Seriously can this guy be anymore of a cuck?

I almost feel bad for Bernie at this point...

Here is hoping this encourages him to stop supporting Clinton and grow a fucking backbone.

He's the worst candidate who has ever run for president. His popularity among young people alarms me greatly and I fear someone like him may actually get elected if Berniebot millennials pass on their values to their spawn.

After he came out and betrayed his fans I am holding out hope that millennials actually realize that he was a fraud.

Bernie always felt like controlled opposition to me except it back fired and more people liked him than Clinton.

I feel so bad for him, he doesn't deserve this, he wasn't that bad...

The ideals he holds and his propositions still appeal to many young people. Even if people turn on Bernie, young voters will continue to gravitate towards people who promote a similar way to "fix" the United States.

What the fuck is wrong with Canadians?

Has Trudeau taught you nothing?

He did deserve this, he betrayed Trump, the one person who agreed with him and would talk shit about Trump constantly and still does. He deserves whatever he gets.

Also he is a KEK!

Bernie Sanders was the 2016 version of 2004's Dennis Kucinich. The fringe weirdo overt-socialist candidate.

Except instead of being a fringe nobody who got no votes like Kucinich, Bernie actually won White Democrats and could have clinched the nomination had he spend a few years prior coddling Black """community leaders""".

You were one of the smart ones who didn't fall for his bullshit.

Fuck that cuck

Hillary is so shit as a candidate that you could run a plank of wood against her and more people would vote for it over her.


He has the most extremely leftist positions (which are still not as commie as you make it) in the history, yes.
But in term of integrity, argumentations and consistency he is good leader.

Main problem is that his ideas are not what America needs right now, like Hillary he avoids the elephant in the room, but as a candidate he is miles away from people like El Rato or Romney.

>millennials pass on their values to their spawn
What spawn?

Oy fuckface! Don't take Kek's name in vain.

>Sanders not willing to support Shillary
>Sup Forums calls him a cuck
Fucking retards

The next generation will hopefully rebel against the millenials. Hopefully this ushers in an era of nationalism.

As the term "millenial" includes essentially all women of fertile age, yes, they're the only people having children.

He needs to stay in to cause maximum damage and division in the democratic party.

>argumentations [sic]
There are no good arguments for fundamentally mistaken policies.
>right now


You confused needs with wants.

Some of his ideas are what's needed, but those most needed are least wanted.

Instead the US gets the politicians they deserve.

>he's refusing to concede and back the Dem frontrunner who the head of the FBI just called a criminal

I mean, he is a cuck, just not for the reasons in your dumb fucking post

Remember to egg Bernie and his supporters on.

Maximize the damage and division he will cause within the Democrat party. Tell the Bernouts they won't get anything done by compromising and accepting Hillary's refusal to be progressive.

>But in term of integrity, argumentations and consistency he is good leader.

A guy who decided to sell out to Hillary (who is a 180 on his beliefs) has integrity? Don't make me laugh.

He's a hypocrite who got millions from starving poor white college kids while saying white people don't know what its like to be poor, got himself a nice new Ferrari and is now a sellout.

Their wives' sons.

I'm wondering how Bernie can justify not throwing Hillary in the trash. Trump is far closer to what Bernie claimed to stand for then Hillary.

Nigga I ain't reading any of that shit till you charge your phone up and try again

He literally stated a few weeks ago that he would vote for Hillary if she got the nomination, during a live interview on...CNN.

The proper indoctrinated democrats always hated on him

"Breaking news! Propaganda continues as it has since day 1"

Yeah, thats why shes gonna be president.
Do you work at being so fucking stupid, or does it come naturally?

Trump only supported him to gain a portion of his votes

>That's why blah blah blah
Looks like you got the market cornered when it comes to stupidity, user

I've been a Trump supporter always, so that helps but I've always been suspect of Sanders. I like how he doesn't like private prisons, that's about it but his whole socialist platform will always turn me off.

I think he got a lot of support simply for being the "not mainstream" candidate aka the hipster candidate that attracted other hipsters. Swear to the god every Berniebro I know would act like you didn't know who Bernie was.

I don't think most people have political ideals, more like cultural preference. Whoever fits in their cultural mold their projecting onto the world, for the hipster and SJW that's Bernie. Regardless of who he actually is, that's who they want him to be and if this election taught me anything it's people will just believe what they want.

Why wouldn't he be popular? He's the class president that promised free pizza for lunch every day, a longer recess, and to end homework.

