I think I have figured out a way to end the cancer known as feminism. The method might even be used to end SJWism. The method you might ask? Well, it's quite simple. We must convince the strong womyn in feminism and sjwism that men cannot be allowed to participate. This because men have been the oppressors for generations, and thus they cannot be trusted. We need to convince them to get rid of every male in a leader role. If we're able to do this, the movements will wither and die. Women simply do not have the ability to organize and co-operate. The movements would die due to infighting. What do you think of my idea Sup Forums? Is it feasible? How would we go about making this a reality?
The End of Feminism
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Feminism is a symptom, the cause is the jew.
To stop feminism the jews must die, including yourself.
>inb4 1 post by op
>inb4 no replies to this post
I am happy to say that I am no jew. As you should know, there are only two cities in Norway with a jewish population, while this is very sad; there should be none. I am happy to say that I've never met a jew in my life. I do not know the horrors of the Jew
If you want to end feminism, just let them win. Let them take over and remake society in their retarded vision. Within a few years whatever Feminist Utopia they build will fall apart and western civilization will be forced to rebuild. Whatever rises up to replace it I guarantee you that it will learn from the mistakes of the past and be a full on patriarchy, and would remain so for many centuries.
i agree with you
but feminists are easy to use
back in my home board /mlp/
hasbro has been caught stealing pony fanart and using them in there games with out the creators consent . Plus she is a girl.
me and a few /mlp/ers have made a few fake tumber profiles.
In order to try to use them to attack hasbro.
Plus she is a girl. and the owner of hasbro is a white man.
>inb8 go die horsefucker
at least we as a board of fixing our problems instead of just bitching them.
at least we are using people for our advantage
Nope. Feminism has already won, now we're at the stage where feminists and traditionalists are sperging out 24/7 about men "opting out" of society. The shaming tactics are in overdrive.
>We must convince the strong womyn in feminism and sjwism that men cannot be allowed to participate.
They already believe that. Feminists believe that men can only be allies and not feminists.
>The movements would die due to infighting.
They already are. Feminists are extremely divided by race. Just look at thew animosity black and Latina feminists have towards the white ones.
>We must convince
Dropped right there. Convincing someone is a woman's tactic, or Jewish. Leading is the only answer, apathy towards those not on your path is the only answer. Spearhead your way into the world and others will follow. Numale OP
good idea
This is about subverting their movement. Not leading them. Lead we can do after it all falls apart.
>Feminists are extremely divided by race
But when feminists have any issues whatsoever, they are mentally conditioned to take out ALL their problems on beta/omega white males. That's just the way it goes. So the divisions really don't matter.
>This is about subverting their movement. Not leading them. Lead we can do after it all falls apart.
Again, thinking like a pathetic numale shit tier woman.
Leading causes the fall, waiting does jack shit you fucking manchild. When actual men lead, others follow and leave whatever it is they were working on behind. This goes for everything in life. Read a fucking book, find a fucking male mentor, fucking cringefest reading your shit.
You need feminism strong enough to be an equal opponent of other groups like niggas or muslims.Just bait them onto each other.Then slow propaganda and they die out.
Your a faggot and an idiot.
>stealing fanart
Fucking dummie, it's their IP the fan "artist" stole from them!
No, Feminism has not won just yet. They have control over the media because "Think of the women!" is always going to be a safe play, and a strong foothold in segments of academia. They have liberal politicians pandering to them with lip service, but don't have any real power yet. Get back to me when equal opportunity and rights are abolished for being sexist and racist, the progressive stack becomes legally enforced, and the Dictionary of Sociology becomes the new standard for language.
They already have that. They've had it for decades. It's called 'Radical Feminism.'
No, that is not the same thing as 'Extra Strong (Liberal) Feminism.'
I'm all for the idea OP. None of these dumbfucks here don't know shit. Feminists and SJWs are retarded and just follow what ever is in the herd. As long as they think it is the popular opinon that is related to their ideology, they will follow it with no questions asked. I think this idea has potential but the only con to this is that you may create more of a backlash if people are too stupid to see past their rhetoric.
I think the main issue is that a lot of feminist group are backed by Soros and the likes of him. Now if the feminists started to believe that they didn't need Soros' money, because he is an oppressive white male (he actually is, so it's not a lie) they would eventually fall apart. Who's going to fund them? No woman.
So you're saying that feminism has not won, because they have not totally 100 percent dominated everyone and everything yet? Is that it? I see how women are seen as better than men, how men are still disposable, how you can't criticize women, how women benefit from feminism and chivalry simultaneously.
