This is what happens when you spend your departments money on new toys and not on good training.. This is a straight up execution
This is what happens when you spend your departments money on new toys and not on good training...
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10/10 would watch again
He deserved it. should have complied
All parties involved are acting exactly aa I expect them to. Am I supposed to be shocked? Is this even a problem?
Did you think that if you keep using that word it will make it true? He was not executed, he was shot for resisting arrest while armed. 2nd of all, what training do you want? Let niggers shoot at you because Black Lives Matter?
he really didnt need to use his gun
That was fucking murder. That cops going to prison for sure
Well the cop should have shot him anywhere but the head
>"hes got a gun"
>cop doesnt shoot
>"stop reaching for it"
>still doesnt shoot
>"he's reaching for his gun"
>I cant believe he was shot
Niggers will defend this.
He didn't have any gun you cunts
Well, I sure do hate nogs, but this looks pretty bad.
look at what the cop pulls out of his pocket at the end of the video
>pop pop pop watching niggas drop
Sounds like someone had enough of his job.
I would have 360 body slammed him while handcuffing and disarming him all while reading his miranda rights
What is it?
Yeah shoot him in his foot while he is still going for his gun, good thinking user.
If a cop pulls a gun, they are trained to shoot to kill.
And if you want a nigger dead, shoot the head.
Sidearm in pocket is a light uppable offense.
What was the old farts name they shot at the Oregon standoff roadblock thingie?
is it a knife? it looks small... is it a small gun?
>You're already pinned on the ground.
>Cop decides to execute you because you're struggling.
Unless the dude literally murdered someone in front of them, there is no excuse for this.
It looks like the cop shot first though just because he moved. It didn't look like Sterling was going for his gun
That way he could have been sued. Corpses don't sue.
this is how the meshele shooting (based bart cop) happened
Nah, m8. I'm guna have to go against the cops here. Obviously, Gentle Giant here was resisting arrest, but equally obvious is how the cop's finger slipped. Either that or he snapped, but I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to the man with the badge, even if he did kill someone.
Not that I feel empathy for the nig, but yeah that cop's not getting out of that one with just a slap on the wrist. Should've followed corrupt cop procedure and confiscated every phone & camera within a mile radius.
Around blacks never relax
Yeah, because you were there knowing what he was doing with his arms, fuckwad. he was pointing a gun at people before the cops got there. i didn't want to pay for his sorry pedo ass to be locked up in jail the next 10 years. fuck him. i believe the cops before i believe ghetto trash with gold teeth.
They need to upgrade the camera on those Obama phones so these videos are more tolerable to watch.
Oh damn, thats some hollywood tier stuff right there
Really makes you think...
looks like a knife senpai
COPS WERE CALLED TO THE STATION BECAUSE HE PULLED A GUN ON SOMEONE. Get that through your SJW-brainwashed skull you fucking eurotrash.
>obvious...the cop's finger slipped
Everything I've read says the cop shot him in the chest.
I know Sup Forums hates blacks with a passion, and on average they're the most violent of the population, but putting aside that he's black, this guy literally dindu nuffin
How long was that encounter going on before the takedown? They tried tazing him first correct? What was said/done when they initially approached? What are LA laws regarding priors and firearms possession?
>>You're already pinned on the ground.
>>Cop decides to execute you because you're struggling.
>Unless the dude literally murdered someone in front of them, there is no excuse for this.
So cops should shoot to kill only if he managed to murder someone first? What?
How about not turning away when the shit goes down. Also, was that a new dance move he was doing after? Shit looked dope.
more dindu on dindu violence
why am i supposed to be surprised exactly
>huge bloody wound in middle of chest
>dis nigga dead
>flops his left hand
God DAMN I would empty the magazine too. Even after that he could have pulled and shoot them.
You know, I retract that. I watched it to the very end.
No way anyone could argue murder when the man had a gun in his pocket.
>american death squads
hahahahaha land of the free and home of the brave ahhaha
lol whats story on this pic?
having done security I don't blame cops for profiling blacks at all.
