Attorney General Lynch says no charges will be brought against Hillary Clinton

No charges will be brought against any individual following the investigation of Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email system while serving as secretary of state.

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said that she met with FBI Director James Comey, career prosecutors and agents involved in the investigation Wednesday afternoon.

>"I received and accepted their unanimous recommendation that the thorough, year-long investigation be closed and that no charges be brought against any individuals within the scope of the investigation," Lynch said in a statement.

The end.

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Goddamn fucking bitch sent an e-mail. She should go to jail.

I'm fucking mad.

fuck this world

isn't that just a recommendation though?

No the FBI announcement yesterday was a recommendation. Lynch had the final say.

Although the next president can appoint a new AG who can reopen the case. So if Hillary loses the election she's going to jail.

I like your optimism fampai
But I seriously doubt it

How are Bernie missiles taking these news? Surely they jump on the Trump train.

Doj said they will just follow the recommendation. It's ogre

Bill Clinton threatened Lynch's reputation, career, and the lives of her family right to her face on that plane. Of course Hillary was going to get off scotch free. The nomination was promised to her back in 2008 when she stepped aside to let Barack Obama go first. Hillary is hell bent on getting what she feels entitled to, and she will stop at absolutely nothing to get it.

>Um we talked about f-family and stuff
>nothing official, you know
>just a, uh, pleasant chat about relatives

they did talk about their families. Bill told her that it'd be a shame if barbels fell on all of their necks



delicious tears

It's gonna be another long, angry 8 years for you guys

trump will win

I want off this ride

>she will stop at absolutely nothing to get it
So, lets see how far she'll go

essentially this

absolutely this


Even though both the fbi and the doj are corrupt as shit and refuse to enforce the law, sign the petitions to charge Hillary...

so far 70,000+ signatures overnight.

WOOOOOOO. Clinton. yay!


If yall niggas havent seen a faroese by now you must be new

What a fucking surprise.
Even less so since that conversation with Bill.

haha, bretty gud one there lehti

Not a rare flag

Now THAT is a rare flag!

>Bill does a dumb thing

dipshits if the clintons did half the shit the right's accused them of since the start of the 90s they'd either have fucked up enough to be caught and charged with something, or not get caught at all because they're so slick

bend the knee and accept hillary as your prez.

So glad I left the US
>smells like a crook, must be a crook
>Clinton threatens people
>u-uh what's a crook again?
>"no charges"

But can she stump the trump?


Eh, I'm not a huge fan of her but sometimes you have to settle for the Honda Civic, you know?

>mysterious deaths
>rigged elections
>sends husband to threaten nig Lynch
What more you need?

That was quick. I thought they'd dump this inevitable news on Friday afternoon.


You know

They have everyone killed who tries to get them. Too many suspicious "suicides" happen to people that go after them. Its circumstantial, but when there's that much of it, it's pretty fucking obvious what's going on.


drumpf BTFO

What mysterious deaths?

Please tell me who has mysteriously died trying to bring down Hillary.

Hillary has it in the bag sadly. If she has a enough power to straight up get accused of a serious crime but then for the Republican head of the FBI say they recommend a prosecution, she definitely has enough power to rig a measly election.

Good, can we now focus on actual, important shit like politics?

Does shit like this actually do anything? Is anybody forced to do anything with this petition once it reaches X number of signatures?

what the fuck


I want to see Trump drive her insane on stage. She has such a terrible temper and if he presses the right button's she'll explode in front of everyone.

Say they don't recommend a prosecution that is.

You know there is a long chain of people who will tell people to do something so the first person who started it all will be ignored.

The Clintons are effectively a setter of dominoes with disposable latex gloves, acid, and a biodegradeable remote detonator. With more phone numbers then you could imagine. With more money from many people.

And you don't know who they are.

None of them can be directly attributed to anybody close to Clinton officially, but the number is so high it really makes you think...

>"That's 20,000 votes for Bernie.... 80,000 votes for Donald.... and 40,000,000 perfectly legitimate votes for Hillary!"

AM-radio drones believe all sorts of retarded conspiracy theories about the clintons.

What's sad is that they've moved from "spouting bullshit so you can win elections" to "believing your own bullshit". It's like watching a rock star die of heroin.

She needs security clearance from FBI for briefings, and she will need it as POTUS. She is not getting it from the FBI. How is she going to do her duties as POTUS? Why is nobody asking it? She can't possible be allowed access to sensitive materials after the FBI findings, so she can't fulfill her duties as a potential president elect. Doesn't it disqualifies her from running?

no, it's not even a government website. it's essentially Obama's personal webpage he made to pretend he was interested in listening to the people

This isn't the end. This is huge for Trump.

There is now objective evidence Hillary should not be trusted by the government with an executive position in general and not just the presidency, and this evidence is backed by the director of the FBI:

"...there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Trump's campaign and supporters now have ammunition that will last until the end of the election as a result of this. I expect all Trump supporters to utilize this verdict thoroughly.

guys, it's going to be Newt. Think about it.

KEK is a frog god. a newt is an amphibian. It is written.



No, but if it's successful enough it'll at least keep people talking about this shit for a few months.

They'll just reinstate her clearance when necessary.

It will never be necessary.

>implying anyone will revoke her clearance

are you retarded? like legit mentally challenged?

Presidents do not receive security clearance from anyone. Both the President and every single member of Congress are exempt from the need for a clearance.

