullified itself when it was uttered by incompetents
>No candidate will rally the base like Newt
people can't stand Newt, they can't stand bubble boy dope dealer Rubio either
Gingrich is probably his best option at this point. The man was speaker of the house during the Clinton administration, though that will work against him as much as it will for him. Christie is the only other person I could see him picking
I would unironically pick Yeb! over newt at this point, he has far too much baggage
The people would rather have a repeat of Gingrich vs the Clintons than dynasty v dynasty
Not even exaggerating it will kill his campaign. Newt has a terrible reputation.
Jeb would never agree to that.
i dont know man dynasty warriors would be epic. trump could be lui bei
>muh baggage
I keep on seeing this spouted but you cucks never elucidate. You kiddies read it on Breitbart and just parroting it like some mongoloid redditor?
>tfw I voted for Newt Gingrich in the 2012 primary