Now that we have confirmed that Belgium is a non-country. What are other non-countries?
the uk will be one soon
Give me a definition of a non country.
Sweden is the metric.
belgium has never really been a country it does not have its own history or people
Yeah, places like Ukraine or Estonia that should literally just be Russia. Everything in between Germany and Russia (besides MAYBE poland) doesnt deserve country status.
Belgium has no history, and we aren't people, nope
Please tell me more
Estonia has Estonians, so I don't see why they shouldn't exist. Belgium and Ukraine, on the other hand, are indeed non-countries.
Germany, USA, nothing but foreigners.
Having no history or people of its own. Sweden of course is a real country
You are just Dutch and French people who have forgotten whom you belong to.
There is a reason you have failed in everything you have been involved with. You wouldn't even have had any colonies if it wasn't for the world taking pity on you. And you even fucked that up.
Are Estonians cool?
Switzerland, Bosnia Herzegovina, Slovenia, Macedonia
Fucking Kosovo.
and Kosovo
German education everybody
Estonia should definitely deserve the "country" -status. They fought for the freedom of their people, that is good enough in my books
> Slovenia
Everyone has at some point fought for freedom
Even Injuns who scalped the Anglo
Tell me about Belgians. What language do they speak? What ethnicity are they? Are they largely Catholic or Protestant? What values do they have?
The Estonians are still here to tell the tale though
baiting Slovenians
any european country besides france, uk and germany.
I'm fuggin triggered m8
> "country"
Wow, rude
L2history bout the colony part
We all came from africa anyway
So don't forget where u came from
>no history
what about that funny story about cutting off hands in kongo?
That was a german.
Belgium is a Habsburg's colony, innit?
Fuck off Russian proxy.
Germans are jolly lads
This flag is a non-country
t. Pepik
Sure, Juan.
Modern Russia, Ukraine, Transistria, Kosovo, Albania, both Cypruses.
All slavic country's and America in 20-30 years
real Lithuania is Belarusia
Sweden. Sweden has been taken over by the feminists and the third world.
You're fags too?
West Sahara
Says Canada...
UK is a country consisting of smaller countries.
>British education
Singapore is a non-country that deserves to be under British rule again.
Holy shit. This is actually a pretty good way of measuring how cucked a country is, burger.
1.00 Sweden
0.69 Sweden
0.75 Sweden
0.78 Sweden
1.34 Sweden
0.23 Sweden
This should be the standard
Ok, that makes it simple: Which countries are not run by a nigger?
What's Bohemia you no history pleb
>facial abuse
those fucking guys are goddamn hilarious
>the one with the buff black chick who bench presses the guy in that pic
Mexico. It is nothing more then a middle man for South American produced drugs going to North America.
1812, We fought during WWI And WWII, We were the first french setllement in North America, Our name come from "Kanata" a Huron word meaning "Settlement". We had in total 3 Revolutions, 2 referendum, 1 Quiet revolution, We have a Constitution, And The word "Canadians" Was first served to describe Second generation Immigrants by Jean talon,
Sweden history:
Met Ahmed. Big cock. The end.
>Saving a Thumbnail
saved, great idea
its in one of these compilations
not sure which one, they are all hilarious going to rewatch anyway let you know when i find it
the camera man is next level
Canada thinking it has a valid opinion, thumbnail or not it's meaning is as clear as your leaders shortcomings.
Any country with more than one official language
> having a circumcision tomorrow to cure my phimosis, any erection will rip stitches for at least 2 weeks and I won't be able to masturbate until I heal and relearn.
Not sure if I should watch this tonight...thanks for the sauce though here is my rarest pepe
But how much a "Sweden" is?
Any Arab country
Sweden at this point
Do you need to ask?
~142,000 refugees
the EU
A sweden is a half Poland.
Don't do it senpai, just use steroid creams
Any country with less than 80% ethnic-homogeneity
Trust me just watch it, you will be laughing too hard to fap
That means Germany is about to re become a country, But on the wrong side at this rate, Eh?
Poland isn't even 0.2 Sweden. It's hardly 0.15.
I'll trade you our women for yours.
Satisfactory banter as usual, leaf
Latin American countries are kind of an anomaly. Shouldn't they just be consolidated into like three countries?
Damn. If it didn't look like a place you would go to suffer crippling depression I would almost move there.
This is outrageous. Why isn't Germany annoyed by this?
because this is what Germans like
whats with these fucking ads? i saw the one with the two dudes the other day
At least the Frogs knew better than to put us on our knees in front of some black cunt.
spot the w*lloon
That's a nice meme! EXQUISITE!
Also, fucking Bosnia.
Canada is a bit of a meme country
That made me love you guys so much more, will definitely come back one day. Krakow was the whitest city in Europe I've ever been to.
Having a flag that tries to be several countries at the same time. In our case France and Germany.
And history will confirm with the UK, mark my words.
wth i hate Poland now
Technically Belgians are mostly Catholic. That's the reason Belgium exists.
Cuba, Philipines, and Panama. All rightful American clay.