Fucking hell i'm choked ... fuck americunt police seriously...
Fucking hell i'm choked ... fuck americunt police seriously
Regardless of details of the incident this is going to cause riots and go huge.
Lick the boot frogger
Do people not understand that "open carry" means, your firearm has to be in plane view? That means not in a pocket, not in a waist band, not in your sock. On your fucking HIP like a friggin cowboy.
That was pretty horrifying.. damn, didn't seem like they had a good excuse to kill him, I mean it seemed like they had him restrained..
Turns out he was a felon and not permitted to carry a firearm at all.
He was a twice convicted felon and pedo, chances are he would have gotten life for that third felony.
If only he had been shot sooner.
Seem to hinge on whether he was reaching for the illegal firearm the cops knew he had on him or not. They'd already tased him and he continued passive non-compliance.
What's interesting is the time between the first 3(?) and second 3 shots. Critics of the shooting will probably jump on that time gap.
But even if he wasn't a felon, it was still illegal how he was carrying.
looks to me like those cops didn't want to kill the guy but were left with no choice in a serious altercation
the "FUCK!" after the shooting sounds like a very remorseful cop
i dunno ive been withholding judgement on this in part because the "he was a criminal who reached for his gun" meme had the scent of stormfaggery around it
but the first 8 secs of this vid seem to show his right arm trying to dig for the gun in the pocket (that the cop pulls out at 30 secs)
yeah the second set of shots are questionable for sure
I don't se what the cop pulls out of his pocket.
I don't see a gun and if it is a gun is very small.
Doesn't matter, niggers will chimp regardless.
Did the fact that he was a two time felon and a pedophile not do it for you ?
Also CDs are the new Skittles and Iced Tea, expect marches with people waving around their Nas and Tupac discogs.
He's obviously going for the gun in his pocket but regardless people are going to see this and lose their shit
Chimpout confirmed
not denying the inevitable
Doesn't mean shooting him is ok, only in an act of self defense. I'd say the cops were in the right but it seemed like they already had him restrained when they capped his ass. Nothing of value was lost but still.
He was a sex offender? Jesus Christ, man, the niggers choose terrible heroes.
The fat guy was a piece of shit child molester, and the world is actually a better place without him.
>This one frog faggot posting in every thread
who was camera?
>sam hyde
It's not about the dead to the niggers. It's about MOTHERFUCKING the police any chance they get. Blacks love when cops kill other blacks because it means they can all go out and bbq and dance at their dumbass protests. These protests are pretty much social events for the niggers and the left.
Go to one sometime, looks like a picnic up until they start burning and looting.
So are the cops in the wrong on this one?
Why would the police shoot a man they're holding on the ground? Was he reaching for a gun or something?
>Go to one sometime
Never in a million years, user.
Dude was going for something in his pocket. Police say it was a gun. Nigger had it coming.
To be fair, they don't have a lot of good choices.
where is the gun?
there is a photo of the gun or something?
I don't see nothing when the cop pulls out something from his pocket
Not at all.
That was so disappointingly inconclusive.
Well he had a gun in his pocket and reaching for it.
Plus, from the looks of things I think the first two shots were sterlings gun going off in his pocket, just a guess
Seriously stock up, dis gonna be huge. The original tweet is exploding.
The police are going to say he was going for a gun. Black people are going to say he was reaching for a breath mint.
Who should I believe?
Nigger was looking at his third strike. He would of been in jail for good.
He knows this and refuses to comply. Then gets hurt which sends him into giganigga mode. And in this niggermoment, despite being pinned with gun being drawn on him, he in his limited nigger intellect thinks going for his own gun is the proper choice.
He chose to fight after being defeated as not to rot in jail. Now he rots in a box. The end result is the same.
Nigger hivemind will cause a shitstorm but do not let it distract you from other more important events, such as shutting down Clinton.
>no gun
And so it begins, the great chimpining of our time.
The video was way too hi-res and clear, chimpout inevitable regardless of circumstance.
>has gun
>is felon
>reaches for illegal gun
>police act appropriately
He dindu nuffin
You can see them pull the gun out of his pocket, theres also a picture of the gun on his instagram, and color pattern matches the video
post the photo or thel ink to instagram
People thought the first recording was rough, they're going to lose it at this.
