Why don't they just hunt or farm?

Why don't they just hunt or farm?
Are they too stupid?

Being poor isn't an excuse because money has only existed for a few thousand years, and humanity has existed for several hundred thousand.

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Too lazy

Too stupid, too lazy, and I'm sure the soil is barren and fallow.

Surely the soil is rich since they poo everywhere

>soil is barren and fallow.

Whites had no issue farming in Africa.

It`s because they suffered so much from opression that they just can`t do it anymore

Too much ficki ficki

From my simple understanding,
Aide Groups, and supposedly 100+ different aid groups like feed the children, Christian children's fun, Africa relief, Red Cross, all that stuff, funnels in millions of pounds of rice and bread and food items and distributes them for free

Farmers don't make money since people can get their food for free rather buying it

Farms are neglected
Jobs are lost
And people enter a state of dependence on the aid

the problem is simple.

Thanks to western medical care, too many children survive.

It used to be that they had 8+ children because only 2 or 3 would live to be older than 5, mostly due to sicknesses.

Now most of them survive because we're giving them medicine, but they can't feed them, for many reasons. They are too lazy and stupid, there is not enough food to feed everyone, and this of course:

so hot
gets me every time

bye bye fingers

>Holy shit What're you doing

Too lazy and too many people.

Many times in situations like these where i found something doesn't make sense. I eventually come up with a good reason underlying reasons and so forth.

But in this one all i see is just a bunch of useless people unable to organize themselves just being raised and bred so help organisations can make money. Natural selection kills off any species that can't sustain its shit. They say criminals prey on any who try to organize and create a working civilization like farmers. Then why don't we use foreign aid to protect them and destroy crime rather than raise the starving babies so they can grow up and make more starving babies.


there are probably a lot of reasons but stupidity is probably involved.

>buy dirt on credit
>spend days making cookies out of pure DIRT
>sell dirt cookies
>still lose money

im trying to understand this shit but it just doesnt make sense

I think it's also a similar thing with "Toms" shoes. For every pair that you buy, the company gives one to some Africans. This has the effect of putting local shoe makers out of work there. It's probably not that big a deal since it frees up some labour to do other things but when they get everything for free, there's literally zero wealth being generated.

That picture is from ethiopia

Yes most of us DO farm, the famine was fucking 30 years ago you white morons, things have greatly improved since then. There's a long way to go, but you think we all just stood around staring at each other?


birth rate mostly.
What happens if you give equal share of your land from which you could live to each of your 7 children....

population almost tripled in the last 40 years
~450 mill in 1980 to1200mil 2015

Whites had industrial machinery and foreigners willing to subsidize them

Why don't they just hunt?

Business idea: Take the $5 and buy food instead.

i dont know whats worse in that picture
-holding the soldering iron
-using the soldering iron with a battery from the looks of it.
-what is she doing without any solder or desoldering pump or something like that.

Show me again those vast cornfields of central africa that whites created?

Hunt what?

They're too stupid. Every year they have the same famine yet they continue to breed at absolutely retarded rates.

Every single fucking year we get a new "worst crisis evahhh!!!1!1" because there are millions of new mouths to feed.

The land can't support the number of citizens with how undeveloped it is. For the problem to be solved one of these has to change, and the africans sure as fuck aren't going to do the latter.

He's a moron who thinks all of africa is like the rolling green hills of zululand he sees on NatGeo

And doesn't realize Europe and India are the most fertile lands on earth, or that the centrasl african rainforests are some of the most nutrient poor areas on earth. You can only eke out a small living with slash and burn agriculture combined with rotation.

No no, africa is a tropical paradise like on the safari shows

Nigger do your own research.

The worst fact is that she is willingly posing for a "le powerful women in stem stronk" propaganda picture and all the liberal arts feminists/cuckolds looking at this will praise it as a step in the right direction.

Whatever their ancestors did.

>Why don't they just hunt or farm?
>Are they too stupid?

pic related
they live in one of the most barren places on earth and have no way of leaving.

O Really?A quick google search gave that for example. Care to explain why the amount of US food aid is so high, if all is well there?

>adults don't eat the dirt cookies, because it's shameful
> they force the kids to eat it, thus depriving them of necesary proteins and vitamins while growing, not to metion the health hazards of eating dirt

This is the main difference between niggers and whites. While a white person would sacrifice anything to provide what it's best for its children, a nigger would literally force his kid to eat dirt in order for him to have a better meal.

When they fucked us over we left with all our machinery and equipment.
And the education systems.
The rich and clever blacks won't focus on education because they know that it'll screw them and their comfy lives in the future.

I've been to central africa about 10 years ago. The environment can't support cereal crops without huge irrigation systems. It would take billions of dollars to build that infrastructure. You're argument is literally
>Why can poor people just make more money?

>have no way of leaving
Walk south.




Then why the fuck are those niggers fucking like rabbits knowing that they can't support the future generations?

The white man stole all their ideas and technology. When you steal an idea, they don't have it any more.

God wants them to die

But we're too stupid to let them by continuing to be the perpetual charity cock they get on their hands and knees and suck for survival.

Blame Jesus for that one

It boggles the fucking mind, They're paying for fucking dirt.

There is nothing left to hunt, except occasional trespassing into sparse nature reserves.

It comes to no surprise the prevalence of "Number 4" meat when there is no bush meat

I dont think the rain forest needs irrigation, however the lateric soils that form in jungles suck for growing anything for more than a year or two, basically it is so lush that all the nutrients are sucked up into biomass rather than accumulate in the soils like in prairies and temperate deciduous forests

>It took 150,000 years for humans to work out how to put seeds in the ground and invent farming


Because they don't have much access to birth control?

