Here's your new "Iron Man" Sup Forums

Everyday we move closer to the race war (((They))) are trying to stop

Notice how progressive and hip marvel's artists are
They man Iron Man a
>But not just any nigger Woman
>Teenage Genius nigger with nappy ass hair

How will you feel when Iron Nig, SpiderNig, Captian Nigger America and Ms. "Shitskin" Marvel team up?

In all my years I never though I would see the day that comic book movies become better than actual comic books... and yet here we are.

>Pandering to groups who piss and moan about everything
>lose sales as your base lose interest
>"B-b-but at l-least we're n-not racist....R-right?"

They've been losing in the comic department for years, hope it keeps tanking as they keep giving into demands of "equality".

you triggered bitches are the reason why theyre gonna make more of these.

How? Do you think Marvel just loves hemorrhaging money?

That makes 0 sense.

>Mr. Bendis has recently written “Uncanny X-Men,” which features Iceman, a gay mutant, and “Ultimate Spider-Man,” in which the titular character, Miles Morales, is of black and Hispanic descent.
Is it all this guy's fault or is the whole American comic industry fucked?

top fucking kek. Hopefully DC does not kek itself.

you didnt buy the comics when they didnt pander to the SJW and neither will you buy them now.
but good job bitching about it. at least youre marketing them for people to buy more of these pieces of trash

>Everyday we move closer to the race war (((They))) are trying to stop

I'd argue (((They))) are trying to incite it, by constantly doing stupid shit like this. If they weren't doing stupid shit like this, people wouldn't constantly be getting angrier and angrier.

Although I don't believe they're actually trying to incite it, I think they're just stupid, and oblivious to Newton's third law.

We should pretend to be SJW's an complain about her being over sexualized because her midriff is showing. Talk about how it's problematic and objectifying.