All I see is an extremely careless law enforcement officer
Kek, can't blame you
>carelessness intensifies
He wuz reachin fo sum skittles n sheeeiiiit
Another nigger dead, good.
I'd sue his family if that were my car. Probably lowered the resell value.
I guess it was Facebook my bad
For more
His eyes rolled back into skull!
That nigga dead as fuck
Cops din du nufin wrong
Is that a Kimber? Rather high class for a hood nigger. Certainly hot.
Everything about that cuck's face is punchable.
>I am being tackled by police after resisting arrest, I COULD REALLY USE A MINT RIGHT NOW.
Nah he's just sleepy
This is what I was curious about, I was expecting a hi-point or some shit. That is a decent gun.
Probably stolen, he was a double felon and a pedophile he couldn't have obtained it legally
That was pretty fucked up though
How can you out that gun in your pocket?
It's a little big for a pocket I think. Also I don't see anything in the video, I don't see the gun.
I thought it was a revolver or a litlle gun.
Yeah, like I said, almost certain the gun is hot.
>reaching for a breath mint
I'm honestly not even sure if that's a joke. They are not suggesting that, are they?
I predict category 4 chimpout at both the Republican and Democratic conventions.
Just goes to show how little Horsey knows about guns.
Big fat fucks have big pockets.
Have you seen fat man pants? The pockets are huge. My 3xl friend put a patron bottle in them once
does this mean we get to have /comfy/ nig at nite riot threads tonight Sup Forums? I really enjoy watching those together
Is there any other place i can watch this ? my browser doesn't like twitter vids
Nothing will happen, nigs tried it here in stl, and up in OH, and they were wrong about what happened and they also did not get reparations or whatever IMMEDIATELY; they have lost interest.
Allow me to show you.
Damn, he came pretty close to blasting his partner.
Watch this video and the initial video at .5 speed. The first shot, and maybe the second, aren't even from the cops. You can clearly see there's no muzzle flash or recoil after the first shot in the initial video on slo-mo
>that shotgun at the end
My sides
This is a larger, thicker pistol than the 1911. I have zero issues sticking it in most pockets.
>What's interesting is the time between the first 3(?) and second 3 shots. Critics of the shooting will probably jump on that time gap.
The camera pans away before the second set of shots but he very well could have been moving his hands toward his pockets.
Honestly I can't see how anyone could possibly think this wasn't a justified shooting.
I found it btw
but serious question : who was camera?
so 2 cops, one of which had him in full mount, and they still had to shoot him? sounds triggerhappy to me unless the nog was reaching for a weapon
Look at 5-6 seconds, his right arm clearly moves down to the point where his shoulder is angled downwards - exactly what you'd expect if someone was extending their arm and reaching into their pocket.
>Need a twitter account to watch the video
Get fucked
> HE wuz shot with his hands restrained and face on the ground by an evil rayciss cop that made a nazi salute before shooting !!!
Once again, BLM btfo by video evidence. And now we'll witness one of the lefts famous short term memory loss.
she was phone
go to the gym
It is justified but the video is HIGH DEF shock value so it won't matter
Oh shit that's a week or two away huh?
>but serious question : who was camera?
This. In the shitty video from the car, I don't remember seeing a 4th person who could have been recording. Just the two cops and the nog.
>It is justified but the video is HIGH DEF shock value so it won't matter
It sure is. I first saw the second video on Daily Beast and it was too grainy to see what his arms/hands were doing. In the Twitter version you can clearly see that his arm was free and that he was reaching for his gun and/or the officer's taser.
You can see him reach with his right hand and hear the officer say hes got a gun
>you move i swear to god
>reaches for his fucking handgun
>gets shot
Who was camera
And what good timing on this
Now the media can focus on chimp outs rather than the FBI roasting Hilary but still letting her off scot free
jesus christ how hard is it not to resist arrest
Screenshot of gun coming out of pocket plz
I just don't understand how you can't understand "get on the ground"
I mean it would have be pretty awkward when luxembourg police would say such a thing to me, but i'd still do it
But I pretty much definatly would do it if an american police guy would charge at me that I should get on the ground
I mean everyone knows by now what the outcome of such "conflicts" is
Chimp with priors, rtft
>those few glorious last moments of life
Niggers are brought up to hate cops and never cooperate with them