RALLIES AND PRESS CONFERENCES >North Carolina Rally 7/5/16 - MUST WATCH! [YouTube] Full Event: Donald Trump Speech On Obama/ Clinton & FBI at Rally in Raleigh, NC (July 5, 2016) >Speech at Western Conservative Summit Denver, CO 7/1/16 [YouTube] Full Event: Donald Trump Speaks at Western Conservative Summit in Denver (7-1-16) >Trump Responds to “Zionist Israel” Question in NH [YouTube] Donald Trump Defends Israel After 'Nasty' Zionist Question: 'Protect them 100%' >Trade Remarks and Q&A Manchester, NH 6/30/16 [YouTube] Full Speech: Donald Trump Delivers Remarks on Trade in Manchester, NH (6-30-16) >Rally Bangor, Maine 6/29/16 [YouTube] Full Event: Donald Trump Holds Huge Rally in Bangor, ME (6-29-16)
INTERVIEWS >Trump on O'Reilly 7/5/16 [YouTube] Bill O'Reilly Donald Trump interview on FBI's no charges against Hillary Clinton >Trump on Hannity 6/30/16 [YouTube] Donald Trump Hannity FULL Interview - June 30, 2016 - Battling Hillary Clinton - Fox News >Trump On Mike Gallagher 6/30/16 [YouTube] Donald Trump on The Mike Gallagher Show (6/30/2016) >Trump on O’Reilly 6/29/16 [YouTube] O'Reilly Factor 6/29/16 Full: Donald Trump Interview, Loretta Lynch & Bill Clinton Meeting!
ENTERTAINMENT >Hillary's America [YouTube] "Hillary's America" Trailer | Official Teaser Trailer HD >The Blonde Eagle [YouTube] Donald Trump - Making America Great Again >Still Report #986: Fake Polls on the Rise [YouTube] Still Report #986 - Fake Polls on the Rise >Stand in the Gap [YouTube] Hillary Clinton Exposed - Her Lies, Hypocrisy, and Corruption
I was a Trump supporter until he said racist, fascist, and sexist things so #ImWithHer now.
Daniel Taylor
Benjamin Robinson
Henry Baker
>MFW Bernie betrayed his supporters
Liam Brown
Does Flynn have meme potential?
Hunter Nguyen
Jackson Barnes
>empowered wymmyn icon claws her way into early retirement through sexism lawsuit
bitch just wants a settlement
Samuel Young
at least you tried
Daniel Wilson
Please learn to use 4chanx properly.
Daniel Robinson
>cognitive dissonance as thick as feta
the left will destroy Clinton or themselves
Nathaniel Sanders
>Hillary giving a speech in front of one of Trump's failed casinos, Trump's faded name where his sign used to be still barely visible >Hillary: "Let's make sure Trump never has a chance to bankrupt America the way he bankrupted his businesses!"
Discuss the effectiveness of this persuasion tactic.
Cooper Cruz
Hillary is giving a speech right now about backruptcies and she cited the NYT and said he "doesn't play by the rules"
Nathan Scott
it's gonna be magnificent
they're gonna lose their shit
and sanders will play hillary's game because he's a pussy
Dylan Peterson
That crooked Hillary thing is kind of cringe 2bh.
Carson Harris
The city was destroyed by Democratic leadership.
Parker Turner
Picking an unknown like Flynn, Ernst, or Cotton will win Trump the election. Screencap this.
Mason Nguyen
every casino in AC is dying
Tyler Howard
Didn't Trump only ever bankrupt 4 of his businesses? Three of which his shareholders are responsible for?
Justin Hernandez
Oh no. What can we do to convince you to go back to team trump?
Wyatt Mitchell
>Bankruptcy laws aren't real laws
I hate this crooked bitch
Levi Hernandez
Trump is synonymous with successful in the minds of the public. It's a uphill battle to convince people he's not actually successful.
Nathaniel Evans
See and they all said Rand was too small..
Luis Scott
finally fox ends the bullshit speech, jesus christ.... her voice is horrible
Eli Morgan
Wait till you see the...oh ho ho ohh ho OHHHHH *weezing laughter*
Elijah Diaz
Lol fuck that bitch was always hardcore anti-Trump and roger was tired of losing views in early afternoon. Neil Cavuto next
Oliver Reed
>trump gives speech in front of clinton foundation
"Behind us ladies and gentlemen, is the den of evil. So bad for America, so bad for all of us. Here is where crooked Hillary accepts her dirty, dirty money from foreign nations in exchange for favors. She's done it for years, but she won't for much longer. When I become the president I will fuck her shit right up."
>crowd riots and burns the building down
Bentley Turner
Stop, no one cares about facts, how do you out persuade? Trump would need a more viseral image of Hillary
Carter Brown
Pretty nice ink.
Grayson Torres
punished flynn. saw that floating around few threads ago but I'm on mobile now
Connor Jones
Who wants to chat with a drunk aussie im keen
Eli Butler
yes i did, the character limit thing messed up and i deleted the [Embeds] but i don't know what happened, just tried deleting stuff
oh well
Mason Flores
>not before taking the HDD's though
Luke Parker
with those trips lad you can achieve anything you set your mind to
David Roberts
She realizes it's either president or prison for her, so i bet she'll try to rig the god damn GENERAL!
Joseph Reyes
Trump should:
IGNORE: Hawaii, Washington, California, New Mexico, Minnesota, Illinois, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New York, New Jersey, DC
Spend some time to secure: Texas, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, Arizona,
Focus on: Florida, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, Oregon, New Hampshire, Michigan and Maine
Am I correct?