An idea doesn't have to be realistic to be popular. We are, after all, voting for a man that wants to build a literal wall separating two goddamn countries.

Voting isn't support huh?

Wait, he DIDN'T formally back Clinton? I thought he dropped out and that was why his campaign seemed to vanish off the face of the earth like a month ago.

He said he'll vote, but not endorse.

Him and his supporters are planning to crash the DNC and cause riots. It's gonna be 1968 again on Steroids.

>she's going to be president because she's run an excellent campaign


I still feel sorry for the poor bernouts, they where one of the most rabid and loyal groups of supporters I have ever seen.

Their wife's son obviously

It's important to note that he STILL holds the power. He's holding out for as much influence as possible in Clinton's inevitable governement. Sanders knows that if he doesn't back her and ran as an independent instead, Trump would win. Clinton is fully aware of this as well.

What's the problem with private prisons? You don't have the public sector unions, can quickly dispose of staff guilty of misconduct (nigh-impossible to fire govt employees, especially unionized ones), and generally have lower costs because it's run by businessmen, not bureaucrats.

>DNC to build a wall


The fucking irony.

That tends to happen when you promise people of a multicultural utopia with free gibs.

Because it greats incentives to lock up as much people as possible just to keep making money. We have that in Louisiana where we have an oppressive police state, just because the system gets kickbacks to keep locking up anybody. They start pushing for more legislation to make more things illegal so they have excuses to get more bodies.

A true capitalist system only has law enforcement and the courts as part of the government. Private prisons are backwards and anti-capitalist.

Since they earn money by having their prisons full of prisoners, capitalism dictates they must find a way to create more criminals, be it by getting innocents convicted or paying politicians to keep retarded laws in place(Harsh punishments for insignificant offences).



he should have went with Trump, at least he wont be on a shrinking island all by himself

Trump extended an olive branch to him so many times

and months ago this old geezer would rail about Trump at his speeches when Hillary was his direct competitor

he never went after her very hard, nor made much of a ruckus after the DNC rigged the votes so blatantly time and time again

never understood his decision making


oy vey with the antisemitic stars and jewish windmills


hes such a fucking cuck that he WILL back hillary.


that's all bernie really hedged his bets on, making sure future voters and centennials are going to vote as left as possible.

he just accidentally fractured the democrat party and his endorsement of hillary is pathetic damage control. no point in having a bunch of brainwashed lefties if their party isn't the dominant one.

>When you are white you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto. You don't know what it's like to be poor.

LooooooooooL that's funny because my parents were dirt poor and I lived in a shithole growing up. The ratio of blacks to whites at my school was 5 to 1 and not a single week passed that I didn't have to defend my self against some fucking nigger trying to beat my ass, steal my lunch money or my bike. I may not have been born racist but fucking niggers sure made me racist. The only up side is I know how to fight because those sorry ass niggers could never fight one on one so I was always fighting multiple people

Why do they have to prepare a prison for all the protesters they're going to arrest at the DNC convention, but they don't even arrest any protesters at Trump rally's?

He hasn't endorsed Hillary yet has he?

You need to charge your goddamn phone

Because democrats don't tolerate insubordination

i browse S4P for entertainment time to time

there are already a lot people in his camp who will not vote for hillary even if bernie endorses her

they are going to vote for jill stein, or writing him in

he said he will vote for her bcos (if?) shes the nominee, but he will not endorse her


Most of you guys are 10 times the cuck Sanders is. Sorry to inform you.



true, he said he'd "vote for her" which is a perfectly rational position for a democrat (cuck). but that was enough to rile his followers up. despite being mostly braindead college freshmen and underaged kids who literally can't even vote yet, they were self-aware enough to realize that hillary is the embodiment of everything sanders' campaign was against.

when every single word that came out of bernie's mouth pertained to muh wallstreet and muh money in politics, you can't help but feel betrayed

Ah okay. Yeah I have a few bernout friends and I can't help but feel bad for em.

Hell I would have liked to see him win the nomination. He deserved it more than Shillary.



Fucking this.

He should team with Jill Stein or Gary Johnson.

Maybe then the country could go in a different direction.

>I fear someone like him may actually get elected if Berniebot millennials pass on their values to their spawn.

Cats can't vote, silly.

The cuck will say he is going to vote for Hillary to "stop Trump" and you say he is not a cuck? He basically sells out then goes back on selling out since the democrats won't listen to him.

