What to do Sup Forums?
What to do Sup Forums?
It's not worth it user.
>(If you're voting for trump don't talk to me)
>(((If you're voting for trump don't talk to me)))
talk to her anyway and tell her you're voting for trump you stupid cuck
Reply, tell her you're voting for Trump, but that you're vegan which makes you superior to her vegetarianism and ask her why she believes that raping cows for their dairy is okay if she feels that they're not to be eaten. Leave her confused about the whole thing.
Obviously fuck her then feed her fake vegan food that is actually meat. Then vote for Trump and send her the picture
She's in Canada. How is she going to find people voting for Trump?
fuck er anyway
give the maga text after right the encounter and never speak again.
>artist (makeup)
>nerdy (comic book)
Fucking disgusting
Why bother? First off she's 18 and looks like she's pushing 30 and she's a 5/10, 6/10 tops. Plus you already know she's bluepilled. Waste of time.
Take him out for a nice steak dinner and see if he can't be persuaded.
Liking this
Tell her you're voting for Trump. That's what I'd do.
Won't be pursing anyway. She popped up, saw her bio, and said yes cause I wagered she'd match with me and I could report to pol
You obviously butt blast her a few times then reveal your powerlevel.
Don't tell her shit; hide power level. get her in the ass, bust in her mouth, then scream "TRUMP THE GOD-EMPEROR FOREVER!" Get dressed, then walk out. Call her a whore at every opportunity after you do this.
Claim you're voting for Hillary. Fuck her and then tell her you decided to vote for Trump the next morning. Beware that she might falsely accuse you of rape after that.
Hook up with her, then when you penetrate her you scream "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"
Say your a Sanders supporter, get her to blow you and then hand her a maga hat and kick her out of your car. Tinder bitches suck dick so easily I doubt you'll have a problem.
Fuck her, then whisper in her ear as you climax, "Make America Great Again".
thats it im a #cruzmissle
She has been blacked since birth
Show her your memes
yeah this would probably work lol
>Got rid of facebook
>Can't use tinder
She hasn't messaged me back. Just sent her a hello. Will report back in if anything good happens. Godspeed friends.
I'd make sure to have this on camera if done, don't give them a chance to say you raped them if you didn't.
Talk to her, get laid, and then try to red pill her as much as possible.
I thought it was a tranny
>look at me im so unique
>im a special girl, not like every other girl
>artist -> i use makeup
>nerdy -> i read (female) thor once
>love food/watching movies/cuddling -> im so boring that i have to name irrelevant shit everyone does/like
>vegatarian -> more attention please
Totally not worth it, prostitue will be cheaper in the long run
She prob won't match you anyways op so why does it matter?
"Onyx" isn't a real name.
I knew I left something out. You have to post the video, though. So we can see the assmad blossom. Lulzy.
send her this verbatim. post reaction.
"Quest University" Canada???
Never heard of this. Ever.
Certainly not a respected university, if it exists at all.
She's probably a 50-year-old man in Sri Lanka.
BTW, there's enough info in her tinder profile to find her fb and troll her with some dank Trump memes
fake name
fake university
why do most american parents choose pokemon name for their baby?
holding a Trump book instead of the Bible
She's a vegetarian.
Tell her you'll fuck her with a cumcumber but be smooth about it
Oh, this is the best suggestion by far.
Hahahahahaha this is underrated
>I broke up with my bf and this is my half assed coping mechanism
I bet she's an easy lay. She's trying to justify herself before even matching with anyone.
For real she sounds like a pain in the ass. And she's not even hot. Just troll her.
Alternatively tell her you just had a messy break up as well, you just couldn't stay with your gf as she was so obsessed with 'making America great again' that it was ruining your lives. All she did was talk about the immigrant problem, crooked Hillary, the second amendment, and eventually you had to walk out.
>wont blow your cock
>sperm could end in her stomach
You cant fuck her into her ass either.
>voting for trump
wew lad
Text her and tell her she's a pokemon.
Fucking this. Absolutely gorgeous.
This, obviously. I "Pump and Trump" whores like her all the time.
The most basic of all bitches
kek wills it
Fuck her and message her that you're voting for trump immediately afterwards.
why would you date a liar?
>"Pump and Trump"
>girl has something like this in bio
>ask "Why do you hate Trump?"
>"because he's a racist shithead lmao"
>ask "how is he racist?"
5'9 is bretty tall for a US girl.
Because of all the beaner admixtures
Fuck her and whisp "MAGA" into her ear when you cum, then dump her
"tall" is relative to your own height, unless you are a manlet, 5'9 is not tall
(if you're voting for Trump don't talk to me or my ex-boyfriend's son ever again)