Do any of you guys actually think he's going to win?
Do any of you guys actually think he's going to win?
This isn't England.
Liberals are in control here.
Hillary will win 100%. Anyone on this board that believes otherwise is delusional and another manchild that takes memes literally
Not really
I'm in it for the lulz
Brexit was a meme
He would need a huge lead over Shillary
Even if he's up by a point the electoral college will pull another Bush/Gore election. If wins by a substantial amount of votes the public will react in chaos if the Shillary gets more delegates
I'm a as pro trump as you can get, but anyone that actually thinks he's going to win is beyond delusional and hasn't been paying attention.
Oh yeah buddy, real good chance
Trump will win
As of now he has no chance of winning. Zero.
But he has one more lifeline, the debates.
If he's not leading after the debates, it's over.
>back to jezebel.txt
No he is controlled opposition. Even if he wasn't, the donors are supporting Clinton even past republican donors. I do think he has destroyed the Republican Party though, and the Democratic Party is going to become a weird mish mash of conservative and liberal policy meant to finally bring the one party system into the limelight for final domination.
He will absolute win.
Cap this
if kek will's it, he will win
he's going to absolutely sweep the rustbelt states which is all that matters
national polls are worthless, we don't elect based on popular vote.
hell, polls in general are worthless because they regularly oversample and overweight 'regular voters' and don't understand disgruntled voting patterns.
decent examples:
2015 UK election
Michigan democrat primary
First post best post
She looks pretty good in that pic. I'd love to fuck her mouth.
This is a link to an electoral projection thread where 9/10 anons essentially agreed that Trump has no chance.
Thank you for Correcting The Record.
80's and early 90s Hillary was kinda hot
he's won already, he can quit campaigning if he wants
>Liberals are in control here.
majority of Americans are pro law and order, which isn't exactly a liberal viewpoint
That's why you haven't called Article 50 yet, right? Because the libs aren't in control?
Your government still hasn't invoked article 50 yet. it's still a meme.
anyone who thinks this isn't paid astroturfing is an idiot
This to be honest.
Trumpfags, you're in a cult. Wake up.
I think he's going to win in terms of raw vote, but I'm now worried the election will be flat out stolen via elector fraud of various sorts.
>hurr unless you avoid pretty much everything that says otherwise and think Trump is going to win, then you're actually a Hillary Shill
He certainly CAN win and I'd love him to do it, but it doesn't look to be in the cards.
Pic related is as pro trump as you can get while staying in reality.
>Pic related is as pro trump as you can get while staying in reality.
and anyone from pennsylvania will laugh at you
we have our democratic mayors and senator candidates backing trump
hes gonna win in a landslide
you can't vote on facebook
Rn he has a 30% chance of winning if he loses florida he's done and he only has a 50/50 shot at winning florida from there he must win 3 of the following
The odds are against him but its far from impossible
I am from Pennsylvania, you cuck.
This is a blue state.
>anyone that presents facts is an idiot
Libs still own their government. They should have called it by now. They haven't yet. They're stalling.
this is a worker's state you dumbass
>durhh my party my party my life for my party
>majority of Americans are pro law and order,
Your country has the most liberal constitution on the planet. If anything its the antithesis to law and order
>I'm retarded please rape my face
He'll win all three
Found the delusional trumpfag
not gonna matter when all of the melanin enriched gentlemen in filthydelphia and nigsburgh vote for hillary because "ay yo clinton wuz auh nigga, naw say? he wuz duh FIRS black pres'dent nigga haha shieet"
Yeah he will win.
Found the delusional shill.
I know he will.
Of course not.
It depends entirely on the debates. All either candidate needs is one big fuckup, and it will be enough to swing voters one way or the other.
But if the election were happening today, no, he wouldn't win.
Penn is one of the only states to consistantly vote the same this century.
It's a blue state.
>people thinking Trump has no chance
His chances are lower than Hillary, sure, but it's more like a 40% chance. He is only down by a 4.6 spread. This is winnable if people stay focused and don't give into the Hillary shills.
You all seem to forget that Trump performs significantly better than the polls suggest. This is because a lot of people who are voting Trump don't want others to know, so even in a survey where they call and ask people those people won't say Trump. Lots of cucked husbands who are posting "I'm with her" will actually vote for the Donald once they are behind the curtain. Just look at the poll history on RCP if you don't believe me.
Also, it's still early to tell since:
1. Debates
2. Vice president choice
These two things are HUGE and historically have always made a big impact.
