/nord/ -Nordic General

hello my fellow Nordic Bothers. In this thread we discus Nordic culture, Cuizine, and politics


this is the correct version

then what the hell are you doing here you debt-mongrel



Why does the Greek guy have a turd on his face

here here aryan brother

>nordic culture

you mean serious discussion on the superiority of somalian black bulls versus the nigerian ones?

>that random greek
>not a turk rapebaby
thanks for the chuckle OP

How is our fellow Nordic country to the south doing today?

Norway has by far the least amount of mudslimes and niggers, then again I've only been to Oslo and Bergen.

What's wrong with Muslims?

You've gotten some shit on your flag Romania.

crosses are haram jamal, take it off your flag

In Romanian tradition, it is common to take a shit just about anywhere, including on the flag. It may seem unorthodox to you, but Romanians think there's literally nothing wrong with shit being everywhere. It's part of their culture, and you need to be more accepting. Stop being xenophobic!

jag gillar ensamhet och hårt arbete,
jag röstar på socialdemokraterna men håller inte med om deras invandringspolitik.

wheres the extended familia?

nvm, found it


That's a sweet falchion.
I accept the title of psychopath pirate monkey.

Sweden looks like black cock on this map.


Failed kek.

: (
