Something I want to discuss: Has Hitler ruined the face of white separatism/nationalism. As someone who's extremely proud to be white, whenever i mention this I am related to Hitler. I agree more upon the lines of Jared Taylor that the lines drawn between races are more common sense than anything. How do you see this?
Something I want to discuss: Has Hitler ruined the face of white separatism/nationalism...
please Ida, Tell me how you feel about this
He's obviously had an effect, you show nationalistic leanings and people scream "Nazi" at you, however the growing nationalist sentiment in places like Austria, France, Germany, Sweden and Great Britain shows that this has significantly lost its weight
I feel that if a national movement in America was made with the basis of 'being white' it would take 50 minutes after reaching 10000 members before the 'whites' start killing each-other for not being 'white enough'
Hitler was not a "white" supremacist.
He hated other Europeans with a passion, especially Slavs.
Hitler was a German supremacist, he believed in the superiority of Germanic peoples.
There is no such thing as "white" identity.
You pathetic fucks destroyed everything with your stupid lens lead
do you think that the increasing of migrants in those respective countries are have a direct relation to the increase of nationalism?
do you think then if not in america it could take place somewhere else, if so where do you think has the highest chance, Ida?
i didn't choose my words carefully and thought someone would say something to this degree but many people just think he is the beacon for everything racist
>eternal anglo starts ww2 with the sole purpose of destroying germany
>lies about the holocaust and slavery and pours endless propaganda into the minds of whites until they become suicidal
>this is somehow Hitler's fault
Churchill pls go.
The denazification period didn't help either.
Picture is in England
that's pretty pathetic Nigel. What was already a country of crooked tooth, fanny bandits is now plagued with an even worse filth, muslim scum. We need to raise the crusades once more
captcha: Select all tea
didnt help with what?
Ok, pink identity then. We're obviously not really white. And slavs, srsly, they're just vodka containers.
> not an argument
You're calling the kettle black
I would argue yes.
Thanks Hitler.
> a non country
way less immigrants are coming to U S of A than to places like G.B and france and such
Shut up, pink racist.
>*licks paws*
>looks at flag
>Sees leaf
>disregards opinion
Gotta agree with Waffles, slavs are fairly sub-human
Highlighting other nations flaws to divert attention from your own is the territory of Spainairds are Argentinians.
You have an equally serious problem with illegal immigration from Mexico and a complete failure to control your black population.
Not to mention, it is the United States rampant globalism and over production which has created the current climate in which we live.
Thanks, and WE at least don't have blue in our flag.
I was talking about muslims primarily, Any immagrant i hate. You are correct the mexican jumpping beans pose a threat to this sacred soil but i am one who doesn't know of any way to solve that. The globalism is another part i really lock horns with, explain the over producing part , how is it making problems, not disagreeing just interested
im not your friend
What did Hitler mean by this?
>Only in France is there today more than even an inner unanimity between the plans of the Jew-controlled stock exchange and the desires of a chauvinistically oriented national statecraft. In this very identity lies an immense danger for Germany. Exactly for this reason France is, and remains by far, the most terrible enemy.
>This people, which is constantly becoming more negrofied constitutes, by its tie with the aims of Jewish world dominion, a grim danger for the existence of the European white race. For infection in the heart of Europe through negro blood on the Rhine corresponds equally to the sadistic perverse vengefulness of this chauvinistic, hereditary enemy of our people, and to the ice-cold plan of the Jews thus to begin bastardizing the European continent at its core ana, through infection by inferior humanity, to deprive the white race of the foundations for a sovereign existence.
>What France, spurred by its own vengefulness, methodically led by the Jew, is doing in Europe today, is a sin against the existence of white humanity, and some day will inspire against that nation all the avenging spirits of a knowledge which will have recognized race pollution as the original sin against mankind.
google blue waffle
jew running the world is probably the biggest meme out there
When the US entered the war they broke their isolationist stance and fired up its productions lines to support the war effort. Post war the US now had far to many goods and not enough demand, the United States literally needs constant war in order to float its economic bubble.
Sweatshops in China, India and the third world has further exacerbated the problem.
shut the fuck up
this makes a lot of sense. thanks slime also, Argentinians ARE white
will do.
>however the growing nationalist sentiment in places like Austria
>"At the beginning of this war I did my utmost to act as though I believed Churchill to be capable of grasping the truth of this great policy; and in his lucid moments he was, indeed, capable of grasping it. But for a long time now he has been bound hand and foot to the Jewish chariot. I had underestimated the power of Jewish domination over Churchill's England. They preferred, indeed, to perish by default, rather than to admit National Socialism to their midst. Our absolute determination to eradicate Jewish power root and branch throughout the world was far too strong meat for their delicate stomachs to digest!" - Hitler, 1945