It will be close, much closer than the media is slowing.
Remember when leave was supposed to lose by 10%?
The undecided will take the safe option
I feel like he has every chance to win and the media is going into maximum overshill mode right now
I mean Trump is talking shit about trade, wars, and everything people hate while Shillary is dealing with the FBI
if he loses this country is beyond saving desu
I will be looking forward to have a great laugh in November.
how do u guys be soo sure he will lose when the debates didnt even start?
>implying niggers vote
I'm just here for the butthurt. I've been watching over Sup Forums since March just to see you all implode in November. I can't wait until Hillary wins and see how this board reacts.
>dealing with the FBI
You slow or what?
nah but who's really in control anyway
Hillary has the media and FBI on her pocket, forget it.
Trump has Twitter and FOX
They're shills trying to demoralize by riding on the recent news that makes Hillary look untouchable. The conventions haven't even been held yet. It's far too early to say one way or the other. It's going to be much more competitive than what's being portrayed in this thread.
i think trump has a decent chance of winning but i'm not getting my hopes up so it'll be a pleasant surprise like brexit.
if not, life goes on. the do or die THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE white genocide meme is for true autists
>Trump has Twitter and FOX
and the support of the working class people
money and political connections weren't enough for John Bush, and they won't be enough for clinton
Not triggering article 50 straight away is the right move, though it does need to be done by the end of the year, giving the UK a chance to sort out its own internal politcal turmoil first and also giving us and the rest of the world a chance to start talking about trade will give us a better position to negotiate from when the time comes. We definately dont NEED europe as much as they think we do, and with the rest of the world more or less all coming forward with trade offers first will give us a better position from which to make that clear.
If I were a gambling man I'd bet on Hillary winning.
Yes, of course.
This. I hate Liberals and Hillary Clinton, but Donald has no chance in Hell unless Hillary has a stroke or something
And I will look forward to your crocodile tears when you have to go back
who the fuck is John Bush?
Democracy itself is shit, since the vast majority of people are idiots. The only correct answer is to be apolitical
Either he wins or the entire west revolts.
Sup Forums's masturbatory apocalypse fantasy #36437
He ran for president. His brother was a president.
John Ellis Bush
Can someone help me to understand how and why Hillary is still in the competition? For how long the invistigation is going to drag on? Why is she still relevant?
He has a hard core of support, but most people think is a raving idiot, so there's no chance he'll win. But you will lead the armed revolution, right user?
Not if he picks newt or Christie as is vp
Trumpfags =/= all of Sup Forums
He/we have already won.
Honestly, I'd be surprised if he wins.
And I'd be even more surprised if he does win and secures a tenable position in the midst of the inevitable cataclysmic chimpout that will occur in response.
she actually looked like a ride or die conservative wifey type. if only i had known that she was (and still is) an ultra cunt who abuses her positions of power.
This just in.
Trumps Jew son in law pushing the holohoax
Trump confirmed establishment member
We lost
The investigation is over. She's in the clear.
Trump will win in arguably the greatest upset in American history. I have absolute faith this will be the highest voter turnout in the history of the United States, and Trump will win by a noticeable margin.
Most of the people who hate Trump (illegals, criminals, high schoolers, etc) can't even vote.
Well this thread really brought out the shills.
Trump will win.
Kek Mit Uns
If only dracula's amulet was a Star of David instead.
Be generous. Give Trump a 20% chance.
Hillary is really straining her luck. I expect her to do poorly in the debates.
I think the elections are rigged, so no.
Not completely false. The entire point of mass immigration was to bring over more dindus to vote Democrat.
Trump will lose, Sup Forums will blame Jews, and liberals will continue destroying the west
Hillary is constantly winning Trump in the polls. Trumptards are so fucking delusional, he doesn't stand a chance against based Hillary. Sad.
Sorry, no, it was done to fuel your capitalist economy which can't suffice without immigration
She's strong in debates and policy areas. That's where Trump is likely to put his foot in his mouth and say something wrong, offensive, and retarded. He's not disciplined enough to be a plausible candidate. It's a shame, because Hillary is there for the taking this year. Unfortunately, the Republican field was weak this year and Trump took out the potentially good candidates with some vicious primary debate attacks.
No opinion or pol shooter
Hillary won't win. Polls show Trump and Hillary are at a draw. But these polls are highly misleading of course. It's not like Hillary will rally voters and shame factor deflate Trumps numbers.
we would be fine with just LEGAL immigration but they wont overwhelming vote Democrat