What movie would you like to see remade with an all-female cast?

What movie would you like to see remade with an all-female cast?

Other urls found in this thread:


Any Given Sunday.

Brokeback Mountain


Harry Potter.


I think you mean Baldmound Mountain.

Kek perfect choice

>dat Xerxes/Leonidas scene but with Jennifer Love Hewitt and and Eva Green

Magic Mike

some boxing thing. I need to see topless women beating the fuck out of each other

Any mad max movie

Gay Niggers From Outer Space

Lesbian Nigresses From Outer Space

This schtick is wasted on you.

Mad Maxie. See? Wasted on you.


saving private ryan

Boys Don't Cry.

You're alright.

Apocalypse Now

the warriors

Glengarry glen ross

>Good mother? Fuck you, go home and breast feed your kids.

Not all female, but there is a female lead.

>Not all female
Then it doesn't have any relevance here.

