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>teehee watch the next episode to find out if any of what you just watched was real ;^)
fuck this show
Actually prtetty good show desu.
Meh, I don't bother speculating too much. I enjoy how everything is being presented and don't mind just letting everything unfold.
everything so far has been pretty straightforward? most of the fan theories about "the hospital isn't real" or bullshit haven't been borne out, it's just the retro style thing. it's pretty obvious they're going from canon here, and we've seen 3 of david's personalities (fiend (i'm assuming), angry boy, and parcs and rec chick which he absorbed like the comics).
speaking of which, is there a fucking working free fx stream? all of them are offline tonight it seems.
>everything so far has been pretty straightforward?
Or HAS it? Stay tuned to find out! ;^)
I'm reasonably enjoying the show but man it's been pretty repetitive.
dude, just because you're still dealing with what LOST did to you doesn't mean all of us are. i'm watching it because it has some cool characters, and the setup is interesting, especially given david haller's history as an anti-hero in the comics. i'm waiting to see how other parts of him come up and fuck everyone over.
>dude, just because you're still dealing with what LOST did to you doesn't mean all of us are.
y-you managed to recover? how? please teach me, cause I can't watch Sup Forums since then
>It's a David get called out 300 times episode
I mean, it was pretty confusing up until the point where we realize it's x-men.
i don't watch anything else that jj abrhams is responsible for unless it can't be avoided (e.g. i had to take the kids to see Star Wars: Return of A New Hope 2)
but the big thing is to not be afraid to just drop something when it smells like it's going to jerk you around for 5 years and piss in your face. i should have dropped LOST in season 2 when it became clear it was just endless teasing with no resolution, but i kept at it because i *assumed* that the story would eventually go somewhere and the writers had a plan. ha ha.
if you lived through lost, you can *know* that it's possible that one of the highest profile shows was a writing clsuterfuck with no plan or conclusion or roadmap and just made shit up as it went along. so once you smell that shit in another series, you know just to detach and walk away. had i never suffered through lost, i might have got suckered into watching arrow through s3 and s4, because faith.
anyone else think this season is gonna end with his powers being "explained" but only like partially so that they can rehash this pacing style in the next season
assuming it's relatively close to the comics, he has virtually unlimited numbers/scope/kinds of powers. it's just every personality he creates/absorbs gets it's own powerset that activates when they emerge.
the thing is in the comics, he spends a good amount of time in his 'minscape' running away from the other personalities that are in a constant power struggle for control. i hope they don't do that too much in the show, as ductwork will get tiresome.
>so that they can rehash this pacing style in the next season
Don't know why I was hoping for this to be a miniseries.
>he has virtually unlimited numbers/scope/kinds of powers
Does he not have a main one he was born with? Or can he steal them from other mutants essentially?
The groundwork of his power is so perplexing.
>Does he not have a main one he was born with? Or can he steal them from other mutants essentially?
he doesn't steal the powers, the personalities just manifest with their own set of powers. he's a, well, legion of different mutants crammed into one body. for example, one of his personalities has a power is to turn anything he touches into a pillar of salt, one creates skin, some are just plain telepaths, later on they added some that are werewolves that change his body, etc. obviously the comic writers got bored and also came up with a way to manifest the personalities outside of his body (which the cary/kerry thing hinted at might be possible in the show).
his "main" power is kinda the metapower of creating all these powers, which includes the ability to absorb other people's conciousness into a new personality.
new episode tonight ?
Yes, on right now actually.
Those are some nice boots.
Well, shit.
I'm pretty over a lot of capeshit.
Does this manage to avoid a lot of the tropes going on there?
if it didn't say marvel, you wouldn't even know it's superhero. you would be like oh this is like inception
I really don't think the show is doing that at all. I was worried it'd be one of THOSE shows after the first episode but it's all been fairly straightforward, and that's even when it does play with reality.
It feels like there's an active attempt to not make it so ""artistic"" that it's incomprehensible.
it's unlike most superhero series' and movies.
same creator as the Fargo shows, which means it has that unique editing work, but lacks the finesse of Fargo.
not too say it's bad or anything.
ultimately it holds promise. more mystery, character driven drama and it doesn't feel like, well, capeshit.
