Tfw Icelandic

>tfw Icelandic
>Humans are wayward, don't summon/worship you as guardian spirits any more
>they say that the overworld majesty of the realm is just "natural beauty"
>they don't understand the difference between the healing and restoration of the spiritual realm and the destruction and pollution of the human realm
>Humans speak to you as if you are one of them
>Fellow spirits betray the path and masquerade as human
>Humans will never believe you
>The hidden people are just "mythology" and "make-believe"

Other urls found in this thread:

I heard they genuinely still believe in Elves and Dwarves in rural Scandinavia

>TFW traitor spirits hopelessly trying to convince the Humans to ascend
>TFW the corruption of the Human realm is such that they will not listen to even the most Human of traitor spirits with their warnings of the Human world's doom from pollution and war
>TFW Humans literally regressing to an ideology where pollution ,war and destruction is good and needed
>The link between worlds is almost severed
>The last nexus, not corrupted by humans now has humans if its own and is being corrupted by literally the worst humans


>Try to warn Humans of the dangers of the destruction of their natural realm
>Brushed off as folklore/myth

>Ever fewer monuments/statues etc. to the spirits
>Humans closing the gateways faster and faster
>Destruction of the human world is seeming more and more inevitable

We will be fine

Let me emigrate to Iceland please

>tfw the seals are being broken
>tfw Atugachu almost completely forgotten and forsaken

I always knew elves were autistic fucks, but this is too much.

>Man moving faster than noose
>Noose not moving at same velocity if not faster

Incorrect photo.

Who is Icelands one true nemesis?

alri feanor

Den evige Dansken

new iceland wasn't white

>We will be fine
Haha no

>Literally all of the seals are now broken
>Can only slightly delay the downfall on the overworld linkland
>Only the most forbidden, extreme and costly methods may now MAYBE restore the link between the Human and spiritual worlds
>Corruption, pollution and war destroying the human world
>Humans are thinking about cartoon animation

This is the last communication.
Destroy the banks. DESTROY THEM

I believe in you dude. Keep doing what your doing.

Fuck the monotheists who don't see their own insanity. There is nothing wrong with you

Go eat a bag of dicks Legolas

>I smell life
>I hate life

This is the problem,W͔̦͍̠̟̗e̳͕̖͜ are real. Your Human religions are only illusion̟̟̣͇̹s̢̤̹.

>Destroy the banks. DESTROY THEM

T̤̮͙H͕̦̘ͅͅE͖̬͎R̜̫E̬͙̞̠̞ ̖̺̞I̬͓̝S̻̤͖̼ͅ ͔͉̯͍HO͓͉̱̰̳P̼̻̩̗̳̰E̝̘
͇̬S͔͚̠͈T̯̜͚͎̳OP ̬̫̙ͅT͖̬̳̳H̹̩̬̘̺̯E ̩̜͕ḄA͚͍̦̙̱N͓̼̥K̘̠̯͚S̩
S̳̼̟̣T̜͙̞̪͈̙O̰̯̤͙P͖ ̙Ṯ͙̟̳̜H̺̻E̗̳̭̼̳̬͎ ̜̰̗̙̟̙̝ḎES̺͖͙̦͔̱ͅT̹͖̻̖ͅR̺̻U̝͎̩̪CT̗͇̖I͖̞̙̣O̱N̺̜͚̤͎

Hversu freðin ertu

Go back to fucking sheep reynir.

Þú ert; og hefur því miður alltaf verið grænjaxl hvað það varðar að gera þesskonar Íslenska þræði sem bæði uppskera athygli og eru nokkuð skemmtilegir.

Þú ert ekki einn um það (enda er þjóð vor nokkuð heimsk og ómerkileg) en vér verðum hinsvegar að vinna að því að vita betur en andstæðingar okkar. Þetta má yfirfæra yfir á öll skemmtilegheit Íslendinga á veraldarvefnum.

