Post your face when you realize the FBI, CIA, etc. monitors a satire board for terrorist activity.
Post your face when you realize the FBI, CIA, etc. monitors a satire board for terrorist activity
>99% of terrorist activity is planned on whatsapp and kik
>Sup Forums has one or two shooters a decade
>better monitor the one that isnt encripted
who cares?
im not doing anything illegal. fuck the FBI and double fuck the NSA. dumbass niggers that they are
Wasn't one terrorist attack planned using PS3 messenger?
They practically run this place
That was Paris, wasn't it?
Why the fuck would I want to commit an atrocity in my own country?
Pretty sure they monitor it for information, since Sup Forums is obviously satire, no "for terrorist activity."
Fairly certain these agencies realize Sup Forums exclusively exists for anime porn.
I'm a paranoid schizophrenic and every time I post in Jew threads, it tries to make me think that the Jews are watching me because I don't say nice things about them.
lol plebs
This. Not going to fuck up my homeland but if I were in Saudi Arabia...
>thinks it's not
Meh. I'll just sit back and let the drop in oil prices ruin the Saudi Arabian economy and turn it into a shithole.
Ok lets insult the fbi and nsa so i dont look like a paid shill agent
Its working 4 u
I wonder what the white FBI agents think.
>Sup Forums is obviously satire, no "for terrorist activity."
they think that they can identify the kids who will go and shoot up their schools by their speech on the chans.
they scan for certain phrases which indicate personality types.
if any red flags are raised they note your ip address for continual monitoring via trojans.
also they regularly scan hard drives for known cheese pizza and regularly v& those that have it.
disclaimer: my friend is an analyst for law enforcement
>cia and fbi keeping tabs on me
>only ever post silly trump memes and nice girl feet
you got me fbi
Implying any of them are leftists
Implying they don't come here to get away from their offices affirmative action
Don't really care desu
I don't know what to believe anymore
Calling this board "satire" won't make them believe it's satire. They're not stupid.
To CNN, CBS, BBC, Reuters, AlJazeera, FBI, Mossad, MI5, CIA, SKYNEWS, Fox News and all media outlets and intelligence services which are now scrutinizing Sup Forums:
Hereby I affirm that everything I posted and wrote on Sup Forums with this IP is and always has been ironic political satire.
Nothing I posted agrees with my true beliefs. I love peace, ethnicities, all the races, I love Clinton and the dems. I love multiculturalism and people from other countries, especially Turks.
Thank you for your attention
Really though, are you guys genuine about some of the shit you talk about?
I rely on Sup Forums for accurate news and factual details of events. This is my only interaction with the outside world.
it's satire, all of it
>alright agent smith was their anything illegal or of concern posted on the Sup Forums today?
>well sir there was 17 blacked threads titled "how can white bois even compete" posted by 7 differant Australian IPs
Dito. Refugees welcome. They are our future. Merkel is awesome. I want her to rule forever. The EU is great and i love being a EU citizen. Races are a social construct. As are borders. Islam belong to germany and is the religion of peace. We are responsible for the destruction of syria and therefore must take in everyone who wants to come here.
>this just in govt agencies are lazy and inefficient
Only Corporations have any power to actually do anything about anything.
Sup Forums is a board of peace, a few racists don't represent the moderate majority
They monitor all sites. Sup Forums was one of their first though. Right around 2007.
You really started noticing it at other places that got a lot of eyes around 2010.
Be happy knowing that here, we're way ahead of the curve. YES!
That sounds like your superego is upset that you (your ego) hasn't been nice recently. Have you been doing mean things to people? Are you worried you have been mean?
that's what governments do.
how else are they supposed to catch the bad guys?
so this is why they never catch them when they post crazy snackbar shit on facebook for every one to see. they are to busy shitposting got it
Probably just laugh at all the retards and edgy teens trying to get attention
thanks china please bomb hillary kthxbai hi nsa please rape my face
I wonder what they think of me.
In the 80's and 90's I was known to be involved in organized crime and have had various non-association terms on paroles, and was a subject of various task forces, all of which would come up on a simple search of me on cpic or through csis.
I have not gotten so much as a parking ticket since the turn of the century, and my only footprint online has been: An ogrish account where all I ever did was post ascii erections, asking suicidal posters for pictures of their feet on Sup Forums, and posting poo in loo content on Sup Forums.
Friend, it's all a joke. Let it go.
>browsing for thoughtcrime
>board of peace
hahahahhahahaha best kek ive had all day thanks mate
even the people claiming its not satire are being satirical when they say it.
You know they're the ones posting traps too.
I wonder about this sometimes. Like if they know everything I do on my computer and phone, they must know me better than I know myself in some ways.
I'm too lazy/not really doing anything super illegal so I don't have any VPNs and shit.
But like I always wonder if they could like predict what I'm going to do. Or know if I had a shit day just based on my internet usage.
Fuckin spooky mang
Some middle aged agent who knows nothing about the internet has to go through all these posts looking for terrorist activity.
Bomb in Washington in 24 hours.
are you a fucking retard?
>especially Turks
top kek
they do not monitor for terrorists, they monitor to keep an eye on and skew opinions
I pay you faggots with every paycheck.
>shitpost on a Tibetan basket weaving board
>get put on a suspected terrorist list
I can't imagine there is anything interesting to them on this site.
Lol ...I was in that thread.
>waste time monitoring Sup Forums
>can't even indict hillary
Oh gosh I hope NSA-senpai notices me
u wot
Oregon one was on /r9k/ tho. I think only euros would be monitored because muh police state.
This tbqh
>oh but she didn't know!
There's a legal term for this that means "Ignorance is no excuse."