Here we talk about the uprising of Western civilization and strategies on how to take it back.
These threads are NOT for discussing who is and who is not white.
/rev/ Revolution General - Ignore shills edition
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Which waifu should I keep in my wallet during the revolution?
It needs to start in the Eastern European countries and spread out to Western society.
We all know the people of the West are too complacent and brainwashed by Marxist media to even consider revolting so we'd have to start with the countries that are fiercly nationalistic.
good job ameribro
I hope the swedish retard doesnt show up here.
I need to sleep now, but I would say we should discuss the amount of agression we should show.
I mean we cant start shooting all kikes a rapefugees, pur number is not high enough.
What can we do besides providing the interwebz with rightwing memes?
It would probably start with Poland.
White people are shit
Said the nigger with skin the color of shit.
did you just break your own rule?
>These threads are NOT for discussing who is and who is not white.
kind of...
most arabs are pretty white tho
>t. arab
I just come to tell you guys to keep on choking on our brown cocks.
In some way I hope not, only because a lot of my family is in Poland, Nowa Huta to be exact.
In regards to the grouping together, ect, how many people would it take to take down a form of government?
>These threads are NOT for discussing who is and who is not white.
Discussing who is white and not is on topic seeing as OP included "Western civilization and strategies on how to take it back." in first post. Taking back western civilization means kicking out the non-whites. In order for take back western civilization we then need to discuss who is white and not.
atleast 10% of a population
I ain't going on that website. Greentext it for me, or I'll have to start a discussion.
>Individuals are White if they are non-Jewish people of wholly European descent, descendants of the indigenous peoples of the contemporary states of Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Britain, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Many persons of Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Georgian, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish heritage also qualify as White, their ancestors being pioneers of Aryan communities in those lands
>Just who do you consider “White”?
Individuals are White if they are non-Jewish people of wholly European descent, descendants of the indigenous peoples of the contemporary states of Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Britain, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine. Many persons of Albanian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Georgian, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, and Spanish heritage also qualify as White, their ancestors being pioneers of Aryan communities in those lands.
Seems like they don't know what the fuck they're talking about on that website. Anyhow I won't derail the thread. Have fun guys.
That is some good old bullshit.
Most? No, just a minority with European blood.
UK, WWII. As a counter-espionage measure, the brits started to remove road signs. Banned maps from civilians.
Bet your asses the globalists are going to put in place similiar measures if you are just gonna start shooting up army fuel trucks.
Start writing up names, adresses, people attached to people of influence and power. These fuckers live somewhere. The Rotchildes don't live in a cave somewhere like the taliban. The head of the Federal Reserve does not hide like a brigand innawoods. People who work for NSA don't commute to work in armoured columns yet. You get the idea.
There is a lot of "soft" globalist targets all over for now, but when the guns start blazing, they will go to hiding. At the moment, you can look up plots of land they own. Foreign countries they visit regularily. People they would leave behind. Hotels they like to use.
You can find tons of useful info if you think outside the box even for a bit. Womens home decor magazines love to run stories of their multi-million dollar mansions. These don't have the adress, sure, but there is usually the city and the subpart of the city mentioned, with a load of photos of the house, all on a silver platter.
I mean, what would be the point in yet another civil war where working man would shoot at another working man?
Take a few lessons from asymmetric groups, but don't brush aside the US model of surgical strikes. These can be combined.
Don't get baited by divise tactics and do remember, as long as you only kill worker ants, the queen will not give a fuck and will keep on shitting more and more ants.
Who has brouht all that shit to your country? Who is enabling, funding and propagating it?
They are just as real people as you and me. They cannot turn invisible. They are not immune to lead.
We are all naked under our clothes.
*all posts are works of fiction and fantasy and only a fool would take anything posted here for a fact.
Are you guys pro weed or anti? its not that bad
Drugs are degenerate and a plague on western culture that needs to be removed.
I like the way you think.
Nope everything is lost we can't change anything big without getting full hitler
You Trump fags are cucked by Putin.
I've been browsing these threads today and yesterday, but you guys aren't doing yourselves any favors.
First of all, for all of the Americans posting in this thread, have fun on watch lists.
Secondly, there's no reason to be discussing armed revolution at the moment.
Yes, I get it, the government is corrupt. They all are, they all always have been. That said, you're actively hamstringing yourselves.
Better than LARPing /k/-tier survivalist bullshit, would be to actually engage in the democratic process.
I don't want to give the Sanders fucks any legitimacy, but let's look at his Presidential campaign. He went from a literal nobody, to actually biting the ankles of establishment, media & financial elite favorite HRC. Why? Because of ridiculous promises and autistic NEETs on plebbit.
If Sup Forums were to find and support candidates, in the same manner many do for Trump, for state and local elections, you'd have a shot at rolling back a lot of what you dislike democratically.
Guns, militias and that nonsense is going to get you nowhere. Supporting proper anti-establishment politicians will. People like Paul Nehlen (Paul Ryan's challenger), actually have a shot to be voted in. Democratic reform is still a huge possibility (More so with the Brexit vote results, regardless of how that actually pans out).
Conversely, supporting armed revolution can only end in disaster.
>Guilt by association used to discredit legitimate attempts at democratic reformation, and anti establishment candidates
>Nobody does anything but you all end up on terror watch lists anyway
>Somebody does something, people sit and watch on their TVs (Like they did with Bundy) and the anti-establishment types get horrible PR.
There's also the simple fact that you can't beat the U.S. government. Yes, in a "revolution" the United States would be overturned, but it's not going to happen. We'll get Waco and Bundy Ranch every now and then, and for what? Well intentioned people on both sides dying?
In the other thread there was, that Slovans (Slavs) traded with slaves. This is not true, even not a little. Slovan could be translated as "Wordian", people of the Word (Slovo), or "Glorians", people of Glory (Slava).
The slaves were always traded by jews and Khazarians... (not only the slovans as slaves in western world were traded by jews only... also blacks to America were transported mainly be jews, who were enormously enriched by the triangle trade...)
Also because Slovans never traded or used slaves, they are not polluted by black people.
Someone said in previous thread, that Sweden are people of YHWH. That is also not true, the Slovans are... (Or does everyone think that just he is the chosen tribe?) Even if were not, the next age of Aquarius should be (and will be) dominated by Slovans...
The Sweden with their political correctness, feminism, LGBT, pro-migration and juvenile unjustice is one of the most deformed countries in Europe, probably also one of worst in world...
Anyhow - on the smaller tribes you will let you be fragmented, the weaker they (you, us) will be. Say, that only your city neighbourhood is worth to fight for, and other city is alien, all fragmented will be easily defeated...
There was a revolution in 1989 in eastern socialistic countries, which succeeded, and was not violent at all. There was an attempt in China, and the government was just and right to do what they did in Tien-an-men - Magog (Ukraine Khazaria) Eur-Magdan justified them... In eastern Europe, all people were united against government, including small towns in countryside, including workers in factories. General strike and million-man demonstrations - and succeeded. Contrary to that, in China only a small group of protesters, very stubborn, but without public support - such a group must not (!) be allowed to succeed with a regime change, it should be softly and if not possible then hardly suppressed...
So consider that. Unless MOST people (or a substantial part) of our countries will support you, there is no chance to victory...