Something I want to discuss: Has Hitler ruined the face of white separatism/nationalism. As someone who's extremely proud to be white, whenever i mention this I am related to Hitler. I agree more upon the lines of Jared Taylor that the lines drawn between races are more common sense than anything. How do you see this?
Something I want to discuss: Has Hitler ruined the face of white separatism/nationalism...
please Ida, Tell me how you feel about this
He's obviously had an effect, you show nationalistic leanings and people scream "Nazi" at you, however the growing nationalist sentiment in places like Austria, France, Germany, Sweden and Great Britain shows that this has significantly lost its weight
I feel that if a national movement in America was made with the basis of 'being white' it would take 50 minutes after reaching 10000 members before the 'whites' start killing each-other for not being 'white enough'
Hitler was not a "white" supremacist.
He hated other Europeans with a passion, especially Slavs.
Hitler was a German supremacist, he believed in the superiority of Germanic peoples.
There is no such thing as "white" identity.
You pathetic fucks destroyed everything with your stupid lens lead
do you think that the increasing of migrants in those respective countries are have a direct relation to the increase of nationalism?
do you think then if not in america it could take place somewhere else, if so where do you think has the highest chance, Ida?
i didn't choose my words carefully and thought someone would say something to this degree but many people just think he is the beacon for everything racist