I'm sure I'm missing something, but what does this have to do with anything from last night?

I'm sure I'm missing something, but what does this have to do with anything from last night?

Other urls found in this thread:


Niggers have the IQ of watermelons and don't understand what context means or what false equivalencies are or that resisting arrest is bad.

I believe 'Crystal' wants to point out that these men are white while the nigger was black.

None of them resisted arrest and kept the gun on them, most even turned themselves in.
Black millennials live in a fantasy world.

Unabomer had an IQ higher than the rest combined.

Black people being stupid isn't a meme

Everyone pictured surrendered peacefully.

Tim and Ted didn't shoot no one. Ted and Tim are good.

even the most demented white people retain the consciousness to surrender or commit suicide when it looks like theyre cornered.

It's funny how if you don't point your gun at the cops they don't shoot you.

Use this, whenever a nigger wants to get fresh on Twitter. Enjoy the ass hurt afterwards.

Every time this happens, there's always a slew of people making excuses or cherrypicking.

>Why does the media use this bad looking mugshot when there are better pictures of the victim?!!!"

Yes, because the media sure as fuck didn't try to paint Trayvon as a innocent little boy. They act like the media is against black people when nothing could be further from the truth.

she can't understand why the situations turned out differently

she's an idiot, don't hurt yourself trying to dumb down to her level

they weren;t fucking resisting you dumb niggers

lavoy finicum (the white Bundy ranch associate) resisted, he got shot. if you resist arrest w. a gun you will be shot.

but maybe that is too hard for living fossils with the IQ of a literal moron to understand.

dumb niggers are retarded and think that because people who surrendered weren't shot this means there's a valid comparison with suspects who resist arrest.

Unabomber did nothing wrong

Because they surrendered and went limp when being restrained.

Your average nignog will lock up making it difficult to arrest thus resisting arrest

Trips of truth

Please, please don't insult morons in that manner. They are several I.Q. points above the average NPA (North-American Pavement Ape)

It's a strawman argument
It's meant for the white people defending the cops--which I would usually be doing. But this time looks like the cops fucked up.
Bro, if you watch the video of the nigger getting shot, the cops are in the wrong this time. I guess they'll try to defend it but it straight up looks like an execution.

Yet whites are by number most often involved in police brutality and die in the altercation due to "suicide by cops". Criminals are degenerate too, there's no need to glorify them.

GUN FREE ZONES you stupid niggersheboon.

What happened last night?

lol, wtf is going on in that picture.

Convicted sex criminal and repeat offender(weapon and drug charges) threatened to shoot somebody when trying to give people his CDs. Police got called, he resisted arrest and said he did nothing wrong, they found a gun on him, he continued to resist arrest, then wound up getting shot.
Also he was black so hundreds of people are protesting his death because he was a father of three or so.

fpbp, thread over

What's the vest for?


>because he was a father of three or so.
Rest assured that he more than three children...
In the black community if you are over 30, you have at least 6 children... three acknowledged and three on the side

why do black people like kool aide so much? Is it because they misspelled cool?

Stopping bullets

So that city is probably going to burn down within the next week, right?

So they don't get shot by a vigilante or revenge style

Yeah but why? So he can escape the cops easier?

so they dont drown

probably not desu

You can't be this stupid.

>white shirt, black vest
>black shirt, white vest
really makes you thing...

you'd be surprised

Look up Lee Harvey Oswald you stupid fucking typical American.

or nice bait

none of these guy resisted arrest

it is so simple.

comply or die.

everyone in the country understands this except blacks

its almost like different cops respond to different situations differently, weird

Ted literally did nothing wrong

> race motivated

Weren't the DC snipings an Islamic attack?

Someone ask her about Malvo kek

What's Jack from Lost doing there?


So no Jack Ruby-types can kill them easily.

No more chimpouts?

Orlando Shooting-Muslims
Boston Bombing-Muslims
San Bernardino-Muslims
Virginia Tech-Asian
Fort Hood-Muslims
Washington Navy Yard-Black
Chris Dorner-Black
Live Tv News Shooting-Black
Inner city gang violence that kills dozens a day-Blacks and Hispanics.
And I can think about 20 more mass death incidents where non whites were behind. Why are whites portrayed as Rampage killers, when there have been more incidents in non whites committing them?

What *about* those guys? If anyone could have stopped them with a gun, they should have.

why is eminem in there?

so this doesn't happen

All of them surrendered and had put down their weapons
So nothing

No way. That would make OP racist.

You sure about that?

All of them surrendered and didn't resist arrest, believe it or not most cops want to uphold the law and give people their day in court instead of just dumping on anyone who commits a crime no matter how heinous.

So some faggot wanna be hero doesn't get his 15 minutes of fame, leading to never ending conspiracy theories for the next 50 years.

99% sure it was motivated by both race and religion.