Jonathan Evans
Luke Evans
>Trump synonymous with success to his supporters >Hill speaking in front of one of his vanquished buildings like a trophy of Democrats fucking him over
>Trump synonymous with failure to Democrats >Hill showing his casino to people like his scalp
It'll drive people apart into their camps, but won't convert anyone.
Charles Price
Vote for Hillary, goy.
Jason Anderson
Its a good idea but as always, its difficult to know why claims of past bankruptcy mean anything. Regardless of his failures in the past, Trump is obviously exceptionally wealthy now, so talking about his bankruptcies makes Clinton look retarded. Its similar to the "campaign has no money" meme.
Bentley Wilson
Nolan Adams
All Trump has to do is give a speech with X amount of Bill Clinton's rape victims whom Hillary Clinton protected.
It's not exactly difficult.
Ian Richardson
Is Housos popular down there? Seems like a faster paced Trailer Park Boys.
Leo White
Isn't Trump supposed to release financial information today, donations or something? When will that be?
Henry Hughes
>Spend some time to secure: Texas, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri, Arizona,
Waste of good time. These are already all red come November.
Oliver Watson
>Ignoring New York Everything else is correct. Not sure about focusing on Maine either.
Luis Cox
Generally, though I think those spend time to secure states are fairly secure. NY/NJ maybe a litttttllleeee time
Leo Thompson
that bitch got a fat ass tho
Parker Peterson
Aaron Taylor
He doesn't need to secure Texas. Prolly not Missouri either. I also think GA is a meme.
Rest looks okay. Obviously PA, FL, OH are highest priority
Henry Mitchell
Andrew Reyes
she looks like fucking carrot top
Juan Jackson
CD2 is polling for Trump but it's like 1 electoral college.
Anthony Allen
I like how CNN's christine romans tries to minimize the 20% of businesses go bankrupt number. She paused and did some kind of reality show head tilt thing to dramatize it
Angel Thomas
Do you have a picture of said vanquished building?
Jordan Sanchez
watching ashleigh (spelling lol?) banfield on clinton news network is leaf shitposting on live tv; can't wake up :c
Henry Gomez
>shillary >not winning DC Shit map desu
Jacob Howard
he's made sure his platform is absorbed into the general democratic platform. hillary came out for free college. he's doing exactly what he intended to do.
Lincoln Williams
>Ignore >Minnesota
I don't want to feel this feel, I just want to go to a Trump rally.
Jayden Wilson
Has anyone here been to the Trump Tower? can you buy MAGA hats in the store?
Isaac Williams
Not sure what she's trying to do.
Jonathan Powell
I think he's delaying to let Hillary roast in the flames.
William Young
the point was to be ironic
Jason Bennett
Yeah, I've seen people post hats they've bought at the Trump tower
Nathaniel Rivera
Yes I bought one at trump tower Vegas
Jose White
He only needs to spend some time to secure Arizona and North Carolina.
NC is a pretty red state but Hillary is contesting it hard
Aiden Rivera
You're painting a picture as of Trump's bankrupt casinos have been shuttered and abandoned. I would like to see a picture of such a thing.
Brody Foster
Let Hillary have this news cycle. She's only helping Trump.
Mason Perez
Thanks, Gonna go there when I'm in Manhattan, I have to buy a fucking MAGA hat
Brayden Cruz
Trump should:
Spend some time, maybe abandon as election comes closer if looks pointless (or upgrade to Focus): New York, New Jersey, Oregon, Maine & Michigan.
Spend some time to secure: Indiana, Missouri, Arizona, North Carolina
Focus on: Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire.
>ignore the rest
Gavin Russell
I'm trying to make a cutout of him. Are there any tools to make it easier and still look good or do I have to manually erase around him?
Logan Miller
If Trump will truly bring ALL people of this nation together, will he be the first power figure to admit the real genocide going on?
tweet related...
Jaxson Lewis
Now is that a short-lister or is that s short lister?
Seriously though, Comey is testifying before two congressional committees tomorrow and next week. Faster than predicted.
Ethan Johnson
What's happening in the news? Can't watch it now.
Gavin Morales
new york is clinton +21
Christian Scott
Trump will win Virginia I think.
The repubs in the south will vote trump but their fucktarded democratic wives might pull Clinton because of muh bagina.
Jose Price
Would I annoy liberals walking around the streets with it?
Blake Campbell
Probably the least likely there, barring horrible nyc turnout
Bentley Baker
fuck yeah you would
and then when they found out your israeli it'd be a double whammy
Ethan Sullivan
Yes, especially if you're Jewish and blatantly convey that you're Jewish and pro trump.
>But but but he's a racist nazi!!!!!!!!!
Brayden Powell
My ex used to pull that fucking face whenever she came...like an involuntary reflex, shit was disturbing as hell.
Luis Phillips
Oh vey.
Looks like Trumpeteers are even more deluded than Berniecucks.
He's dropping faster than a brick against a crappy opponent like Shillary.
Connor Wood
Does Trump actually have autism?
Like, there's something in the way he talks and the things he says. He just sounds ever so slightly aspie, like he doesn't quite understand what is socially acceptable to say and what isn't.
Hunter Howard
>like 500 """people""" killed each year >genocide
Sebastian Price
I'm at Trump Tower in Manhattan sitting in the cafe contemplating on which hat I should buy (white black red camo)
This place is fucking beautiful. Packed full of people.