Considering all that, I can't see how they've *not* won. I hope you're not saying that people like me and you are the reason they haven't won, because we have no power.
There are right now several jews in Oslo shitposting on Sup Forums for their mastermind Edwin Kohn. They've even admitted it as well here.
If I could pinpoint their location I'd call the police on them for wanting to incite genocide of white people 24/7. It's against the UN human rights laws to do that.
>because he is an oppressive white male (he actually is, so it's not a lie)
Whoa there, this rhetoric is weird. Soros is a jew so he is not white.
Er du virkelig norsk?
nice trips, but I disagree with your statement that they would start to go after soros for funding them. The truth is feminists are extremely hypocritical and would most likely praise soros for aiding them in their "fight". Even if it is hypocritical and illogoical, they don't care;that's why they're feminists.
They're already doing this, and thus why feminism is a self-defeating purpose.
We don't need any cunning plans, they've got it covered, senpai :^)
Why is it that we never hear that Jews in Israel have too little experience in dealing with minorities? That's because the Jews are the biggest racists in the world.
Han er fra ungarn. Det er da et "hvit" område. Han hjalp til og med nazistene der, med å konfiskere jodisk eiendom.
Because they conveniently control the media.
They haven't won because they have yet to actually get any of their radical ideas or policies put into practice. As of right now, they are still just all talk and worthless activism. They make lots of noise that the media and academia heavily promote, but it hasn't had any results yet.
I guess it's time for a soah.
Or we could just go mgtow and watch all the feminist hags hit the wall then die alone?
I don't want a world war 3 to happen because some cunts with pms had a bad day.
The good thing about the left is that it's premises are so inconsistent that in the end they start eating each other.
The whole LGBTQ-whatever movement is the best case study. It is falling apart because of internal conflicts.
Feminism is already so damaged that the only good thing (in public's perception) is the name. Because if you ask any normie if he/she/xi thinks feminism is good they will say yeah, but when you ask about the actual policies they are pushing these days their face will turn pale white.
That's not true though. I see how western culture has drastically shifted to be anti-male and pro-female. You'll probably disagree with that, but others have agreed with me in the past. The Internet was the main facilitator of this.
>women in the workforce
>premarital sex is NORMAL and even "conservative" men accept it as ok
>women allowed full independence in college
they've already won, you're just talking about the silly third wave shit. Really it was the older waves that did far more damage, and this happened over 50 years ago and you're brainwashed with it
I'm done with this video. As I said before it comes to leading. Out with the old and in with the new, If you don't like the world than actively go out and change it. Don't try to turn other people on each other while forming nothing of yourself for others, find a purpose and dedicate yourself to it.
If your purpose in life is to set others on each other then by all regards go for it. I will work in my own way and bring about the end of corruption through policy change.
>let me tell you my plan to destroy a huge, multi-branched political movement that I never researched before
Feminism that excludes men completely is female separatism, a form of the second wave's radical feminism. The entire second wave is deeply unpopular now BECAUSE of that. The only feminists who will agree to kick the men out never had men to begin with. The rest will accuse you of weak intersectionality and transphobia.
"Third wave feminism" does the same thing though. If you aren't a 10/10 alpha Chad Thundercock, they won't respect you, and you'll have to walk on eggshells around them, and they will use you as a scapegoat for whatever they can, and they will have an irrational, vile hatred of you.
I have observed this many times, so you can't tell me it's wrong. And people on this board seem to think that only "third wave feminism" is the problem, then they wonder why female degeneracy continues at an astronomical pace.
soros is a zionist, he backs feminist groups until they start acting in israel. if they do, he cuts funding
b-but he said the time when he was giving up fellow jews to the nazi's was the happiest time in his life??
>Feminism is a symptom, the cause is the jew.
"Jews created women's nature".
Are you a feminist kike?
No? Then stop pushing Jewish god propaganda. And stop claiming that there is a war on women.
>Because they conveniently control the media
Says who? Your debunked stormnigger infograph?
>Women simply do not have the ability to organize and co-operate.
They don't need to. They have politicians to do it for them. Or are you also going to suggest that men shouldn't be allowed to be politicians.
>The method might even be used to end SJWism.
SJWs are no problem.
it's fucking hilarious that these anti-racist types cause more racial tension with their open demands for fucking with the majority ethnicity. like motherfucker do you want minorities to be viewed with suspicion and contempt? this is how you do it