How does one find a Sup Forums gf?
How does one find a Sup Forums gf?
a Sup Forums gf?
don't you mean, your hand?
facebook meme pages
She wouldn't be that good looking.
By engaging untermensch in the streets during chimpouts. They will see you on TV and in videos and will actively seek you out. This is how I found my wife.
Church.... Or on some Malaysian energy drink image board but that's really rare
((( )))
>friend is getting work done on her car
>Mexican fucks it up then tries to deny it
>she calls him every racial slur she could think of
>demands to see his green card
>store owner eventually calls the cops
>she is forced to leave
I'm going to marry her.
You take a receptive normie and feed her the redpill over a lengthy period of time in doses she doesn't notice.
Just like your dick.
Every girl like that has burned the coal and paid the toll. Better to become gay.
Why would you need a pol gf? Can you not defend you views if you're having an argument with your girl
Lurk on here. That's where I found mine
The only Sup Forums girl I ever met was boring as hell. I prefer my apolitical gf.
Slowly red pill her, with news like "X nigger raped and killed X white girl" until she hate all races except white.
Force your Sup Forums friend to crossdress and dominate him by fucking his boipucci until he starts behaving like a girl. Make him your bitch.
You don't find one you make one.
go to Sup Forumsand
So you want to find an autistic, promiscuous "Sup Forums girl" that regurgitates memes and talking points without fully understanding what they even mean, just so she can impress Chad?
Go here then:
Poland women are usually red pilled.
>implying the modern woman is good clay to mold with.
Why do you even need a girlfriend? Get one or fuck off to /soc/.
>tfw tumblr gf that listens to nigger music 24/7 and was likely a coalburner but I don't want to actually ask and confirm it
Pretty much this, or any other kind of heroic action.
The answers to your questions are so simple, guys, really... Just think about what boyfriend you would like to have if you were a girl.
Can't? It's very easy. Think about what YOU want to be. Got it? That's right, be like that, and the girl of your dreams will come to you. Until then, stop complaining.
I briefly dated a girl recently who really hated Obama. Wish I couldve made that relationship last