I need this show to give me a fucking break already and define the perameters of its reality a little bit.
I don't need another Mr. Robot.
Still am enjoying the show, though, just want some answers. I probably only feel this way because I just finished Taboo and that show strung me along for 8 episodes.
the parameters will always change. it's part of the comics too.
david's reality in the comics is absolute chaos. he (the david haller personality) is often times being chased down and hunted by the other personalties through his mind. the show has been pretty straightforward compared to the comic.
just hit tpb 5 minutes ago, if you need to ya know.
fuck off capefag.
I'm hoping the Yellow Eyed Demon ends up being Mojo, that David's life is being screened as entertainment tv in an alternate universe and his ability to sense this invasion is why he's insane.
That sounds like something reddit would come up with when it tries to write "neat" stories that are terrible nudge nudge wink wink shitfests.
If you know so much about reddit, maybe you belong there
>called his dog "king"
>he didn't have a dog after all
Where can I watch this online? I missed the first ep and want to get caught up and what the fuck is going on.
I should have access to FXNOW but my shitter roommate set up the account for our cable network and doesn't remember the fucking password..
I couldn't find a working stream. It's up on tpb now, so torrent away.
Yeah Im not the biggest fan of the theory either, and that guy literally got that theory from the Legion subreddit.
Fuck him, let's just enjoy the show for what it is.
They don't have to force every single comic book thing into these. The qyality reminds me of the first two X-Men films.
What made those so good was that they were not overly comic book-y.
>not up on psarips yet
best episode yet? I think so
I'm going to a party in an ice cube. It's quite freaky, isn't it David?
I was getting worried, because episode 2 and 3 was getting a tad bit repetitive, but this pulled me back in again. It was great, I love that everything feels like a clusterfuck, when you think about the show afterwards, it almost feels non-linear.
me personally. i hate this show. its getting worse every episode. they shove in stupid, some dancing . Style over Substance fuck u trash show.
>the thing is in the comics, he spends a good amount of time in his 'minscape' running away from the other personalities that are in a constant power struggle for control.
Could that be what Summerland vs The Divisions is? I keep going back to that caged dog bathed in red light they had. And then later Lenny trying to convince him to leave Summerland and fall into Division 3's trap.
Does David have a comic personality like this Eye guy, or is that a separate character in Marvel?
is the guy who plays the ice man the vampire from what we do in the shadows?
yes, Jemaine Clement. hes a amazing actor, main reason ima keep watching this shit show.
>muh cheap Inception ripoff
I-It's the coming of C-Capekino!!!
It would be great if this keeps the 'llets team up and be super heroes' Capeshit to a minimum and just focuses on what it's like to be a mutant. I hate how these faggots always have to join a side or a league or some bullshit.
Halfway through the season.
I wonder if the show will remain the same or amp up in the remaining episodes.
if the next episode is the same I'll fucking drop it
10/10 post
This show is fucking nuts and I love it. Really unique storytelling, and it's one of the only TV shows I've seen that puts such a heavy influence on visuals. It's almost cinematic that way.
He can reintegrate other personalities in order to gain control of their corresponding powers.
>heavy influence on visuals
Agreed. I can't find the full image, but that giant face behind Lenny in ep2 was Benny.
when the fuck is he gonna use his amazing multipersonality powers Sup Forums?
so far it's just fucking boring
>where are the multiple personalities?
>Yellow Eyed Devil
>The World's Angriest Boy in the World
>probably others
>probably Bird, Ptonomy, Kerry/Carry
Its interesting in episode 2 when Ptonomy is telling David about his memory, David starts to see some kind of flickering female apparition and Ptonomy snaps his fingers in David's face as if to get his attention, but he works it seamlessly into the story he's telling.
Fuuuck what a great episode. So much shit revealed.
End it tonight, philistine
I'm pretty sure they're all the same. At least the last few minutes and the last shot proved that an user last week was right that Lenny was the YED.
in 32 minutes, Syd show her boobs in the bed having sex with someone, it was only for half second
What a liar.
who /betsy tough-love/ here?
