>started reading Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
rely maeks u dink, Sup Forums is a board of peace Kike. We only want to Shoah you (For real this time doe)
wtf i hate reading now
what's it like
>leftie cuck
>started reading Sup Forums
Shit tbqh
How's life in 1984 America ?
could be better
>Revealing your true nature
I don't believe it
You'll learn to love it
Look in the mirror. You are the goyim now.
K-den, so you guys going to be in Afghanistan for 17 years in a few months. Why doe ?
Pol is 90% jewish lmoa
Welcome. May the rare merchants guide you to greatness.
Who is this qt3.14 shadow spirit demon?
7 more and we can have a Minyan
I gotta say, pol is pretty good at dealing with shills and trolls, on b and x everyone takes the bait easily, same goes for other mainstream sites.
Where did you get this?
>read Sup Forums
>slowly turning into a self-hating jew
what do you guys
Virtually everyone on Sup Forums is jewish. That's the master ruse of it all.
Fampai, in what way are you Jewish?
Only Jews can be that obsessed with other Jews.
Can't stand that you have been found out, ((((kike?))))
Jewish chicks are fucking hot
Serious question here, lads. When you say "Jewish" do you mean that you or your family are religious? Cause I'm half but no one's practiced Judaism in my family for a hundred years or more. Just like the vast majority of post-Soviet Jews.
Is your mother a Jew?
Dear kikes when will you shoah the palestinians and other assorted sandniggers?
But of course. The intentional agitation of anti-jewish sentiment is the core of jewish power. Build and control the hate yourself, before it emerges spontaneously, and the goyim will never know what hit them.
Don't let the memes go to your head m8
Interestingly, both parents are half-Jews like me, but my maternal grandmother is 100% Kosher and I know where you're going with this, famalam.
>tfw you have jewish surnames on both sides of the family and look jewish as fuck but no history of anyone as a practising jew
i just want to be part of the club senpai
Well, you're Jewish, fampai by all, but the most ultra Orthodox definitions. You also have a right to return if you want to go to Israel.
If you're under 26, you also can probably find a birthright trip to take you for free if you're near a big city.
i'm not jewish but i'm the next best thing
filthy gallaibh and goyim are just jealous, dont listen to them
Yes, my family is mid-tier Conservative but older family had Orthodox
>actually jewish
why hate us pol
>be me
>start reading Sup Forums
>realise its just to keep you faggots occupied and looking in the wrong direction
such freedumb
Jews are parasites.
You can be our jewish man on the insdie! Start working for mossad and then post your work related shit here! We will grant you an honorary white title.
Somebody has read culture of critique
Yeah, that's right, kike.
The goyim know.
Yep, I know, but I've never considered repatriation, not for a split second. I identify as Russian and culturally I am certainly such, although I have no more than a quarter of Russian blood in me (I'm also a quarter Bashkir). Common thing here in Moscow, everyone's mixed as fuck.
>another shitpost in a long string of many every day.
>friend use to be a zealot-tier Jew
>started going on Sup Forums
>now he's talking about how terrible his people are
Make up your fucking mind, Nathan.
>Tfw you realize your entire life has been shitty because of your liberal bullshit
Feels kinda like Israel, doesn't it? :^)
This is a board of peace
I even feel kind of sorry for you. The one good thing about the USSR is that it was secular as fuck. Unfortunately, the ROC is regaining ground at an alarming rate. But Judaism in Russian is screwed eternally.
Just gather your diaspora into Israel and become isolationist and the world will magically start liking you.
>inb4 zionist
If the situation wasn't that countries are being drained to sustain it nobody would care, Nobody on Sup Forums cares about palestianians outside of muslims, it's just used to show the hipocracey of Israel.
There simply needs to be a cultural reformation to rid themselves of their need to live in other nations and control them , to project their tribalism into a national identity rather than a multi-national union that serves itself.
But they won't do that because they all enjoy being anti-nationalist Diaspora
This, Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Its just a meme for the most part, though there are shitty jews it doesn't really apply to the average joe.
Embrace it, get an Israel flag and go along with it when you feel like it
We are a board of peace.
I kind of like palestinians for being fellow bad goys, but you're right that if we didn't have our own jew problem I wouldn't give a fuck.
America is better than the Russians in every way, including getting BTFO by some towelhead dune coons.
