The Southern European man shows perfect aesthetics in average, due to his exotic looking phenotype for European standart
Europid-caucasoid facial structure, olive skinned tan, green-blueish eyes and darker hair make him superior to every other European or even global human male
Complementary to the Nordic woman he leads the epitome of facial or even overall physical evolution, while easily claiming his charmant and elegant status quo as Romeo-like heartbreaker. He leads the poles as desired ideal on every other female Race, especially if speaking about the Scandinavian or Anglo-Saxon one
The Southern European man shows perfect aesthetics in average, due to his exotic looking phenotype for European standart
Other urls found in this thread:
>achmed trying to D&C
>The Southern European man shows perfect aesthetics in average, due to his exotic looking phenotype for European standart
>Europid-caucasoid facial structure, olive skinned tan, green-blueish eyes and darker hair make him superior to every other European or even global human male
>Complementary to the Nordic woman he leads the epitome of facial or even overall physical evolution, while easily claiming his charmant and elegant status quo as Romeo-like heartbreaker. He leads the poles as desired ideal on every other female Race, especially if speaking about the Scandinavian or Anglo-Saxon one
Likes his afternoon nap.
I wish I was Germanic. Every other Germanic I meet is like a robust 6'2 200+.
Very good-looking but still inferior in terms of facial aesthetics compared to the men in my picture
No stronger cheekbone development and too feminine influenced
Most Germanic countries in Europe (I1 + I2b + R1b-S116-)
Netherlands: about 70% of Y-DNA
Sweden : about 65%
Denmark : about 58%
Norway & Iceland : about 55%
England : about 53%
Germany : about 40%
Belgium : about 38%
Austria : about 34%
Finland : about 32%
Czech Republic : about 26%
Switzerland : about 22%
France : about 21%
Slovakia : about 19%
Estonia : about 18%
Poland : about 14%
must say it feels good to be a white 6'4 190lbs /fit/ germanic Toothpaste
I managed to notice that Germanics look handsome but lack harder and robust facial structure, which is why women usually prefer the Southern European male
that's true, the strong jawline the south-europeans have is not very prevalent in the north/northwestern parts of europe
Yes. Us Portuguese are sexy as fuck
Women prefer masculine men.
>descended from Romans
>capital of Catholicism
>created the merchant class
>synonymous with lofty and skillful arts and craftmanship
>been killing africans and muslims for centuries
>grandad moves from italy to america
>american ango kraut mutts call me nigger
>>Models are good examples of average men.
The few greeks I know are short and fat. lol
>implying it was the same people
Type in Spanish man. Get this
But they're not white.
It's very obvious to anyone who's ever seen a spaniard those two are from Latin America.
pretty much, plus we preserve the blonde hair and blue eyes that make northerners unique
9 times out of 10 women will go for something like this not the southern Euroepan effeminate faggot
I dunno m8, the Greeks look pretty white to me
why does the greek guy look like a turk lol
Anglos are pretty much Italians. My dad who is English is tanner than my mom who is Italian. There is a lot of Roman influence on the English people.
>9 times out of 10 women will go for something like this
At least take a better picture of Hardy, he looks like an homeless on this one
Are you gay?
Most of southern europeans are just arabs and niggers who immigrated there within the last thousand years and then mixed with the population. There is very little ancient greek or roman DNA left in them.
This is the average Dane:
According to Sup Forums white women love Arabs and Blacks. South Europe wins again.
And if we're dreaming, let us dream on.
It's true, half of the women on my facebook wall is going to southern europe this summer. You know, to "experience the sun".
Just make sure to wear a fucking condom, Perikles.
There is something I don't get about that reasoning. It is well known that most of the genetic composition of mediterraneans is shared with other europeans, even when they look different (because we are in fact mixed, and because nordic phenotype is recessive, so it takes only one drop to make it dissapear)
So, why do you call us "arabs" and "niggers", when we are in fact closer to you than to them?
hi, hey muscles.
the last great cultural impact from any anglo driven culture was when Vienna was the center of the world in WW1... coincedentally when the horde was in full force.
But like your whole 'civilization' or 'culture' it was variations on a southern european theme. namely music, opera, etc..
all variations translated by germans from a strictly italian / southern euorpean invention.
like those nice buildings?
gothic is a joke, but good job none the less.
They're not Arabs. They have very minor Arab admixture
Very few Danish girls act slutty here. It is only normal on english and German girls, and to a less amount, on swedish ones. That is my experience at least.
The last summer I got into a fight with a retard because the british slut he hunted down told me something I could not even understand on a disrespectful tone.
You should control your bitches, really.
Most of the Nordicists I have ever encountered were themselves Mediterranean.
Most of the Med-centrics I have ever met were themselves kebaps.
rlly makes u think
Yeah. I noticed that too. When anglos are outside Britain on vacation or football they chimp out.
the cigani of Europe
fixed niggers
I am a bit nordicist, to be honest (And I am mediterranean)
I am not a radical tho. I think ocasional mixing among europeans may happen exceptionally, as long as it doesn't change the general morphology of the populations.
