Did he deserve better?

Did he deserve better?

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he was a nigger, only that he deserved is a rope on his neck.

He was a human being.


- Convicted rapist
- Has had an arrest warrant issued since 2015
- Known drug dealer
- Has had 5 children with different parents

But he's a great guy I'm sure

More is better right? I'd be okay with him getting more of what he got.

>Did he deserve better?

no one deserves anything

Who is Aimee


>have illegal concealed weapon
>resist lawful order from police officer
>reach for your illegal gun
>get shot



I wish cops would shoot every stupid nigger standing out front of stores pushing their shitty mixtapes




Really? I heard the southern nigs wouldn't riot.

I bet if you asked her exactly what she meant she could give no clear answer on what "change" actually means. Does anyone know what it means?

Where do you think Ferguson was?

Maybe try not resisting arrest and he could get a chance to get better? But fuck no, let's fight the cops because that always works out great.

It looks like we have another Summer of Stupid on our hands.

Gets me every time

Shut up, Swede-cuck.

EBR best uncuck itself before the war

>Did he deserve better?

Probably... But he didn't exactly help himself to get better..

>google aimee richardson
>18 years old
opinion discarded

Missouri last i checked.

And Sven?

>He was a human being

No wonder she didn't get re-hired for Myrcella

Which is historically part of the south.

Those are southern nigs technically

>- Has had 5 children with different parents

God that pisses me off. I'm actually a contributing member of society who follows the law. Number of children = 0.

Niggers are not human beings.

In the Midwest :)

>Edmond Jordan, his attorney, told CNN. "Alton was out there selling CDs, trying to make a living. He was doing it with the permission of the store owner, so he wasn't trespassing or anything like that. He wasn't involved in any criminal conduct.”

Pointing a gun that you're illegally carrying at people isn't criminal conduct?

War between Trumpters and BLM/SJW Cucks is inevitable in Baton Rouge

This meme has to end. The implication that whites would not have succeeded without black discrimination is like saying "you didn't build that." It's just nonsense, especially since blacks have had equal rights for the past 60 years.

How many more years until these people are tried for treason?


I hate cops and niggers. Refute if you want but he was on the ground and didn't deserve to be shot.

It just sucks BML is going to use this as an excuse to go loot and burn down businesses

Hopefully 1

You could if you were fucking slags like him.

It's historically sat with the south regardless of Location

>"He wasn't involved in any criminal conduct.”
How can people say this shit with a straight face

>a person can't reach for a gun in their pocket when they are on the ground

>Implying you can tell what his arms are doing in that potato video

Yeah no we're fucked
>Chimput on the brinks of happening
>Black democrat mayor silent
>Democrat cuck governor siding with dindus
>mfw you and your entire state are fucked

>Refute if you want but he was on the ground and didn't deserve to be shot.
Resisting arrest while going for an illegal firearm
Yeah he dindu nuffin


She's from Northern Ireland.

There aren't even any black people in Northern Ireland.


>Implying that the God-Emperor won't save us

Louisianafag reporting in.

LSU brings in a lot of SJW/cucks who are salivating at the chance to protest for social justice.

Trips of truth

sure he was nigging around but nothing he did warranted death

he just got straight up executed lol

I enjoy it when the family says " he dindu nuffin, he was a good boy tryna turn his lyfe around."

Im salivating for something to happen where i live, i want to revel in this in person.

We don't know exactly what happened. But with 2 officers his arms shouldn't have been going anywhere.

Are you saying two white men can't hold one nigger down?

Typical Louisiana person doesn't get a real job and tries to "hustle" people out of their fucking money. This state is drunk, drugged-up scammers trying to pull scams on other drunk, drugged-up scammers.

Recently a black dude killed a white police officer at a sobriety check point, by blowing straight through it... drunk.

Time to bring my Trump gear to a tailgate

>going for a gun while resisting arrest doesn't warrant shooting somene

These people seem to be FUCKING EVERYWHERE around here, because no diversity proximity

having sex with a 17 yo isn't rape. fucking cuck.