>he one good thing about the USSR is that it was secular
*tips cossack hat*
When you pay us.
Cossacks were fanatically Orthodox
Be afraid jew
Be very afraid
The one they call Ben "Gut em All" Garrison is gonna get you
My family are watered down reform """"""jews""""""". I got my dick sliced as a baby as is customary, went to a synagogue led by two lesbian female """"""rabbis"""""" and am surrounded by jews who love gay marriage, DIVERSITY and are generally very progressive, and yet they refuse to live in poorer minority-saturated neighborhoods or racemix themselves. In hebrew sunday school growing up I got beat up by an older jewish kid to the point where he broke my arm and I blacked out, but he didn't get in trouble even though a teacher witnessed the event, simply because his parents were huge financial donors to the synagogue. The rabbi told my family "there is simply nothing we can do for your son." and we were ostracized in our synagogue from thereon out and eventually left it altogether. There are also many atheist jews I know, and they teach us as children to read & write in hebrew without understanding what any of it translates to. All of our prayers relied on memorization rather than understanding the actual meaning of the text, to the point where we could open up the torah and "read" the sounds that the letters made, but be unable to translate its meaning. For my Bar Mitzvah I recieved $2,000 from my family and was told by my uncles/ grandfather to invest it, a telescope, and a Wii video game system.
The whole thing is terribly confusing. I'm not sure what they wanted me to believe.
Bobby Fischer was jewish and hes still my hero. Destroying your own people when they are evil can be liberating
> mixed af
Is that why Russians look like ugly mongoloids?
>read Sup Forums
>starting to hate immigrants
>thinking that over pushing diversity is bad and will ruin society
>support trump
/po/ red pilled me.
Its not nice to genocide whites using shitskin hordes
Are you rich like Berezovsky or Abramovic, Ivan ?
>be muslim
>go to Sup Forums
>want to kill myself
Have you tried not being muslim? It's not hard. I'm doing it right now, in fact.
>Brazilian huenigger
>Get called names by pol
>Can't seem to leave
>Be argentine with austrian and german heritage, my grandmother is literally a blonde nazi
>Get called nigger all the tine
>Still can't leave because this is the only place i can discuss right wing politics without getting called a neo-nazi.
I don't know if people here really are ignorant about european diaspora or it's just memes.
everything is a meme
>tfw im jewish now
hating zionism as a jew is based af, ill be ur friend my man
>/po/ redpilled me
Gas the cranes paper war now!
It's just a prank bro
self-hating jews are okay in my book
Yes it is. That and fetal alhogol syndrome.
>tfw Zionist but not Jewish
All of the fun and none of the hate
self genocide
Yes, we know
>both parents are half-Jews like me
under jewish law of Israel you are 100% a kike
Become a Nazi and denounce Judaism, Zionism, Communism, Israel, and the Jew world order.
You can be atheist Christian etc I don't care just none of that Jewish supremacist shit like starting communism in white SA, stealing Palestinian land(aka greater Israel and why they want more Jews in Israel) using Israel as a base for crime like slavery of eastern European women which the authorities turn a blind eye to, flooding Europe and America with non-whites, using American as a attack dog, pushing anti white propaganda (divide conquere), milking the holohoax, and so much more.
Holohoax: youtube.com
>never wearing nb again
>never being jewish
>be russians 2gorrillion years of superior monarchy
>get put into some kike bullshit about workers
>drink yourself to death with no purpose
>get birthed fetal challenged and without forethought because the government cares about your blood being the best
The destruction of the Tsar was the destruction of civlization, Russians live in anarchy now.
Don't fuck anything up.
now you know how I feel, I'm white british but everyone keeps calling me ahmed
it's very frustrating
>there are many atheist jews
That's because atheism is naturally Jewish. It is the primary spiritual mechanism of bolshevism. Atheists are honorary jews.
Give me a hug m8.
ally with us and you are spared from the gas chambers
never heard of a jewish auscunt
you live in melbourne or what
Las maldivas son britannicas tho
Because we're trying to prove a point, dammit.
Cry moar, faggots.
That movie was based as fuck
rare? rare.
We're mostly making fun of you for 1982 as always. Uruguay and Argentina will have more full-blooded Germans than Germany in a generation or two.