Has gun in his pocket that he was brandishing earlier. Yup, just a good boy who dindu nuffin.
>continue struggling with officers after multiple warning
>reach for a gun
Good point, I'll change that to if he was threatening the lives of people around him.
Then if he was going for his weapon and had been threatening others it's justified.
that is not a gun
It's a gun. Look how the cop holds it. Clearly grabbing the handle, probably a revolver
Trip quads states truths.
>Niggers will defend this.
Niggers will defend anything another nigger does, every time. That's why they're niggers.
I want the proof that he was pointing his weapon at the officers then
>finger slipped
>on a duty gun with a six gorillion pound trigger pull
>300 pound dindu
>struggling with 2 cops.
>pulls gun out of pocket
And why is this even questioned?
Police are hero's for protecting the bystanders.
>shout he has a gun
>draw weapons on him
>warn him stop moving or we will shoot
>he keeps moving
You even hear people tell him to fight back at the start of the video
They were completely justified in shooting him
If a cop draws his gun on you and says stop moving or I'll shoot what would you do?
>they are trained to shoot to kill.
That's the whole problem you fucking idiot. It's not a nigger problem, it's a police state problem.
Seriously though, I am more surprised by how many will still try to justify him, media will probably not even give a glimpse of his record as well
I understand that these officer are at risk no matter what.
But, I don't see how having already restrained, ergo immobilized him, that this can be anything short of murder. Even if he was going for a gun that was still on him, the upper torso is rendered incapacitated by the officer at the front; the officer at the back has both hands free to force the suspect's arms down to the ground indefinitely, irrespective of which arm it was.
It's murder, pure and simple.
You're so fucking stupid I hope you know that.
Where's the video?
You don't fight with cops because IDK,they might shoot your retarded ass?
>If a cop draws his gun on you and says stop moving or I'll shoot what would you do?
Because you can't even trust videos anymore. Out of context this looks like an execution.
In context the cops are pretty brave to even approach him.
This is what happens when you live in a democrat police district. Democrat cops are the most control freak people out there and will fuck with people because they have "power".
Ever notice how its always democrat districts that have heavily militarized police force? Its night and day between a Republican police district and democrat one. I live in Missoula, Montana and the police here actually tried buying armored vehicles thinking they would need them in MONTANA.
This is a fucking rural state with friendly people but these piece of shit democrat cops think they need heavily armored vehicles and shit.
Also the most heavily corrupt cops are always in the most leftist states like commiefornia and jew york.
It was Justified™
the guy selling CDs was just using his weapon for self defense. The cops could have killed a man who could've potentially protected bystanders. Why are you assuming concealed carry only applies to whites? racist
> Sterling was the father of five children.
> Sterling was a registered sex offender, after a 2000 conviction for carnal knowledge of a juvenile, records show.
> He was previously arrested for aggravated battery, criminal damage to property, unauthorized entry and domestic abuse battery, records show. In 2009, he was sentenced to five years in prison for marijuana possession and for carrying an illegal weapon with a controlled dangerous substance.
> An anonymous 911 caller and an officer in the video said Sterling was carrying a gun and threatened someone before he was killed outside the Triple S Food Mart.
> store owner Abdullah Muflahi said he didn't see Sterling get into any confrontation, or pull out a gun.
> The Department of Justice will lead the investigation into the shooting.
> Sterling had been living for the past few months at the Living Waters Outreach Ministries transitional shelter, residents there said. They recalled him as a friendly man who stayed clean, cooked for his friends and sometimes sold CDs at the facility.
> "I never saw him coming in here with a weapon, and I never saw him drunk," resident Calvin Wilson told The Advocate.
I still don't think he had a gun.
>This is what happens
>They kill career criminal niggers
Are you implying that's a bad thing?
>They said don't move
>He moved
Most people would just play dead in this situation instead of real dead. Have any of you worked security/carried a firearm at work. I have and I will take fucking zero chances with you.
