How do we fix Africa?

How do we fix Africa?

>Inb4 get rid of all the Africans
>inb4 OP can't inb4
>inb4 >greentexting inb4

Kill the negros

Atleast bring them to kneel again

Actually gassing the niggers is the best way to fix the majority of the problems in the world. Just like the kikes, niggers contribute nothing to society or the world as a whole.

Recolonize it, divide it along ethno-linguistic lines, then population control. When it's down to a manageable number of the best negroes, educate them and leave them be.

No access to the internet or TV while they are colonized so that they don't get any ideas about leaving for a better place (Europe).

Oh, and gas the kikes.

And risk having another South Africa? When will you brits learn?

Also, it's no coincidence that Botswana and Namibia are two of the more stable countries in south Africa. Bantus are shit.

That's a good conquer map.

spoken like a true Brit. we know what's best for them.

Mfw there will be 2 billion niggers in africa soon

Wipe out the niggers and the Muslims then undo millennia of trashing the environment.

I say remove negroes and give it to the French/British/Dutch again.

When they created countries out of Africa, it only benefitted those Euros anyways.

Nigeria, for example, is an artificial country. Too many conflicting tribes which makes democracy challenging.

Either whites take over every country or we stop all aid and trade to the continent, private and public, and wall off the entire thing so nobody can get in or out.

Whites start running things again. Basically, we rekindle the African dream.

Just kill all the niggers and sandniggers.

Insert 140IQ white population.


On a mass scale*

No sane 140IQ person would go there obviously. We need to figure this out, we need good carrot.

>No sane 140IQ person would go there obviously.

You'd be surprised. When things were run right, it was actually a nice place to start a new life.

South Africa was booming in the '60s.

What do you sugest, to shoot every elephant, lion, zebra and so on so forth to extinction?

It's not just niggers that live there

Soes somebody have that .jpg where they put africa and planets and other shit inside africa, like that?

Get rid of the Bantu

Khosians, East Africans, North Africans, and Hadza can stay, but the Bantu are shit and everyone knows it.


Kissinger and Thatcher ruined Africa

bravo cuckserrvatives your anti racist legacy is intact


Bantu are pure cancer

they're like an invasive species like rabbits in Austrailia

Bantu are niggers literally what we call niggers are the Bantu humans in Africa.

Hadza are objectively better than the Bantu in every way

>fathers raise children
>actual family formation
>no giant monkey mouth

yeah I know

I just wish the non Bantu had won in Africa. I realize the Bantu won because of their strength, size, aggressive, like an African carp or other invasive species so it's basic evolution, but it still really sucks they exist. when Khoisans and Hadza are around.

I wonder what other cool more evolved tribes those niggers wiped out.

this documentary was hilarious

these look human

There's a reason for that

>The Hadza are predominantly monogamous, though there is no social enforcement of monogamy.[5] While men and women value traits such as hard work when evaluating for mates, they also value physical attractiveness. In fact, many of their preferences for attractiveness, such as symmetry,[26] averageness[27] and sexually dimorphic voice pitch[28] are similar to preferences found in Western nations.

>you will never own a nice house in Rhodesia, along with a literal armory of full-auto weapons, and a clean Mercedes.
>you will never fuck jet black African women on a daily basis

Fuck, man. Born too late.

>we a whole continent vs countries

Wow that guy just looks like a really dark southern euro, never seen an african with a profile like that.

get rid of germanics and black countries in africa will be good

The real question is what exactly are the Bantus, and why are they so apish compared to the other humans in Africa.

perhaps they are the "missing link"?

Image search suggests that guy is Somali.

>Inb4 get rid of all the Africans

Why are you making this harder than it needs to be?

It's self-evidently the easiest, most straightforward solution.


Missing links cant exist the same time as the descendant.

Let natural selection and evolution fix it over time.

Stop sending trillions of dollars in aid every year to let the weak and retarded ones survive and pump out 10 children.

I really can't wait for another white colony to spring up so I can marry an African qt

Build mining operations that maintain the integrity of the workforce and pay them a livable wage. Create a cofortable community around these mining operations and encourage trade and business. As these small towns become cities plan with the assumption that everything will be much larger and denser than it is today. Enforce peace with a rigid economic ecosystem where violence will hurt everone's profits. Then the communities will police themselves. Foster a strong sense of pride and responsibility for the communitiy in its inhabitants and let them share in the fruits of their labors.

Of course this'll never happen because the people there can't organize or think ahead to literally save their lives.

There is literally nothing wrong with Africa. It is working as intended.