> whites conquer the Americas, eradicate the natives
All cool
> Muslims conquer the Americas, eradicate the infidels
Not cool
Why the double standards?
> whites conquer the Americas, eradicate the natives
All cool
> Muslims conquer the Americas, eradicate the infidels
Not cool
Why the double standards?
because they aren't white you fucking leaf. I hope chingchong moot bans everything north of Michigan.
tee hee
>All cool
Says us, the conquerors
>Not cool
Says us, because we're working on preventing it
It's like you have no idea how propaganda works.
One consistency in both examples though, we are intellectually and technologically superior to the others and as such humanity should be cheering for us.
>bumping slide threads
Hello rebbit.
Because Sup Forums is white, so it's not about right or wrong, it's about survival.
Britain didn't own Alaska, Russia did
I'm of bean descent and I dont want hajis either you fucking leaf.
I'll get dipped in acid with the rest of the whites with a little spine left in them and then we'll ALL be a mushy red pate.
I for one like the whites but not enough to share the same mush pile, maybe an ash pile but not a red paste
whites are always right, just like Sup Forums
we have better ideas, technology, women... the list is long. it's why every mudshit in the world aspires to come to a white country. we are simply the best and therefore cannot be in the wrong
>whites conquer the Americas
Then only thing whites conquered was north america, the rest was us.
We killed savages, now the savages are trying to kill us. It's cool in the same way animals from the zoo escaping and killing members of society is cool.
Oh leaf now this thread makes sense.
Working hard to become the biggest shitposters on this board huh
because islam is an inferior ideology, and mohamad was a peadophile who ate shit dorectly from pig asshole
>Then only thing whites conquered was north america, the rest was us.
The only part that fucking matters.
I actually don't think it's all cool erradicate the native americans. I'm white brazilian (italian descendant) and if I could travel in time and do whatever I want, I would stop the colonization of the americas.
Native Americans could defend themselves, why can't white Americans?
Wheres the leaf shitposting memes?
Wasn't inferior when they conquered much of the world
Jews are better
Jews are better we should follow their plans desu. Let muslims flow into Europe.
Last I checked, leafaggot, the natives still have a place here.
Mudslimes are conquering YOUR land, shitleaf.
>whites conquer the Americas, eradicate the natives
They wouldn't be around to bitch now if we had actually done this right
>we have better ideas, technology, women
Women? Only body wise.
>natives get killed by foreign invaders
Poor natives, those evil invaders were awful !
>whites about to get killed by foreign invaders
#refugees welcome, fuck off racist whitey
Why the double standards ?
But spaniards are whites, you silly Antonio.
>much of the world
Please take a look at the world now, as it is, faggot.
They sure had a grip on their worldwide success.
They now fuck goats and little children, must be some of that world-class ideology you're so giddy over.
We were peaceful colonizers we didn't figtht.
I think the same way. White guilt is the dumbest argument ever.
And yet they still pose on an issue and are a threat. And if they're able to conquer us through sheer force then they are superior.
Progress vs. medieval shit
go figure
>1 post by this ID
You can click the catalog button now.
the natives were outclassed, the people now can just not let them in. when they can force us out we will leave. see the difference?
What was wrong with that?
We dindu nuffin with niggers, we don't owe them shit.
Map was inaccurate and it annoyed me.
>> whites conquer the Americas, eradicate the natives
>All cool
err, no.
and all your unrealistic false equivalence shit.
There are muslims and niggnogs using white guilt to enter in Poland? Wow, they're really that retard?
Still dindu nuffin with niggers.
white=nordic looking
It's missing japan under the eternal anglo
>when they conquered much of the world
TIL: arabian peninsula and desert of north africa is "much of the world"
White = Caucasian/Indo-european
The rest is bullshit.
Most of the natives integrated you dumb fuck.
The "pure bloods" are just a bunch of racist self-segregating assholes.
Source: Fuck you, I'm Metis. I'm also "white" first generation Canadian on the other side of my family.
Sick of you SJW fuck wads thinking you have the right to fucking speak for anybody.
South Arabian Peninsula is nice, Levant and North Africa were relevant. Iran, Anatolia, India, some parts of europe, central asia. Some were relevant than others.
Not really, but it's better to be prepared. Poland is really unfriendly to them, you can end beat up just for being dark skinned (I've heard that they even beat up some italians kek).
PC is truly dead here.
>yes goy, please dilute your genes and cuck yourselves by mating with other groups.
Also which side of your family is white?
Metis are mixed French-Natives I think.
>natives fight back against whites
>whites fight back against muslims
I don't see a double standard.
because all islamic countries are shitholes
Sorry but you alt right fags are the same as SJWs.
Not even worth arguing with.
Both too infuriating for intelligent multi-ethnic people to deal with.
fucking autistic bullshit.
hahaha "sheer force" nice.
you mean dressing up as women and self detonating... >?
So is it like the same dozen Canadians that post this dumb shit or is this a wide spread thing in Canada?
a little yeah othr prts 2
Friend, if it isn't the conquerors' arrival, it will be the germ arrival. Vaccines were invented way later North American colonisations. You wouldn't probably be able to save much, your best bet could have been to help the natives for better diplomatic and commercial conditions, with an emphasys on education.
