>Europe will be further cucked and Islamized after Brexit
>Hillary Clinton will inevitably rig the elections and be reelected in 2020
>USA will be longer white majority in 4 years
>White men demonized,weapons taken from you by force
>Fucking leafs will reelect weedman

what are you even waiting to move to South America? The West is done for.



Underated topic
Sorry, I didn't see Sao Paulo included
You are the type of person who make our country have a bad reputation.

>Whiter than Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo



and not of chileans


Oh god. Is this what my country will look like?

Yep. Don't mix your race and kick those invasors, Hugo.


I thought it already looked like that..

In any case, I would recommend at least goin on vacation to the south of Chile at least once, from Valdivia donwards.

Yes, replacing the buNDa with buRKa

You forgot Paraguay, land of the SS escapees

Yeah let's retreat to a location where there are shit tons of Hispanics up north,some in the same country. It will be totally different from what we have now in the US. Mars colony when?

>argentina will receive 3000 refugees
>and besides the fact the country is getting mongrelized thanks to the non-stop influx of bolivians, peruvians and paraguayans

you are in for a wild ride my fellow white man

>It will be totally different from what we have now in the US

Actually yeah, you'd be treated like gods

I plan to move to argintina after college. I've been there before, and I can say it is definitely more white than America.


I thought Macri was based.

MFW 60 percent of argintina can get Italian citizenship because of their ancestory.

we have no go areas (immigrant infested streets with rape and crime)
German cities are mostly save

Brazil is a no go area
rape and crime everywhere

looking at Uruguay - boring but stable and close to Buenos Aires

why is this not a country?

time to get a fn fal

wasn't Macri right-winged or something?

>northwestern argentina is white

he's a libcuck, but it's closest we got to a right-winger. anything else is just socialism.