>survive on dirt

that's not how nutrition works

>Why don't people just utilize the endless supply of natural resources surrounding them and instead give up and wait to starve to death when they run out of money?

Gee. I wonder.

Well I was referring more to the savanna grassland areas.

Probably not the region you meant, but I love this picture too much.

The must learn to make whatever animals they have left to fuck each other then.
Also, see .
n Boer maak n plan.

>Because they don't have much access to birth control

Yeah, thats a good excuse for having 5 children while you are unable to feed even yourself.

But no, the niggers have to fuck like the animals they really are, instead of planing it / use contraceptive methods, even the natural ones.

> not realizing the people you see starving on charity commercials are farmers from areas stricken by drought that killed their crops and cattle
> not understanding that even in African countries with poor nutrition, as long as there isn't drought people are generally doing okay and living sustainably

how fucking stupid and sheltered are you?

>niggers are literally wild animals that will kill themselves like overpopulated deer

>you can't feed yourself unless you have fancy machines and investors

Didn't Israel do some sneaky shit to Ehtiopians before they came to Israel.
They said they were going to give them vaccine shots but in actual fact it was birth control?

If Niggers are too stupid to have evolved tongues like frogs to catch and feed on those nutrition rich flies that land on their faces then, quite frankly, they deserve to die.

Not like there's a shortage of blackies is there?

These seem to be displaced Ethiopian subsistence farmers. I have no idea what their story is, but most likely they have been ignored by the Ethiopian government due to political/tribal differences.
Which is how things go in Africa.

This has the effect of putting local shoe makers out of work there.
Everything made in Africa fucking sucks though.

Seriously charity to Africa should be outlawed.

do they not know where babies come from?

>kill white people who were making your shitty little island into a paradise
>now you live in destitute filth and have to eat dirt

fuck haitians

>Inspired by the French Revolution of 1789 and principles of the rights of man, free people of color and slaves in Saint-Domingue and the French West Indies pressed for freedom and more civil rights. Most important was the revolution of the slaves in Saint-Domingue, starting in the northern plains in 1791, where Africans greatly outnumbered the whites.

>The independence of Saint-Domingue was proclaimed by Dessalines on 1 January 1804.[60] The exact number of deaths due to the Haitian revolution is unknown.

>Dessalines was proclaimed "Emperor for Life" by his troops.[61] Dessalines at first offered protection to the white planters and others.[62] Once in power, he ordered the massacre of most whites. Without regard to age or gender, those who did not swear allegiance to him were slain.[63] In the continuing competition for power, he was assassinated by rivals on 17 October 1806.[64]

Yeah they did do that. I don't really blame them.

sounds like the US economy

Howzit bro ?

explain stuff like that then

I thank god every day that I was born white.

Feels good to be in the global top 1%.

Because they don't think about the future, just ficki ficki.


This. The skills required to be self-sufficient require time to develop, since they get the end-products for free there's no opportunity to learn how to make them themselves. It' not really an excuse though, there are plenty of charities that do the right thing (teach them how to build houses, do indoor plumbing, et cetera) only for that knowledge to disappear or simply not be used.

To be honest I think the main reason Africa is such an undeveloped clusterfuck is that A) it's one of the sunniest, hottest places on the earth and B) everyone's black as fuck so they just absorb the heat like sponges.


They get some things right at least.
Are you that ZANU monkey that pretends he's white always?

>implying they have the skill or patience to breed and care for any animal in a well managed environment

Their foresight is about as far as the time between the birth of another of their niglets

Protip, africans hate other africans. They'll be machete'd on sight. They do not care about poor refugees.

nuke them from orbit

It looked so promising with the ones that were on our side in Rhodesia.

John Carpenter's The Thing!

If you haven't seen this movie, this is your divine intervention telling you to go see it!

>you gotta be fucking kidding


Even Japan gets what the fuck is up. All this 'humanitarian' aid is just making the problems worse.

Clearly it's because of white privilege or whatever anti-white slur the kikes are pushing in the current year.

It's all so tiresome.

>avg 65 or lower
How the fuck are these "people" considered human?

Aren't people considered legally retarded at 70?

It's clearly directly proportional to how hard each area got hit by colonization. You should know that IQ tests are a product of the white colonist supremacist movement :^)

That China stat padding.

When you grow up, you realize that "Geopolitics", is nothing more than organized political entities that work together to get a goal. Then you realize that those organized entities can go full ISIS and on the warpath overnight, and then all of a sudden you realize the dire necessity of having peace-time borders that are stringently controlled.

You do realize that white people came to africa before industrial machines? Hell my family arrived in south africa in 1789. No john deere tractors or combines back then I reckon.

kek; China is probably ~100 though.

I get your point.

>White people can't really be poor, says rich Jewish man in clickbait article written during office foosball tournament

Only metropolitan China.

Out in the sticks they're dumber than a sack of rocks.

That fucking image

Kek, are we looking at the same map, Kang?

Vast majority of sub-Saharan Africa is green. Also, Australia, Spain, and Argentina seem to be doing just fine in the famine department, despite most of their land being arid, according to that map.

Why don't the pillaging western countries stop supporting their dictators and scheming unrests?

Saved for future use.

yes more than half of them would be considered mentaly ill in the west

What's number 4 meat? Other people?

>Aren't people considered legally retarded at 70?
Yes. It used to be 85.

Nah. East Asians have always consistently had high IQ in virtually every study.


U speak shona?

This is the single most important graph in modern human history and almost no one knows.

Jesus Christ China that nigga got fucking wrekt.

>white autist with a hobby does what niggers couldn't for thousands of years.mp4

How do you test people for mathematical skills when they never went to school?


It's pattern recognition.