Simple: because they aren't us.
Assimilate or get wiped off the face of the earth.
Native Americans spent their days scalping each other over women and horses before whites showed up. Their preoccupation with that activity held back their progress and mental development. Just like the abbos didn't invent agriculture or the wheel in 40,000 years, native Americans never would have progressed beyond their level of sophistication. In fact the historical record shows a significant decline from the days of pyramid builders on the continent.
And fuck Islam seriously
I know my roots. I can read about the accomplishments of all the different peoples I come from; the natives, the french, the celts, the anglos, and I can honor those roots by carrying on the traditions of those people.
You don't inherit the right to be proud of being any race simply by being born.
Meaningful pride is something you have to earn by not being a useless NEET. Pride based on a bunch of genetic material you got for free; fucking empty.
So some fucking altright NEET claiming white pride when they are a waste of fucking genes. Fuck that. Daddy should have pulled out quicker. You are a detriment to being "white". No other white person should be proud to stand with you.
We conquered, the natives could fight back. They're being let in without any resistance.
>>whites conquer the Americas, eradicate the natives, build civilizations, a substantial economy. and allow in people who need help
>all cool
>> Muslims conquer the Americas, eradicate the infidels, destroy the civilization and put everyone who doesn't follow their beliefs to death
>not cool
Different standards are always applied to friends and foes.
You're comparing Apples to Oranges.
Race and Religion are two completely different things. There is no double standard here.
They didn't want to eradicate the natives.
The british were civilised. They wanted to trade and use them for labour to build. Give them jobs on their land to build the country, they'd get a stake in it and have their tide rise.
Instead, they raided and fought. Futile, they were too stupid. They fought, and also got disease. They died.
Same thing here with our abo's. We landed, wanted to trade, use them for labour. No dice. They fought, died same as the indians.
Such a bunch of dumb cunts. If the native americans cooperated, the British would never have had to bring in black labour to build. Native's could've done it.
Imagine if China was the one to colonise the america's or australia instead. They'd have wholesale butchered the lot of them.
In hindsight, it was the smart thing to do. Should've fucking killed them all. They're genetically stupid and allowing whites to mix with them has degraded the gene pool of humanity after it was doing well for a while there.
Because Muslims aren't white? Why do you think?
Whites brought hospitals
Arabs brought goats
Why are you ranting? You're assuming to much and you know nothing about me
So? Just because they didn't make as many advancements as whites that doesn't mean they had the right to be killed off. Besides scientific accomplishment is meaningless since life is meaningless. AI will take over soon and humanity will die out soon tbqh
Natives don't think its all cool.
Stop condemning self determination.
>why the double standards
We are white and were men, we shall do as we wish and we need not justify ourselves to likes of things which should've stayed on their maple trees.
Because our government does not allow us to fight off the invaders. If I use my AR-15 to shoot some invaders, the police would be on me like flies on shit. We just don't want our hands tied by OTHER WHITE TRAITORS. We are well able to defeat and wipe out the invaders. But some of our own kind have turned traitor. But don't worry, we will soon wipe out the traitors AND the niggers. When CWII occurs, the strategy is to AVOID the military and police, and just kill their supporters.We need to kill niggers, liberals, muslims, and Canadians.
Hospitals is a bad example since the American hospital industry is basically robbery.
cause I'm white
now, if you love rational arguments so much, then make the rational case why your own life has value. If you can't, kindly kill yourself, because I can make the rational argument that it would be more valuable for you to be gone.
Rationality doesn't apply to real life in biological matters.
You can't rationalize why you should kill 2 people if they wanted to kill you, because after all, it is 2 lives versus 1 life. Rationality doesn't apply to instincts. Only to rational arguments.
Guess what? You fucking fight for your country, and if you lose, fuck you, get fucked.
Interesting how people this place has become a caricature of what liberals hate. Sure this place was always racist and conservative but it was more logical. Most of yall just wanted shitskins to leave you be but now you guys just want to kill everyone you don't like. That brought you to this situation in the first place.
Also jews are eternally better than whites so fuck off and bow down goy.
Most injuns died of disease we brought over.
Because i'm white. I'm sure natives were pissed too.
The white men didn't wipe us out.
We are still here.
And things here were pretty fucked up long before the white men arrived. Slavery, mourning wars, cannibalism, institutionalized rape and torture, religious extremism, wars of conquest, blood rituals as well as ceremonial animal killing.
We were like a Mad Max movie minus the cars and faggy leather outifts.
Alt right is white and bases its identity on that.
You are not white and therefore aren't part of their group.
What's there to argue about?
Holy shit, it's almost like people aren't particularly font of getting eradicated and don't mind eradication that benefits them
Shit is relative. From the perspective of other species, all humans are a plague upon the earth, but you're not gonna stop eating meat and using natural resources, are you? You defend yourself and your ideals. The natives didn't share our ideals and wanted to continue being impoverished hippies instead of expanding technologically. Muslims want to kill us and set us back 600 years with their backwards religion. If you weren't an effemenized cuck, you'd understand our desire to survive and carry our own ideals into the future.