>Le white people are evil meme
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>Le white people are evil meme
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I live in downtown Detroit and it's pretty much what's happening right now. Whites are moving back into the city and the niggers are slowly moving out. I hear them all the time when I'm at the Eastern Market, whining about how "Whitey" is ruining everything by bringing money back into the city and rebuilding infrastructure and raising property values. Clearly the city was better when it resembled a third world post apocalyptic shithole instead because there were no "evil" white people
How can anyone even do anything about gentrification. If I buy some shithole, it my property and I'll fix it up if I want.
I do not understand the arguments against gentrification. Can someone explain them to me?
>it makes it more expensive to live!
Well your options are live in destitute poverty and violence and let your kids extend this process or live with modestly higher expenses.
>1960s: leftists are demanding blacks be put in white neighborhoods
>2016: leftists are demanding whites get out of black neighborhoods
Really made be think...
I don't get people who cry about gentrification. Let me get this straight... you're mad about white people raising property value, bringing cool businesses and getting rid of crime in shitty neighborhoods? Hahaha, okay you silly racist nigger.
That's right blame all the minorities for them leaving and not the actual companies that took their jobs over seas. Fucking moron.
Then those people need to blame the cancerous unions and their inability to get skill set for a career instead of relying on a job that can come and go at any minute.
Isn't Detroit still fucked up aside from downtown, English Village and Boston Edison? Just goes to show that they aren't interested in coexisting. They want it all.
Why do people get angry about the natural progression of urban areas?
I like the anti gentrification push because of the cognitive dissonance it must unleash on those hipster shits
>higher living standards is class war
>leaving to avoid lower living standards is racism
what's more disgusting about all of this is the prevalence of municipal groups designed to promote lower-class affordable housing in areas that were/are higher class and developed
fuck the free market and fuck progress, bring everyone down to the same level and ruin any reason to aspire to greater things
Kikes are pretty much the only people that actively support gentrification. I don't enjoy paying higher rent and do not know many people who do.
Right? The news would fucking explode if someone hanged a sign reading "no black people in neighborhood X!"
Because they don't know what they are talking about. They complained when whites left and took their money to the suburbs, now they complain when white people and their money are coming back. Many of these idiots oppose both suburbs and gentrification, which makes no sense at all.
With the advent of suburbs, cities can no longer grow by annexing adjacent land because virtually all first ring suburbs are incorporated communities. Their only choice is to attract higher income people and densify.
You are white trash
>yes Mr Shekelberg please hike my rents up!
Kill yourself.
>Jews profit from gentrification
>Oy vey, they evil white man is ruinnning your precious colored hood, not us! Boo, evil whitey boo!! *rubs hands*
Why are the whites moving back to detriot? What's there for us?
>little nigger steals white woman's cell phone
>she chases him down and gets it back
>holds him until police arrive
>liberals freak out
>"If you are nonviolently mugged by a child, continue to let him run along with his friends. The world will be a better place"
Because now that the blacks did all the work on reviving that shithole the whites ruined, the Whites are showing up to take the fruits of someone else's labor
get a job
Kids lucky he didn't get a fatter lip.
Boston Edison is still relatively nice and clean and English village is passable
Mike Duggan, the new white mayor of Detroit, is doing more in the two years he's been in office than the last four nigger mayors did in 40 years.
Long story short, Downtown is booming, new businesses are opening, corporate investment is on the rise, and old complexes are being rebuilt into lofts for the influx of people moving to Detroit for the job opportunities.
I myself work for a company that operates downtown, just started there actually. Studio apartments downtown are already becoming more and more valuable. Starting monthly rate is close to $700 a month now.
Rents go up.
Well, the main argument is [chimp noises].
What's the demographics of the Detriot police force? Is it still majority white despite Detroit being 80% black (correct me if that's wrong)
Arnt they rightfully destroyed now?
Detroit is now 70-something % black because of gentrification and immigration.
Police are mostly black(60%).
Majority of the police are black actually but it's a little over 60%. Detroit police are pretty cool if you don't act like a fucking idiot. It's the Wayne County sheriff and state police that tend to be dicks
Haha nice. Wow. Any attacks or rapes on those white hipsters?
They filed for bankruptcy, they didn't go out of business. You can declare bankruptcy and still operate.
All blacks want is to live in safe, crime-free, nice neighborhoods with no white people, paid for by white tax dollars. Is that too much to ask??
>Boston Edison is still relatively nice and clean and English village is passable
Apart from that its all 80+% black hoods though, right? Blacks still have most of the city, its not like they are being run out of town on a rail. They just don't want any white people in Detroit from the sound of things.
>let the muggers run free, the world will be a better place
Every libtard that says shit like this needs to be culturally enriched in the worst way.
Yeah, once you leave downtown you pretty much enter the urban decay but many of the neighborhoods are becoming effectively abandoned and banks are buying up lots and building condominiums there which niggers subsequently rent out and destroy but not to the degree they did to the older brick and mortar homes and so it can be easily repaired when they leave.
Once you head farther out, past 8 mile, the city becomes more white again.
>be white hipster
>create this flyer
>every other white hipster except for me moves out
>now I'm the only hipster in the village
I live in EAST LA, so I see firsthand how gentrification is affecting everyone. The general consensus is that it's nothing but trust fund kiddies pushing themselves into the city just so they can build craft beer spots/restaurants, which will just make the low income tenants not afford to live. The sad and hilarious fact is that it's actually true lol. It's nothing but white kids building Panda Express, Starbucks, and farmers markets. As much as I rather have Whites than Mexicans and blacks, the people that are trying to expand outside of Downtown LA are the worst kind of people. I've attended a few meetings at local schools where we discuss what's happening. It's really the landlords who are accepting huge bribes so that they can kick everyone out, and then they get increased cash flow since the property is steadily increasing. So glad my mother owns the property im staying at.
-From an American born, Mexican background Trump voter
>liberals literally promoting segregation
Nice try libtards
>pay phones
Why do I get nostalgic about them, I only used them for like 3 years of my life
I think you're right that it was created by another white hipster. Hipsters hate gentrification more than anyone, even though they themselves are gentrifiers.
From living in NYC, I've noticed that there is like a "heirarchy" of white gentrifers, with each group hating the groups below it. It does something like this:
1. White drug addicts
2. Actual poor artists/musicians
3. Fake artists/musicians with college degrees
4. Fake artists/musicians with trust funds
5. Yuppies
The companies didn't force the Dark Horde of Detroit to burn down their own buildings.
Not to mention the laws that were put in place that forced the companies to move were enacted primarily by Democrats (who have also run Detroit for over half a century). Democrats elected by fucking niggers.
Detroit is 100% black failure.
beacause they've joined the likes of VCRs, Beepers, and everything else that was left behind in a new era of technology. I remember using them to call 1800-Collect and charging my mum $3 just so she can accept the collect call just to hear me ask her if she can pick me from wherever the fuck I was at