When it reaches 100,000 it will be sent to Obama's desk. Have you signed it Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
>the government is corrupt
>petition them to stop it
This is why we can't have nice things
Go take your impotent millennial #activism somewhere else and just vote Trump in November
And he will say that the FBI recommended no charges. Why bother with this?
>jailing hillary clinton with a petition
The goal of this isn't to jail Hillary, but to discredit the petition system as the useless virtue signalling PR tool that it is.
It will not happen.
Democracy is a illusion .
Wow i don't usually believe in shills but real Sup Forums users would be overjoyed at this
Did we get KONY yet?
Fuck off shill
Most people already know it's bullshit.
What is unsaid and allowed to be taken for granted will eventually be forgotten.
Can I sign?
Do I need to provide a credit card number?
Just need your name and email address. It sends you an email link that you click to verify the signature.
Probably should have included the link in OP, oh well
Have you signed yet goys?
You need nothing but an email account to vote. (Many "disposable" domains are blocked, but any fake gmail or yahoo works...)
That's why online petitions are complete bullshit that absolutely no one takes seriously. Anyone can sign, multiple times.
>online petitions
equal to upvoting a post on reddit or quoting a post on Sup Forums
>Mr. President, I know the FBI didn't find anything to charge her with, but this online petition says we can do it!
>$0.006 has been deposited into your account by Correct the Record PAC.
Forwarded link
Since I clicked this link, gov rapped my browser so bad. I could see how they force refreshed all my tabs. Holy shit, you got some nasty things going there.
Millennials are one of Trump's biggest bases. They're too young to know what a fuck-up he's been or that all that is happening has happened before and will happen again as it is now.
Obama was literally chanting "HILLARY, HILLARY, HILLARY!" yesterday. He won't give a shit. It would be the quickest "No" in all of history.
Mind explaining how big of a fuck up he is?
>British Empire has to declare its own independence
top fucking kek
If the FBI can't convict her because she's too powerful, what difference do you think an online petition is gonna make? Especially when half the votes are referred from a Somalian knitting forum?
You force their hand and discredit the petition system. These are the same guys that used a petition from that site after Orlando in their justification for an 'assault weapon' ban.
There's no point wasting time typing into an pro-Trump echo chamber like Sup Forums at this stage.
Everyone here has already heard of every mistake, scandal, gaffe, and shit decision he's made, they're just disregarded. It's because those fuck-ups have come to Sup Forums's attention not through having lived through it, but having been in Trump General when an user posts a link to a libtard website saying "LOOK AT THIS SCANDAL THEY'RE TRYING TO DIG UP, LET'S ALL DEBUNK IT," and everyone goes out of their way mixing up a whole punch bowl of fucking Flavor Aid so they can drown in it.
It's like arguing math with Terrence Howard. You can tell him how 1+1=2, you can show him how it works in the world, you can give him the mathematical proof, but he's already made up his mind that you're wrong and the kind of crazy EVIL EDUCATOR that Gene Ray was warning us about.
Even this post is going to get a
>talks shit
>doesn't post facts
And if I posted facts
>durrr misrepresentation / who cares
o-obama will see it and intervene! hes honest and transparent! he'll make sure justice is served!
god i couldnt even write that with a straight face.
Don't let them slide this thread.
Please big brother senpai stop being corrupt
I don't see an argument. Debunking is debunking
>£0.005 has been deposited into your account by Scottish National Party
>implying Obama would care about this
>implying the media would cover this
>implying everyone doesn't already know online petitions are worthless
the most significant thing I've ever seen an online petition accomplish is convincing From Software to port Dark Souls to PC
let it go faggots and focus back on spreading information about the Clinton Foundation
I can smell Hillary's vagina coming from this post. How much do you get for helping correct the record?
5 minutes with Clinton's clit
I was mocking the online petition which butthurt remainfaggots were trying to push, (which inevitably failed anyway)
so what makes you think I'm gonna treat this shit seriously?
>$0.05 have been deposited into your account. Your shill posting is very pervasive today, keep it up and you'll get an extra $0.03 goyim.
What a defeatist you are
Gotta do everything for that dere media coverage
Sign the petition. Takes 2 minutes
They were protesting the outcome of a democratic vote. We are protesting a sham trial and the corruption and tyranny which caused its outcome.
I haven't signed it because it's pointless and stupid.
>We are protesting a sham trial and the corruption and tyranny
which is exactly the reason its not gonna fucking work
obama is just going to take a massive dump on that petition and you have to be retarded to not understand that
online petitions is not how you fight corruption and tyranny
The petition system's rules already say that the President won't compel the Justice Department to do anything through a petition. A better petition would be to just tell the President to stop stumping for her.
Shouldn't you be in Canada? You can shag your sheep there legally.
The point isn't to get the petition acted upon by the government - of course they're not going to convict her based on it. The point is to get the petition media coverage to try to stir up people against her. If they see that she's getting away with crime because of her elevated position, and that there's a large group of people against her, they'll be less likely to vote for her.
10 minutes too many
>Good goy, there's no possible way you can do anything so don't even try! ;)
We should start a new one asking them to punish her for perjury. She lied under oath, with intent to defraud an investigation.
I've called the DOJ five times today asking them.
Real question
When did a petition ever help someone cause?
Doing God's work user.
It got gay marriage banned in California temporarily, and it got gun control enacted in Washington and Oregon (to name a few examples)
I'm sure someone has already said this but if you've got a Facebook share this with as many as you can. I've got almost 10 people I know to sign it so far. My Facebook timeline is alight with angry conservatives right now and strangely enough the Libshits are nowhere to be seen.
Kill yourself faggot