We need the video of the store angle. It's posted around somewhere but they actually did pull out a gun out of his pocket.
1911 with a flashlight attached?
tell that cracker ass honky that youre tired of being treated like a 2nd class citizen slave and that he should go fuck himself with that gun.
I used to think Australians were just shitposting for fun but you people really do have a fucked up childlike view of the world, don't you?
He was never shot in the head.
They didn't have his hands you fucking tea bag sucking twat
That is the entire point of the video
They took him down and were trying to secure him but the nigger kept nigging and reaching for his gun. He was 310 points of retarded violent chimp with a gun mere inches away from reach. They TOLD him to stop and pulled a gun on him right up against his face.
What would you do? I'd stop fucking resisting but this dumb fuck decided he wanted to get da respecc' and pulled his hand away from grasp.
He deserved to be shot dead. He killed himself by his own actions.
there's no such thing as shooting to wound, despite what hollywood tells you.
I really don't get why they don't comply with officers....
could be one of those little derringers.
why didn't this cop use other means to subdue him though? it's like these guys don't give a fuck if they kill somebody because they immediately use their gun before anything else. it's fucking sickening, what's going through their heads?
How this should have went down.
>Cops pull up
>Hey you we got a call you pulled a gun on someone. So we're gonna search you for our protection alright? No sudden moves just be cool ok.
>They search him.
>Find gun
>3rd strike
>Life in jail
Except if he's a felon or has a violent misdemeanor that he didn't get cleared, it's illegal for him to have a firearm.
They were struggling with him quite a bit, it looked pretty tense. We don't see what was going on before and why they had their guns out.
The guy was a piece of trash and repeated offender. I'll believe the cops before I believe some black lives matter activist that just want to tear shit up until the facts are clearly established.
What is 100% certain is that if he didn't resist the arrest he would be alive, cops don't just set out to execute people.
Dumb fat nigger should have complied.
it's this funny story we tell frequently in America where dumbfuck police officers kill innocent men in cold blood.
If I was a rich billionaire I'd invest in a program to get every poor inner-city person a handgun and a concealed carry license. Maybe then the police would not act like such dumbasses.
If you're an American and you like Police, you're a moron. This guy was probably guilty of some shit but he didn't deserve to die.
!!! Buy guns and hold them tight !!!
Yeah lets give the Government the full authority to legally kill you over the slightest "threat to their safety" . How fucking dumb are you to think this is a good idea. Police training in the US is "Kill First, Ask Questions Later.
It sets a bad precedent for when shit really hits the fan. Just wait til the majority of the police force is Latino and Black and it's "white supremacist terrorists" they're going after. I bet you you'll want to change the laws then.
Was there a gun?
If so the cops are getting off no problem.
If there was no gun someone is going to jail.
Bear in mind all my legal expertise comes from epic shitposting on Sup Forums during the zimzam trial.
No need to get emotional, Amerifat. The officer at the front could have pistol whipped him into unconsciousness if he was retarded, or given a single blow to the back of his neck. If he knew his trade, that is.
They're going down for murder. A waste of two cops.
Because niggers.
It isn't just a meme.
What's going through their heads is this:
You spelled 'nigger lottery ticket' wrong.
Pic supremely related
>muh loosies
>muh criminal record
>muh obese and already strained heart
Excuses are like asshole to nigs. They all have one
I posted earlier. It is illegal in most places to shoot to wound/ fire a warning shot. If you draw your weapon you are supposed to use it and if you fire it's shoot to kill. Don't get involved with police, it's bad for your health.
>Police should have just beaten a pinned man with a blunt object instead!
Don't you have evening prayers to attend?
naw it's a glock I can't tell which model something in 40sw maybe
You chimp out you bleed out.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Don't fuck with the police they won't fuck with you.
Good one princess. You know I'm right, you just won't admit it.
>Pick it up.
They fucking threw him chucklefuck
>And why is this even questioned?
He's black.