Got me thinking
Well Sup Forums
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Certainly activated my cerebellum.
Blacks make the worst terrorists
Don't they already do this?
No skin off my ass
niggers already do that
And aren't we already mad?
This has absolutely caused thought processes to occur within my brain chum.
really mks u thnk
Niggers already do that on a regular basis.
It actually happened in NYC not too long ago.
Do people not know he was a registered sex offender?
Pedos should hijack these protests.
HMM, that did induce a thought process.
Wtf i hate borders now
>got to lock my door at night though
>thats the one place where no stranger can go
Race war is coming m8s
PBA boss?
If this is true, can they stfu about imperialism
>put wings on pigs
>you're under arrest because on a giant rock flying through space, you couldn't help yourself but cross the one imaginary line we asked you not to
>imaginary line
So true. We need to build a wall.
Is this person implying we should build a wall?
Build a wall and the line becomes a lot less imaginary, doesn't it?
>that ankh necklace
What do you expect? This reaction should be expected when a fucking cop executes a guy in public. I dont care if he was a nigger, it was clearly a execution. Today they do that shit with niggers, tomorrow with those opposed to the gov.
Honestly, your police are a bunch of dumbfucks digging their own graves.
Patrolmen's Benevolent Association
It's a labor union that represents police officers.
jesus christ what
Check out the responses this got
>you're under arrest
>for returning the elements which happened to form a carbon based being back to a giant rock flying through space
The sooner the war between the cops and nigs come the better
Shut the fuck up, Manolo. Franco fucked you so hard you became a full homo degenerate you Almodovar faggot.
>induces cogitation
If trump wins the race war will finally happen
my sides
>you're under arrest for forcefully pushing your penis through a wet hole on a giant rock floating through space
Folks, this is how you start a good ole' fashioned wace rar, right here.
Is this real? That's on par with ISIS.
Purge these niggers
These dumb niggers have no idea what would happen if white people finally woke up. White people are murdery genocidal fucks deep inside
Seriously, why can't cops do their job and shoot a violent criminal without every uninformed lib and hood rat flipping their shit? NO ONE would have cared if the cop got killed. Fuck this gay earth.
I thought fear of exactly this is one of the reasons cops are so jumpy around blacks.
Nigs don't have self-preservation instinct.
Yep. Let them kill each other in their ghettos.
We need cops to protect civilized people
and it's too expensive to warehouse these animals.
I love how they got back at whitey by shooting a hispanic and one of the seventeen asian cops in the country.
rily meks u stink
The time is nigh for the pedos to rise!!
brb gonna use my account to promote #ThePastHasPassed for sex offender reevaluations
>muh science
Lol best post in thread.
If blacks think things are bad now, I'd love to see what an all out war would be like with the gloves off.
Almost all of these police shootings have been done with handguns and unarmored cops. Could you imagine the havoc a fully equipped swat team with full auto M4s and MRAPS could bring to bear against Jamal and his hi-point toting friends?
Based African Americans showing cops they are not violent apes who should be put down.
Really, at this point, it sucks that innocent people will have to get killed to kick everything off...but I can't wait for the race war. Blacks would get obliterated in a matter of hours, we could also probably kill off a sizable portion of SJWs too.
Yes, look up the Twitter handle
It definitely drives one to ponder...
Gotta give that nig credit for that kek
This certainly sparked brain activity
Oversimplifying a criminal offense in your own underwhelming terms is not an argument. It's sophism. Anybody can do it for anything.
>"hurr durr you're under arrest for taking pieces of paper"
>"hurr durr you're under arrest for saving certain arrangements of pixels on a computer"
>"hurr durr you're under arrest for pulling a trigger in the direction of a meat bag stuck to a skeleton on spinning rock"
I can't believe how many people I see still doing this.
kek they couldn't even kill whitey properly
Deyd start drivin dese doh
Alright thats it, im a #Hilldog now.
>not a cop
>not a nigger
Don't care
It's extreme carelessness that is the real problem.
according to her profile, she's a cal 2018 grad.. can we contact her school for being an ISIS sympathizer? get her kicked out of that liberal, pro-peace institution? seriously. dox this bitch.
Das rassis
Trump will make lines and anime real.
salil sawaram, nasheed ubayam etc etc
Fucking ISIS tier chimpout
If that was the problem, Careless Clinton would surely be the solution.
>carnal knowledge of a juvenile.
so he fucked a loli?
I should be able to walk into women's changing rooms.
I wish
We are. It's good for our intents and purposes. Definitely sucks for whoever is on the receiving end
How can we possibly recuperate?
We know. Just look how baby police bawled after Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley brought some justice for Eric Garner and Michael Brown. They can dish it out, but not take it.
shoot on sight orders more likely to make a nigga mad
Yeah, no, the niggers are a bunch of dumbfucks digging their own graves.
Than you must have a small mind.
I have the privilege of reading about muslim rape gangs and being upset instead of afraid that it could happen to me.
I have the privilege of reading about various ISIS massacres in Europe and knowing that it probably won't happen to me.
Nigger apologists are niggers too.
Manson was born too earlier. Helter Skelter with the aid of social media might've done it.
Manson wanted a race war in which whites lost.
>Lives in the UK
>Thinks it's not Europe
You'd so want to suck american cock.
Underrated post
>you're under arrest for pulling the trigger on a black piece of plastic and metal on a giant rock floating through space
That is not quite what I said, croissant shagger.
>an ankh
A BLM supporter I know retweeted at christians to stop using the cross. I didn't realize how delusional BLM were
Why do African Americans think they can win a race war?
Nigger are so delusional
Because they was KANGS
We all should