Who /IQ-let/ here?
>70 IQ retard here
Who /IQ-let/ here?
>70 IQ retard here
IQ is such a bad measurment of human value.
Are you a good little robot?
>inb4 i am just bitter for having low IQ
>inb4 i trigger people who pride themselves on high IQ
How the fuck do you even potato?
>tfw I'm a 149 IQ brainlet
>tfw I'll never be a genius like Jacob Barnett or Norman Wildburger
Congrats, you're officially qualified as a Mexican intellectual!
Doctors say I have the IQ of a 14 years old boy despite being 25 years old
>Mexican """"intellectual""""
70? how the fuck do you even breathe?
this guy also has probably about 70
may i represent you my university? here its . i have iq alteast 150, i would not know because i dont meassure it.
post a picture of yourself i'll be the judge of that.
t. 31 year old meximurrican intellectual iq 127
121 IQ here.
IQ doesn't matter if you don't know how to Interact, make connections, and socialize or get a job of some sort. A low IQ worker will be more successful than a high IQ neet.
>tfw 141 IQ
>Starting up my 3rd year of studying medicine
>Will be literally saving lives on a daily basis
Everyone under a triple point score should be culled.
holy kek
Do 14 year olds average at 70 IQ? I assumed you reached full IQ around 12
127 here, my nigga!
>constantly brags about 140+ IQ
>has done nothing with their life
So much success boils down to being clean, well spoken, showing up on time, and paying attention. 98 IQ master race here making $50k a year doing office grunt work. Brb gotta make sure the MENSAfag at the fry station doesn't burn my dinner
>70 IQ retard here
build wall
>mexican intellectuals
it's brainlet, you brainlet
I'm worse than retarded, I'm average.
>104 IQ nothing special faggot here
I'd rather be a retard or a genius, I fucking hate being in between.
>Have 120-130 IQ
>tfw you realize you're smart enough to understand you're avarage
I could always move to a third world shithole and pretend to be a genius r-right?