Núna ert þú búinn að skemma þennan þráð; Allt er hægt að þýða á erlend mál með ýmsum málvélum. Vertu varhuga gagnvart þeim sem kynnu að skemma mýma okkar og í guðanna bænum svíktu ekki lit og gakktu í þeirra lið eins og þér hafið hér gjört.

Skammastu þín, fleira hef ég ekki að segja.

>shitland still hasn't sunk

>sent inn áður en Sup Forumshlutverkaleikur

Kanntu einu sinni að fá (Þú) án þess að sjúga þýskan þjóðernistittling, Aron?

>(Aron er gyðinganafn úr fyrra testamentinu)


Er búinn að lesa þetta svona 5 sinnum og hef ekki ennþá hugmynd um hvað þú ert að meina

Er nú bara nefndur eftir togara eins og allir alvöru íslendingar ræfilinn þinn

Is this why Iceland aborts downies?

Stundum (ALLTAF) áttu frekar að þegja en að skrifa einhverja "heyy gaurar þetta er ekki rétt" athugasemd, vegna þess að í svona 99.8% tilfella á Sup Forums er skáldskapur (Íslendingar að gera eitthvað dularfullt merkilegt/kjánalegt/fyndið) betra en raunveruleikinn (rífast um hverjar skilgreiningar nauðgunar, kynja og skylda fólk til þess að vera femínista)


The elves are now fighting each other to decide humanity's fate.
I wish I could read their moon runes.

Ja meinar
Reyna að vera svona mysterious klikkhausar

How free are you?
You are; and unfortunately there has always been a green shake in terms of making Icelandic threads that both attract attention and are quite fun.

You are not alone (because our nation is rather stupid and insignificant) but we must work to know better than our opponents. This can be transferred to all the fun of Icelanders on the world wide web.

Now you've been hurting this thread; Everything can be translated into foreign languages with a variety of language machines. Be careful about those who could damage our gloom and in the gods of the town you do not care and go in their team like you have done here.

Your shame, I have no more to say.
> submit before / pole / role play

Do you ever get (You) without sucking a German nationalist, Aron?

> (Aaron is a Jewish name from the former testament)

Have read this 5 times and have not yet got an idea of what you mean
Is just named after trawlers like any real Icelanders your scarf
Sometimes (ALWAYS) you'd rather be silent than writing a "Hey guys, this is not right" comment, because in such a 99.8% case on / int / f fiction (Icelanders do something mysteriously silly / silly / funny) better than reality (reveals what definitions of rape, gender, and duty people to be feminist)

Yes, meinar
Try to be such mysterious click heads
>These guys are probably 3 igloos away from each other and are still arguing online


>Er nú bara nefndur eftir togara eins og allir alvöru íslendingar ræfilinn þinn

Vel reynt, ég er nefnilega nefndur eftir FRELSARANUM eins og allir EKTA Íslendingar: Muḥammad ibn ʿAbdullāh

Þessi var helvíti góður meistari


We live in snowcaves not igloos

Do elves like BLACKED videos?

Veistu þetta verður bara meira gaman því meira pirraður sem þú verður

Im a fan

"Pirringurinn" er einfaldlega ímyndun af þinni hálfu. Ég er guð Íslenskra skítpósta á öllum miðlum, chönum, redditum, kommentakerfum og svo framvegis. Ef þú bara vissir hve stór hluti alls íslensks gæðaefnis kemur undan mér yrðir þú agndofa

I'm hier to helf you, my kinder.
Join the right, and only creed.

>Ef þú bara vissir hve stór hluti alls íslensks gæðaefnis kemur undan mér yrðir þú agndof

OwO dónde encontraste esta nenita?

The United States of America's end will not be the day that whites disappear in an ocean of spics, or when the kike-elites turn us all into insane faggots.

It will be the day our dollars become indistinguishable from this garbage.

It's time.

gib elf sex expert and I will give you tips on how to use superstition to preserve the spirit realm in the 20th century

pic related

Are those red dildos on the swans?

haha nae

>be icelandic
>have sex with kids