The dude was a 300+ nigger, he was like twice the size of them

wait I am unclear on this

why does it matter that he's black?

i fucking hate how comfy some of these noose images are

I'm starting to think no one likes LSU unironically...
No please, I want Trump to fix this mess. But until the great Donald becomes Commander in chief, BR is fucked.
Bienvenue en Louisiane, cher

Because #onlyblacklovesmatter

didn't realise she was a rich cunt too lol

The only thing that stops nigglybears are bullets. That's why they never fist fight each other to death, a gun is always involved.
>t. Tommy Sotomayor

NAACP wants BR police chief to resign... for having his officers do their fucking jobs

>deep seeded

Why does anyone care what the NAACP wants?

3/5ths of one

Aimee just wants attention/to be blacked.

>we need change and we need it now
Just ship them off to Africa, they're literally asking for it.

Yes, he should've used a bigger caliber

Didn't he have an assault under his belt as well?

Last time I checked, if you have it in you once to molest children, deal drugs, and assault people. You have it in you to try to act on those impulses... again. And as I understand from stress training, you drop to your lowest level of training. He's trained himself to act like an idiot after defying rules (police saying get on the ground.) and getting tackled by two cops. OF COURSE HE IS GOING TO GO FOR THE GUN! If he wasn't going to draw his, he was going to resist to the best of his ability to fight the cops.

>Aww. but bobo didn't need to get capped, tasers.
So keep tasing him till he cries and get an abuse of force charge?
>But blacks are arrested and killed more often
Then he should know not to act like a fucking moron
>Has a felony pulls a gun, ban guns or ban cops anyways
I'd like to ban stupidity first.
>Cops acted too quickly
The call was for a guy brandishing a firearm iirc. They know they're going to have to tackle him and wrestle him to get him down. He's resisted already, has a record, is known to be carrying a gun. They acted justly. You put yourself in that spot.

Where am I wrong here? Leftypol pls tell me.

>LA Gov. John Bel Edwards
>"Another violent act is not the answer"
Then why the fuck would he side with the dindus? Doesn't he know what happened in Ferguson and Baltimore!?

What do you think was on his CD?

Remember the cops were called because he was waving a gun at customers. Also had gang tattoos. Woman beater too. He deserved what happened.

His new mixtape... it was fire

He actually got what he deserved.

Subhuman being.

>2010 doj.gov statistics:
>123 blacks killed by police in the U.S.
>327 whites killed by police in the U.S.

Yes he deserved a .50 cal.

Someone should pick on her for her protestant privilege.

"(dumb whore posts #blackcrapmatters)"

dumb whore forgets 97% of crime worldwide is commited by black or brown people

dumb whore refuses to acknowledge white people generally do not rape or murder compared to black/brown people...

dumb whore blames white people

Nope shame he didn't get killed sooner

my liberal newsfeed didn't tell me that, so it's not true :^)

But according to SJW logic (which is illogic), those white lives don't matter. Only the black ones do.
This is the world we fucking live in everyone. FUCK

So let me get this straight.
>Child molester
>Registered sex offender
>Warrant out for his arrest because he provided a false address to his probation officer
>Points a gun at people, causing them to call the police
>Police attempt to arrest him
>He tries to fight them
>They taze him
>He tries to pull out his gun
>They shoot him
Is that about right?
I'm forced to wonder if these people live in some sort of delusional reality or if they know it's a good shoot and just want to use it to push whatever agenda they have.

It probably means sucking nigger dick (metaphorically) until they are happy which they never will be

There shouldn't be any blacks in white countries

>Alton Sterling

Sounds like an old Jewish guy

>wave gun around in store
>cops show up
>resist arrest
>throw the cops around like a retard
>reach for gun after they have you pinned
Dude had to be high on PCP or some shit.
Deserves everything that happened.

The NAACP should be ashamed for taking his side but they are an organization which knows no shame.

They're gonna side with every nig, That's what they do.

Same as if you asked her to explain what white privilege is she wouldnt be able to tell you

>we started this


>worldwide crime
>all countries have the same laws

LOL dummy

by letting them get out of hand in the first place

This is evidence that the Eastern half of the Mississippi is complete horse shit

Hope we get some good live streams

^retard thinks all countries have the same laws^

^never sucked dic in Syria^