>There’s a new Iron Man. Well, Iron Man for now. She’s still working on the name. The events at the end of the comic book event series Civil War II will result in Tony Stark stepping out of the Iron Man suit and a new character, Riri Williams, taking over, Marvel tells TIME.
Iron MAN is now a black woman. Deal with it Sup Forums
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Jokes aside, these properties have been around for so long that I'm surprised this hasn't happened already. Companies pander, that's why you gotta support creator owned shit-at least there's a chance they'll have some integrity.
Man children of Sup Forums, these superhero shits are for children.
Did they forget that diversity does not sell?
I hope they cast a black woman in the next movie and make Iron Manlet into a dolescrounger
When will we get a white, male Storm?
I hope they make a movie with 200 million and lose all their money
I have not bought a comic in 20 years I do not give a fuck
Why dont they just reboot every series where everyone's a nigger over the span of a few years so they can get that shit out of their system and see that it doesnt sell? Beats the hell out of starting a single shitstorm every few months because blacks cant into original characters
>yet another diversified superhero
I guess subverting Western Civilization never gets boring.
good lord
I'd prefer if they did it all at once.
Marvel's NiggaVerse.
How would she put her helmet on?
>Captain America is now a black woman
>Iron Man is now a black woman
>there are TWO Trump expy villains
And sales of the comic will drop precipitously after three issues.
Being a cuck doesn't make you money, Marvel.
>there are TWO Trump expy villains
Explain to somebody who avoids Marvel like the plague because of shit like this.
Mind blown!
when is it time for everyone to just accept that meme magic is infact real? Praise kek my family
Good god, quints speak the truth
Wow... Really makes you think.
What about DC? are they diversifying their heroes as well?
Iron POC doesn't really roll off of the tongue. Maybe She-boon or Nappy-ho
why do you idiots keep making these shitty threads
who cares about capeshit? if you are old enough to browse Sup Forums and still consume capeshit then you have much much bigger problems in your miserable life than an enriched cast
grow up you retard toddlers
I literally couldn't care less who people hire for capeshit films
okay, serious question here. does anyone actually read marvel anymore?
Nope. As far as I know, the worst they've done is the Wonder Woman mansplaining line.
Batman just got a couple new sidekicks, both white. If it was Marvel, they'd have been genderfluid dragonkin and also bastardized versions of old characters because Marvel can't actually create new identities any more.
Should change the name to Carbon Woman
Marvel dominate 44.80% of the comic market
H-h-h-heil Hitler
Isn't there already a black Iron Man though?
They are the new Serpent Supreme, who is an evil businessman that runs a border control vigilante group and says "lets make America marvelous again!" and MODAAK (sp?), a new version, that looks like a big head version of Trump, hair, eyes, everything, who wants to kidnap mexicans as a supply of cheap labor.
The former is a nemesis of Black Captain America, the latter is a nemesis of Black Female Captain America.
>Thor is now Whor
>Captain America is now Captain Falcon
>Iron Man will now be Iron Sheneequa
Who will be the next Avenger to be updated for the current year?
Ok Sup Forums I am from Sup Forums and I can tell you at least 70% of us hate this and 100% of the people hate the write Brian Michael Bendis.
But here is the kicker, why is so bad about this ?
For one comics always try this kind of stuff and after 5 years they go back to the status quo, this is nothing more of controversy for money so what is so bad ?
Do you hate capitalism Sup Forums ?
>Do you hate capitalism Sup Forums ?
This doesn't make any money.
DareDiva is going to join the crew as a sassy Filipino transgender.
They killed him. Can't have too many men headlining. Black, white or otherwise.
Wait, your argument is "if you're a capitalist you must enjoy every piece of fiction ever?"
How about "if you're a capitalist you must enjoy every piece of merchandise ever?"
What, you don't enjoy dragon dildos? You must be a commie!
>why is so bad about this ?
Having a black male and black female captain America fighting two separate Trump expy villains is pretty retarded however you cut it.
yes it does check
Iron man is one of the top sellers
watch your tone, you bigoted shitlord
John Quintsy Adams
The medic is right. Ever since the Reddit faggots came here from the shit stain 9gag tier toilet that is the_donald, we've had constant shifty threads like
> what video game is Sup Forums approved
> what music is Sup Forums approved
> why is the cartoon for babies I watched 20 years ago different?
> look at me Sup Forums I called someone a nigger teehee
You guys are fucking cunts and I wish you'd fuck off to r9k or Reddit or anywhere
This desu senpai.
>see new Punisher ongoing
>get excited
>no longer by Edmonson, now written by some woman who broke into comics thanks to Tokyopop
I hate you so much Marvel
>comic market
Which is being destroyed by manga now stuff like SAO and AOT is hitting the mainstream.
Schoolkids watch anime now, it's all on netflix. Hipsters will be reading manga to one-up 12 year olds.
>Caring about capeshit
>any year
Do we really need a dozen threads on this shit today?
Well I guess I'm just do what I always do when any media has SJW agenda injected it it, for the sake of virtue signaling, and appeasing PC shitheads: I'm not spend a single penny on it and let them do whatever the fuck they want.
What happened to BMB? Ult Spidey was so good
There's already a black Iron Man. He's called War Machine.
Second, a woman would be Iron Woman which, by comic standards, makes her a distinct and separate character.
So "black female Iron Man" really isn't as noteworthy as tumblrtwats want you to think it is.
