What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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There was a paradigm shift


Too bad it went to shit

>that TED talk where the guy just responds to spam emails as does stand up comedy

What the fuck.

>stopping to watch porn is a bad thing
nice try jews

wtf do you watch porn while walking lmao

>autistic Sup Forumstard missing the point again
Why would I want to hear about why some literally who watches or not watches porn in the first place? Why are TED talks suddenly some loser's blog?

The point was so shit I don't think he cared to address it.


Everything's been done before. It's going to be even worse in future years.


Porn rots your brain

Ted was always shit

Probably healthy to see how you do without it every now and then.

>Why are TED talks suddenly some loser's blog?

They've always been that.

ecchi is superior

Ted talks are good its the Tedx that's where anyone can speak.

Use that glorious brain nature gave you. Imagination nigger

Reminder there is a big difference between TED talks and TEDx talks

>this woman was raped and forgave him so they did a ted talk together

Was she actually raped or "raped"?

It's just TED vs TEDx

my guess is she had 15 shots during slut night at some college bar and made some bad choices

TED was always fedoracore

Porn is genuinely bad for you.
What is much, much worse though are forms of simulated romance. Porn just desensitizes you sexually, while things like romance novels, fan fiction and VN absolutely crush your ability to feel genuine love for actual people.
For the sake of your soul, stop watching porn and anything romantic.

I've been watching porn and playing romance games for around 10 years. Is it too late?

No means no
But sometimes yes means no.

ted died with hans rosling

>rapist walking around and not in jai

How to tell he probably isn't a rapist but just someone she had bad sex with.

they allowed psuedo science faggots a chance to speak

And smoking gives you cancer; alcohol kills more people than diseases (because of drunk drivers) and browsing Sup Forums gives you autism. Yet there are smokers; drinkers and you are posting here.

Do you have a single fact to back that up, or are you just peddling "broscience"?

This. Stop watching porn.

He's good-looking, so it doesn't count

learn the difference, faggor

>actual people
3DPD begone


Who actually still watches TED let alone attends a TED talk in person?

I wouldn't say it's too late. I was in the same place. I've played something like 300+ visual novels in my life. I even learned moonrunes just to play them, but then I realized just how hard it made it for me to maintain relationships. I couldn't feel a single thing for the women I dated. No heart flutters, fucking nothing at all.
I had to make some kind of change or I was going to stay an emotional cripple who could only feel romantic feelings from shitty VNs and cutesy doujins.
I cut myself off for about 4 months nd I don't feel a total roaring void whenever I talk to women now, at least. I'm making progress.

I sincerely doubt there's any reputable study that was able to find something beyond correlation, that's what passes for science nowadays


And I'm drunk masturbating here.

Is it too late for me, bros, or is it just great multitasking?

>For the sake of your soul, stop watching porn and anything romantic.
>implying porn and escapism aren't valuable tools of natural selection
Heh, what if I'm an ugly mentally ill loser no one would ever want to date? And no, mate, no amount of gym/therapy/self-help books/going outside/money/whatever will ever correct it, been there, done that. Why should I subject another human being, if even another loser like myself, to what I know for sure to be an unrewarding and destructive experience of my company? You seem to forget that being single might also be a conscious choice. I just don't want to perpetuate the suffering and wastefullness in the world like my parents did. They also came from shitty families and have accomplished nothing of value. My poor genetics prove that my birth was a mistake, and I've decided it's my duty to ensure the vicious cycle ends with me.

Guys, what's the one problem that's not gonna be around in 2070?

If that's how you feel then it's perfectly fine. Obviously it isn't directed to the kind of people that want to stick to escapism.

Lel, enjoy raising your wife's son or dying in a ditch after divorce, normiecuk.

>they're putting bedroom stuff in tv
>they're sexualizing young girls where even i have a problem with it
>it shouldn't be that way
never gets old

That guy? Albert Einstein.

This is now a stupid TED talks thread. Post the shittiest/weirdest/most wtf TED talks you have found.

What exactly counts as watching porn?

>while things like romance novels, fan fiction and VN absolutely crush your ability to feel genuine love for actual people.

Curious to see/read if you have any studies on the matter.
It's not unusual to hear people half in jest mention disney as fucking them up for relationships, so I'm curious to see if there's any truth to it.

Recently started listening to asmr, but I've been skipping things like girlfriend roleplay videos since I think those are sad and possibly harmful.



teaching african refugees to program Java Script

>I love teaching African Refuges Java Script


Source: my ass.



Hmmm, the 'sexless marriage' topic seems really popular with middle aged women. Go hookup with a MILF, user, perhaps even you can do it?

This just reads like a spam email subject

this is like the western version of memri

Is this some new meem?

Watch and teach african refugees to program javascript.

TEDx is the expanded universe of novels and comic books and video games of TED.

What was that man's name?

its from this

Albert Einstein

>that part where he can't help laughing so he starts slapping himself

Cragstain Frakelton

No, it was Speedy Gonzales

>(((Ted talks)))

Cumbercock Buttersnatch

They really just let any idiot on there don't they?

I'd say it depends on the person
You gotta know who you are and how things affect you.
I know porn is not good for me but i still watch it because sex and affection scares the shit out of me and i can't get a gf.
But i've known people who watch porn and are perfectly functional.

>Stop, invincible spam filter!


bottom of the barrel now


You are confusing TED with TEDx.

Who /mailach/ here?

Is anyone else just really bothered by the format? The whole tone of Ted Talks is so smarmy with all the applause and humblebragging and the assumption that the speaker is dispensing some great wisdom and oh isn't that just fucking wonderful. Even the early Ted Talks which were pretty interesting made me gag.




this is the primary problem

This guy just looks so incongruosly upbeat and alpha

He can hardly be an expert on the subject if he's giving the talk no?

No way.

Sounds like literally (((that site))) of public speaking

>chad talks about why you should kill yourself you fucking loser for just over 15 minutes
>thumbs up

this fucking guy

I just jizz in my sleep instead of a towel

pornography is a bigger issue than anything related to computer programming right now.

sjws saw it as a platform for their agenda