>Sup Forums hates Jews
>Trump repeatedly says he loves Jews and Israel
>Sup Forums loves Trump
Sup Forums hates Jews
Other urls found in this thread:
Sup Forums doesn't actually love Trump. Shills just shitpost this board into oblivion 24/7. This board is literally nothing but shills shilling shills now. Gaymercancer turned Sup Forums to pure unfiltered garbage.
That's it!
I'm a #shillforhill now.
I dont love anybody, you fucking faggot!
>I am Sup Forums Sup Forums and I approve this message
thanks based JIDF, Im a #Shill4Hill now
it's all a giant meme
There is no perfect candidate. Trump is the best choice we're going to get in a generation. Everyone else is a globalist puppet.
The whole Trump thing was just a meme that some autists thought was real
We love Jews. We love Trump.
Why would we hate The Chosen People? It makes no sense.
ReaL polĂtical discussions are more commom on fucking Sup Forums than in Sup Forums these days.
>Support Israel and jews no matter what
>Claim that the enemies of Israel are US enemies
>Isnt globalist
Never noticed this. I guess #imwithher now. Hilly wil gas the kikes
I don't love Trump, but when you see the alternatives, you start to really love him despite the Jew shilling.
>Sup Forums hates Jews
Trump may not be ideal, but Killary is Soros' finger puppet.
I don't hate jews, I just want them to stop meddling.
>Implying any establishment candidate has popular support
This shit is exactly why you've shilled this board so hard.
Yep. Literally every board is less artificial than nu/pol/. I hardly come here anymore. This board is just one giant advertisement now.
You're a troll.
>against israel
Ok come back when you really have a political opinion
Gypo, plox.
first day here Korea? Sup Forums blames every problem in the world on Jews
This. Holly shit.
Maybe it will go back to "normal"
Pre moot sellout
>Sup Forums hates jews
>all candidates support Israel
>if Israel was closed they would move to America and other western countries
>therefore people who want Israel gone want more jews in western countries
If Trump wins, one (and ONLY one) of the following is true:
1. The conspiracy theories about a cabal that rigs elections and controls the world are false
2. Trump is part of their plan.
you don't get to be president of the united states unless you are at least tacitly pro-israel. that's just how it works. and republicans have always been the more pro-israel party because of all the retarded christians who believe israel is our greatest ally against the evil mooslims.
>Trump says he loves jews.
>Jews still hate him.
Wow, makes you think.
i think its a little much to expect there to be a candidate who agrees with literally everything you think.
3. They will kill him if he doesn't play ball and stay the course with his establishment VP