This was the last time they spoke as friends. Dylann in the dark, Lee in the light

I saw the video.
Homeboy wasn't resisting arrest. They slammed this nigga to the ground, searched him, found a gun and decided to execute him. You know there's something going on when huwight meal mass murders are taken alive while my black brethren (right or wrong) are gunned down without remorse. The funny thing is that I thought arming my brothers (legally of course!) would be a deterrent to this (and dindu on Black crime) but I was wrong. Maybe it would be best if we just shot cops on siight.

Y'al been killin' people like it's nothing for centuries. A few "terrorist" attacks, winded up loonies and urban warfare is only the start of the hell you've brought on yourselves.

Nah, but you monkeys keep it up and it will be shoot blacks on sight, then things will improve

You are fucking pathetic trying to speak ebonics.
This is coming from a spic who earns his bread dealing with cowshit

>Y'al been killin' people like it's nothing for centuries.

White people could never catch up to the amount of slavery and murder Africans of all sorts engage in.

I doubt that guys is really a negro. Most likely a white pretending to be a coon.

McVeigh was arrested for driving without plates on his vehicles, and was only linked up with the bombing after he had been in jail for a few days

Ted was arrested in the morning in his cabin and did not resist

Cops are there to enforce law, not dictate vengeance. Jesus fucking Christ. How many of the people in OP's picture surrendered peacefully?

Next time forget the punctiation and grammar. Using proper English gives away the fact that you're not a nignog


although you can't say just niggers anymore, because millennials, boomers, sjws, especially liberal white females and all the betas that share their opinions so they can be cucked later, also dont understand this

McVeigh was a soldier fighting a war. If justice had been served and someone had actually gotten in trouble for Waco he would not have needed to counter attack.

It's cheap.

Timothy McVeigh was arrested without a weapon in hand.

Why don't you focus on educating your "black brethren" to create stable house holds, finish school, avoid drugs and criminal activity, focus on mental based skills, and stop idolizing thugs and rappers. Instead of blaming the white man and expecting him to pay for your welfare (literally) you should pave the foundation for the next generation by living the example. Your excuse is going to be that the system is rigged, right? Then how is it a first generation immigrants from a third world shit hole is able to make a stable home for not just myself but for my family? If you're that desperate for change then go back to Africa with your actual brethren and see what a world without white people is like.

yes. exactly

He bombed a kindergarten before he was lost.

Didn't all of those guys give themselves up without resisting arrest?

>People that surrender to the law and don't threaten any more lives should be shot

>Yes, because the media sure as fuck didn't try to paint Trayvon as a innocent little boy. They act like the media is against black people when nothing could be further from the truth.

Either some people are really fucken' stupid, or someone is really fucken' smart.

if you see the video you'll see why niggers chimp out so easily.

They were, but the incident has been successfully scrubbed from the public consciousness.

this tee bee H m9

>America once again with their high school drama tier problems

It's like watching a soap opera unfold, bunch of egotistical cunts making mountains out of molehills

The rest of the world laughs at you, you should pay attention to it sometime

Reverse cuckery.


>not noticing the watermelon and KFC

It's already that way in black communites. If Niggaz weren't so dysfunctional in the current year do you really think whites wouldn't go back to lynching? that only reason why white folk ain't killing us today is that single motherhood, gang/drug violence and abortion has done more have than any Klan could have.

Not on the same scale or with as much evil intent. However things got worse when whites came and even worse when they "left."

Nah I'm Black m8. The fact that its harder to find a Black man who uses proper Engrish then one who doesn't reveals how shit the educational and cultral structure of this society is, eh?

McVeigh and kaczynski had a bomb you fuckin idiot

Act smarter then the average nigger.

Shows again that whites are better.

>orangutan pushes/punches policeman about to arrest him
>uses force to save his life and stop him from running away

>mass shooter

Isn't a lifetime in prison worse than death anyway? Fucking lifecucks can't evaluate negative utility properly

did anyone notice that a black guy from the nation of Islam was at the press conference today?

I'm sick of seeing a disgusting nigger face everywhere i look

Is this the most interesting thing happening in US right now?

Trayvon Martin was probably the type of stupid nigga that made me life hell growing up so I'm not necessarily defending him (nor do I defend a shite person like Zimmermann). But think about this: If you changed any of these dead Black men to huwight meals does any of them get killed? I'm certain some of them would but not all.


Black skin time stamp now

You're talking about a fraction of a FRACTION of a percent, in the margins. And if a fraction of that degree is hurt because nigs commit such a disproportionate amount of violent crime, then that's the societal cost. Sorry, but not really

The difference is compliance after the fact. These people normally see they are caught, throw their hands up, get cuffed with no further problems. As much as the police would love to cap their fuck asses, and believe me, some do, at that point they cant justify it.

The Nation of Islam is about half as relevant the Klan. They don't matter nor do they mean anything they say regarding race wars, spaceships, etc.

If I wanted to bait huwight meals I'd post a trap or two. That seem to be what you're into these days.

Violence isn't the key young lady.