I mean, you probably shouldn't have fucked any niggers along the way, though.
I thought you liked us, Serbia.
>descended from Romans
also everyone in Europe is gonna be descended from Romans you retard, hell practically every European is related to Charlemagne
>military invasions significantly altered the gene pool meme
Even the Brits are only at most 30% Anglo-Saxon genetically, and that was after large scale migration of Angles, Jutes, and Saxons who still ended up being a minority who mixed with the natives. Andalusians were basically just Spaniards who converted to Islam.
Doesn't Spain have over 20% unemployment?
I do not represent the opinion of my people
[spoiler] I like you and I want Spanish series back these fucking Turkish and fucking Indian series are getting out of hand [/spoiler]
Typical memeing, after years it isn' even slightly funny anymore
It is mostly proven that iberians have been as they are for thousands of years.
Iberians were already here in the bronce age, I doubt they looked like nordics.
>implying it's a completely different set of people
wheres the original from the sweden yes sketch of the shirtless guy sitting and ignoring the haters?
>Sup Forums
>anthropology 101
>history 101
pick one brother
>Average british slag when in southern europe
there you go
Of course not, but they're hardly martians in comparison. Dark blonde hair, and light eyes are native to Mediterranean whites for instance.
>everyone in europe is related to charlemagne
>islander white savages actually tell themselves this
Easier said than done my friend
It's weird. Like they have some sort off repressed anger or sadness. What's the point of drinking till you pass out?
>islander white savages actually tell themselves this
>retarded American education doesn't let the poor little Caesar understand basic statistics and exponential growth
Sorry Pablo, anybody who visits Mediterranean countries sees the same thing everywhere:
5'2-5'8" bowlegged, wirey, big-nosed/eared, semi-balding manlets.
The things in your photo are as rare in the Mediterranean as they are anywhere else, the only difference is our average is much better.
Because not one drop. a steak with specks of shit in it is closer to a steak that a full turd, but that doesn't mean i'm going to eat it.
>perfect aesthetics
Subjective, get your shit together Hans.
Jesus fuck you almost never see a hot guy like that anymore.
I don't understand either, but there must be something serious going on up there, something we can't perceive on the internet. Maybe the society is fucked up beyond what anyone can express, but veiled by an ilusiĆ³n caused by economic prosperity.
They are wild man. I met a group of them in Mexico over spring break. All of the women are sluts, but unattractive, while all the guys slayed American pussy
>cheese chasing
>body painting
>sister fucking
>rotten toothed
Except human genetics don't work like that.
Your "one drop" rule would make whites nonexistent.
Anyways, nobody is asking you to eat anything, but I don't see why you should not respect us. Neverthless, It is true that this whole thread is a bit idiotic.
>while all the guys slayed American pussy
If I were into eugenics, I would crossbreed Dinaroids and Germanics
>racemixing my perfect dinaric height whit manlets
a cm is a cm
oficina de empleo is not portuguese though, that's spanish
Yea that was it desu. You bongs sure know how to exploit American women with that dumb accent. More power to you.
>here we see when the poor little Caesar becomes enraged at the noble anglos use of facts he quickly resorts to Plebing out, truly Americans are the niggers of the white(ish) race
theyre very repressed here in my experience some everyday emotion is missing in the average german and when they get drunk they often get very emotional
yep just like the way the American accent will get brit slags like moths to a flame over here
What's the lowest height of a girl you fucked/went out with?
Dutch and Norse come very close to us.
I cannot help but feel that you guys are getting the better end of this deal.
>implying portugal isn't spainish clay
what you telling me you don't love being able to get this fine British female with nothing but a pint of ale and a packet of fags?
>tfw English gf
all countries have chads
Nigga I'm part of the Anglo and med master race.
>blue eyes
>thick slightly wavy light brown hair
I'll admit, English men ar me attractive in their one since, but your women are god alfuw. Please do us all a favor and have kids with an Italian woman.
180cm would be the lowest girl
>Southern European
what man you want an obnoxious troll as a gf
I was in argintina and all of the women loved my southern accent. It's pretty dank being consider exotic.
Anglos are the true shame of europeans.
>frankish rape child
>anything to be proud of
Italian women are god teir mane
ahahhahahaha slow down the memes man , came to Italy and get a dose of reality
looks is not everything
nobody likes Meds
take the EM as an example
everyone loved Island. They were friendly and just sympathetic.
everyone hates Portugal. They are arrogant, whine and cheat.
anorexia is god tier?
hahaha right on
I've been to Florence before, the quality of women there is higher than the quality in America.
He looks Russian though
American women must be the bottom of the barrel then.
How'd you enjoy Florence?
That's a 1 in 10,000 in Italy
Everyone knows portuguese are devious, my White friend.
We spaniards are other thing.
>American women must be the bottom of the barrel then.
They're a mixed bag kind of like American posters on Sup Forums. We have some of the ugliest and most beautiful women on Earth. I'd say the average European woman is probably more attractive than the average American one outside of Britain.
So they are more like niggresses am I right?
see it's this shit that's got us worried dad