It's on hulu.
that was his ex in the bed
The fact that it looks like they raided the costumes from First Class helps. Gives everyone a man out of time feeling.
is Dan Stevens basically Milo Ventimiglia? I liked Peter Petrelli more than David.
dropped it about 17 minutes into episode 4
>random flashforwards teasing something might happen
>you just have to sit through 40 minutes of nothing happening and people imagining things first :))))
yeah nah fuck this show
yeah I considered dropping it in the first half, god damn how fucking annoying the david david bs is
can you make a screenshot or slow motion video of that scene?
aaaaaan we're back to capeshit levels.
The episode had some good reveals but i think it went a bit too far with intentionally confusing us further. At the start i wasn't even sure if I had skipped an episode. Shouldn't the old woman from Summerland still be stuck in his mind?
she got out when the book was shut on her hand?
True, I remember now
Lenny who is Benny who died and wants to escape Davids mind.
You realise this show is all about DAVID DAVID right? Would you prefer LEGION LEGION LEGION?
What a clusterfuck episode. That ending though.
The promo to next episode looks HYPE.
>what a clusterfuck episode
>but the ending omg and the promo for next week
>implying it won't be just more of the same shit next week
why do people keep falling for this?
This is the perfect show to marathon in bed. Most introverted show out there. I love the costume design and dreams.
Extra is down
where find torrent now?
Keep falling for what? It's an amazing show. The endings to episodes always make you want to watch the next one and the promos reassure you of that hype.
>Keep falling for what?
For the illusion these shows are going somewhere, even though 90% of any episode is a bunch of nothing followed by a "twist" ending and a dishonest promo to keep idiots like you hooked because "shit's totally going down next week".
Is this the show where they had the school shooting thing and people did a Bane mask with their hands?
How did the eye disguise himself as the doctor and fool the three of them? It just doesn't make sense. And also his ex warning them.
I'm more and more starting to believe the theory that Division and Summerland are both parts of his mind fighting for control.
But then what's happening to his sister is real. Fuck this is so confusing, I'm getting schizophrenia.
why, you want a regular capeshit?
>What did the stars say?
So what did they say?
I keep getting that cosmic horror vibe from that question.
When was the last time someone listened to Stars without experiencing existential dread? Never, that's when.
no I dont want the same
Just marathoned episodes 1 - 4.
Someone please tell me Syd isn't some intangible phantom in Davids head like his doggy, fat yellow eye dude, childhood horror book guy, etc. Is she a part of any of the comic book lore?
Who knows.
If everything was just in his mind it would be a big let down, but I would be comfortable with a few things being made up.
Lenny and the dog didn't really interact with anyone but David or with David in the picture so it is easy for them to be illusions.
If Syd was an illusion literally everything else would be too or she would be a physical manifestation of his power what seems unlikely because she seems to be an established person in a group of other individuals way before she and David interact.
Chances of Syd being an illusion seems close to zero if they don't go with the "EVERYTHING is in my head" route what I doubt.
t. 12 year old
But there's clearly shit going down. And what do you mean not going anywhere? It's telling a story. You might think its nothing but every five minutes is something new about a character's, primarily David's, life or powers.
Understanding through semi-repetition
Remember the scene where David is asleep at Clockworks and his door opens by itself, then the floor leading from the door is shown with no one entering the room, then suddenly Syd is standing over him?
So, what Syd has a completely unmentioned teleporting power, but needs a door opened before she can teleport into a room and also has unmentioned telekinetic power to open it?
Or did David's subconscious mind open the door with his telekinesis to support his delusion that she came in? Or was Clockworks all a part of his delusion?
It was a memory. He was recalling the events. He heard the door but didn't notice she was there at first. When he did that is when she appears.
>they love him
didn't you watch the episode?
>lel my psychological capeshit
dropped after the second episode
He doesn't notice anything, he's sound asleep until she wakes him. I just hope it's not muh waifu shit that stops people from accepting clear visual cues.
Technically you can still hear shit when you're asleep, otherwise what's the point of an alarm clock?
There's no sound at all when she suddenly appears in the empty room.