He is a cock sucking cuck

>Implying Bernie "thanks for the 401K" Sanders planed to win.

And boomers they're fucking dumb. I mean clueless when it comes to politics. "those rich fucks want to keep all their money." This quote came from an old friend of my mom. He volunteered for Vietnam as an airmen. I was dumbfounded .

If I was Bernie I'd be contemplating suicide.

Losing the nomination to the most crooked, above the law, slippery, evil, war mongering, oligarch gigabitch on the planet.

And all because 100% of the black vote voted Hillary.

The very people that probably would have benefited the most from Bernie's patented Free Shit economics.

If I was Bernie, or a Bernie supporter, I'd be fucking livid.

If these fedora commandos could lift more weight than a flamin' hot cheetos bag they'd be going full antifa, wearing black bloc clothes, and committing acts of domestic political terrorism on Clinton supporters.

Clinton is basically Emperor Palpatine with a dried up old twat, stroke induced brain injuries, and cankles.

He will be an historical footnote. Nothing was ever going to come of him. He only demonstrated that Hillary is weak and ineffectual.

I'd be pissed if I was him considering he just got indisputably cucked out of a nomination, he needs to fuck up the party bigly.

t. nervous autist

>tfw talking with my brother about it and he has 500 loopholes and hoops to jump through to tell me how that's not racist
>mfw he has 500 more loops to jump through proving that building a wall is inherently racist


FUCK Bernie.

He never. Ever. Ever. Ever. Confronted Hillary on ANYTHING.

In fact he covered for her whenever possible.

>We're sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails!

Every time some huge Clinton scandal came up he refused to tackle it because he thought being civil would win him the election.

Mr Fucking Nice Jew thought that letting his rival get away with being a crooked dyke would win him the election.

I mean shit.

How fucking delusional is this guy.

>If I just saying 'free college' I'll win for sure!

Christ on the cross.

I remember Sup Forums posting excerpts of the butthurt at Reddit after every Dem debate.


It really makes you realize how fucking awful Bernie Sanders would have been as president. Completely ineffective. Weak. Not even leading from behind. Leading from the cuckshed.

God bless you user but I didn't fight in my all black schools cause the fucking niggers would jump you. I don't hate ALL blacks but I hate fucking niggers.

if Bernie didn't turn into Hernie Panders then just maybe he may not of been a cuck.

To the bernout cucks switching to Trump, WE DONT WANT YOU. NOW FUCK OFF BACK TO PLEBBIT

Somebody post the faggot asking for donations to get his bernie tattoo lasered

Of course he didn't confront her. He was a DNC shill meant to stir up the youth vote for Hillary because lord knows she has zero youth appeal herself

Sup Forums saw this scam for what it was a year ago when that fucking commie first showed up. What amazes me is how effective it was seeing as it was so obvious a ploy. I guess Bernie supporters really are that gullible

If we are truly lucky then this will make him realize the Democrats are completely lost in corruption and the only choice he has is triggering all his followers to chimp out and cause a happening at the DNC Convention.

Only then shall he earn my respect.

>the goal is not to win elections
how can anyone defend this


>loses nomination

>I don´t know why it happened, I did everything against Trump I could

This is the reason he is bad. This is the reason he would have made everything worse. He´s a fucking ideaologist who has never achieved anything in his life. He evefn failed to formulate clear goals in a competion which has the explicit purpose of running for one candidate slot.

When he got in power, he would make trade deals with china sucking the life of the lower and middle class, while the upper class fucked of a long time ago. And his answer to said problem would have been more socialism.


random request:

There was a picture of Juncker (the EU dude) and 10 outrageous things he said. Can anyone post the pic if you have it?

Funny too is that a lot of people he seemed to appeal to were the people that don't even vote in the first place. Like the ones that share shit on normiebook but don't show up to the actual polls to do shit because "fuck the government" or some ironic such.

Bernie sanders is a filthy jew and a cuck

He has all his supporters money in a non-profit trust bank account
Never trust a jew

anti-Semitism is strong in democratic party

No refunds
Is the theme of his campaign

no. fuck him. He had his chance to hit her hard, but he cucked out. he is a weakling

>implying he wasn't quoting a black woman when he said this in the debate

He has always been a supporter of racial equality, why would you expect him to change now?

How does he justify this shit? Was he just full of shit the entire time? Think of how much money the all important, debt ridden college student spent on his campaign. Was it a scam?