You're right that the market will render its harsh judgment on this but it's more about the intent. The fact that this crazy ideology pervades the entire entertainment media and the elite in general while not reflecting the viewpoints of normal people is disturbing. You'd think they would have learned by now that people don't want this shit but they keep trying anyway.
He's failed relentlessly ever since. Did you read Uncanny and All-New X-Men? Jesus.
She is not bad writer but her punisher is mediocre. Is like she is trying to be edgy because she is writing the punisher
I thought feminists and SJWs hated the whole "Ms. Male Character" trope. Isn't that exactly what this is?
>"Which is why we'll market it as New Slurm. Then, when everyone hates it, we'll bring back Slurm Classic and make billions!"
>There's already a black Iron Man. He's called War Machine.
Don't worry, they killed him off in advance for this.
>Iron man is one of the top sellers
No they love it. They consider it a victory. See: the new Ghostbusters movie which is endorsed by Ellen and HRC.
Jane Foster took the name of Thor when she got Mijolnir powers. Now "Thor" goes around calling himself Odinson because he litterally can't use his own name.
Did that flop, is it even out yet? I see adverts for it now and then.
he's ded, he shot a rocket into she-hulks tit and got killed by Thanos
they made captain america black
they made thor a woman
people didn't like it so now they try take both approaches at once
so now they make iron man a nigress
>why don't you just ignore these SJWs and they'll go away
The only other BMB series I remember reading are Alias and the Pulse, which were pretty great. I could see how his style, specifically how he writes dialogue, could get irritating, especially since every character he writes speaks the same way and has the same mannerisms, but I recall his writing being generally exciting and refreshing. What do people hate about him now?
Marvel is filled with some clever bastards by doing the Paul Fag approach:
>make more "diverse" characters
>people are either mad for the obvious pandering or other reasons such as shit writing
>call critics racist/sexist/homophobic to evade criticism of actual problems in something
Holy fuck this picture is some livejournal-tier shipping bullshit. Did some deviantart user get a job at marvel just so they could make their fanfic official?
don't forget that Captain America is now a black woman
Iron Man
>MIT student at 15, but prefers to be a playboy because family dosh
>Get injured by non-vietcom while checking a weapon factory
>Creates the armor to save himself and Ho Yinsen, who teachs him about pacifism and helping others
>Needs the armor as life support most for a time
>Heavy drinker due to physical trauma PTSD, it goes so bad he needs a BLACK friend to cover his ass more than once.
New Iron (Wo)Man
>MIT student at 15
>Builds armor because she is bored, literally a Poochie introduction "Wow, she is better than me!"
>Just that, her motivation and character will be fighting about "prejudice and injustice" because we was queens 'n shit and built pyrammids but cannot stand by ourselfs without a white-man created label to back us.
>She'll have no flaws, probably will punch some some whitey male and give him sassy speech
Comic book sales have been sinking faster than the titanic since SJWs took over Marvel. Gee. I wonder why.
In principal I don't mind Lady Thor because in the comics Thor was originally a milquetoast cripple named Donald Blake who became "Thor" via a stick he found in a cave that was actually Mjolnir.
What I DO mind about Lady Thor is that retarded "huf puf WOMYNZ POWAH" beat down she gave Absorbing Man. Because that's not actual fight banter. It's a fucking soap box issue no one really cared about until you fucking brought it up.
Soon everthing will be a minority woman
How do they evade the problem of their sinking revenues though?
Bendis can be great when he's writing his own street level stories. Stories where he can focus on his own original character (Jessica Drew) or one character (Daredevil). It's when he takes on these groups of characters like the X-Men or New Avengers that it usually gets stupid, fast. He doesn't care about continuity, and when someone asks his reply is usually "Don't pick on me, I'm Jewish"
let him be praised
Racists win again, when will sjw realize they are the ones they should hate?
It'll make $5 and they'll cry that everyone is racist or something.
Thank god then that I don't read capeshit, especially not team up capeshit
What about the part where she's totally better than Thor at everything despite having no experience with it?
>controversy for money
its not for money, its a PR stunt, the people who read this shit are not SJW black women, theyrer white NEETs
this is the opposite of capitalism
Why is it so hard to create your own character instead of shitwashing white characters?
Seriously, they have made dozens of white male characters either black or female instead of coming up with something new and interesting
What would niggers say if one of the established black characters were made white?
Marvel also spams out new titles (like this Iron-boon) every month. In April they released 15% more titles than DC. New titles also sell bigger initially, and then taper down...or fail. I'm curious to see the success rates of all this crap Marvel spams out.
good luck selling copies, you fucking retards.
My guess is it's just the Hammer giving her skill. Donald Blake had no experience with the Thor powers but he kicked ass easily in his debut as the God of Thunder.
>still reading capeshit
Also Marvel variant covers...they'll release like 5 different covers for a Spider Gwen issue. I don't think DC is really big on variants.
He could be called stormfront
But why does it give her more skill than it did anybody else?
Also please note that apparently not even Odin can lift it anymore because he's the patriarchy, even though he made it himself.
Its just another gimmick to get media attention and sales, it'll pass after a year or two. Just like female Thor, hydra Cap, Black Cap, dead Peter Parker, black Punisher, etc.
author of such great characters such as Jessica Jones, the coalburning alcoholic
There is a superhero named Stormfront in Garth Ennis' The Boys.