Well no shit. Bill fingered her on the plane and basically locked this shit down tag team style with the Hildabeast.

Are you joking? Hillary Clinton could literally go to an elementary school with an AK-47, shoot the place up, and the authorities would do nothing.

>in email case
>yfw after she gets the nomination the FBI goes "oh yeah btw here's this shitfest about the Clinton Foundation" and spills fucking EVERYTHING

>She is not getting it from the FBI

>implying she wont

if she gets away with this, as she has, she also gets the clearance. Even when everyone knows what she did.

Can't wait for her to have the presidents email server in a garden shed at home.
When every other nation knows whats up before the own US agencies.

You're both morons. See:

>Thinking simple things like treason and gross negligence can stop a Clinton

Hope you're stocked up on food and ammo, cause its the fucking apocalypse

Since we haven't yet reached the point of open revolt against the political elite, what else can we do, besides bitch on /pol, to let the aristocracy know we dont agree?

The bitch is seriously a sith lord at this point

>dipshits if the clintons did half the shit the right's accused them of since the start of the 90s they'd either have fucked up enough to be caught and charged with something, or not get caught at all because they're so slick

The Clintons DO get caught doing dumb shit, all of the time. The problem is their remarkable ability to slither in and out of liability unscathed. This sentence of yours:

>bend the knee and accept hillary as your prez.

further exemplifies the disgusting attitude of arrogance and entitlement inherent in the Hillary campaign. They believe themselves to be above the law, and will use every trick in the book to make their fantasy a reality.

>tfw she might win in november
>tfw there's no going back

Remember that one time the president was assassinated? Kennedy. Completely unrelated to what we're talking about, by the way; I was just thinking out loud.

You are legitimately retarded. This is a conflict, where on one hand the security clearance should be revoked for her handling of the classified materials, and on the other hand she should be given clearance. I don't think presidential clearance is automatic in the presence of a conflict. She won't clear need to know clearance, because she still has to obtain it from an officer and she flagged as a security risk. When there is a conflict like that it's not trivially resolved.

And then shes president for several years while the case drags on, perfect

Didn't Kennedy piss off the CIA? Hillary knows not to do that...maybe she'll forget though.

Yes, because the government obviously cares so much about the will of the people.


The woman on the left also took a pic with Bill earlier?

That's one hell of a list

Does she do ralles? One of our Ameri/pol/s has to sacrifice himself. Pretend to be a Bernie supporter and shoot her.


HAHA you have NO idea what you're talking about. The President of the United States do not receive a security clearance. He or she is exempt, because their election by the people of the United States is their check. She can even revoke Executive Order 13526 if she wants.

Stop posting, you're making a fool of yourself.


>Bernie supporter
That shit ain't gonna fly.

Feels good to be on right side of history. Good guys always win. Empress Clinton.

>I bought one because I was afraid of Trump supporters

>Sup Forums wants a candidate who will be tough on America's enemies and anyone who fucks with us
>supports Donald Trump, who agrees with Saddam Hussein's no-trial methodology and believes waterboarding doesn't go far enough
>somehow against a candidate who, by Sup Forums's admission, will kill anyone who stands in her way
What gives, cucks? You want a ruthless President, but not a TOTALLY ruthless one? Every time you see another Hillary scandal, you should take it as proof that she's the kind of hard-ass murdermachine who will let absolutely nothing stop her from becoming the God you dream of being ruled by. America will be her throne, and we will reap all the benefits as she raises it into the sky and takes her place as ruler of the world.

Hey guess what someone says Trump raped her

Also someone else said he raped her too

pattern established


must be true, these scandals don't come out of nowhere

>this is good for bitcoin

ok buddy

It is obvious that Hillary will be president. the last president of the United States of America.

You're leaving out so many crucial points parts of Comey's speech.

Comey said something along the lines "no reasonable prosecutor would bring this case" and that "no person under similar circumstances has faced prosecution"

And then after he said that "in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences" he goes onto say something along the lines of that these people face administrative sanctions (being demoted, not being given certain assignments etc) or that their security clearance would be revoked. You wouldn't face criminal prosecution, you would face work place sanctions.

tl:dr what Comey really is people under similar circumstances you wouldn't be trialed in a court of law but they would face some sort of punishments in their work.

So really what he's saying is it's inappropriate for Clinton to run for president but that doesn't mean she should face prosecution.

Nah, we'll be ground up in her machine. Good job on all that text though.

Right now she is a candidate, so the FBI should suspend it. After that she will be flagged as security risk. It's a bureaucracy, so I seriously doubt it's that trivial. I understand your argument, but you don't know their internal rules for granting clearance. It's never been done before, so I can see serious issues with that. We will find out when she is elected.

Fine by me. If Trump doesn't win America is already dead and can be destroyed so something else takes its place.

she doesn't seem to genuinely love America though

she doesn't seem like a real person in general, just a power and money grabbing whore, whos in everyones pocket in some way or another.

just listen to her talk, she sounds like a robot.

thats their plan

>ruthless nationalist
>ruthless globalist

>somehow against a candidate who, by Sup Forums's admission, will kill anyone who stands in her way
We want a candidate willing to fight and destroy those who would threaten their country and countrymen.
Not a candidate willing to fight and destroy those who would threaten them or their personal agenda.

It's the difference between a patriot and a sociopath.

Right now she's a private citizen, you dumb fuck. The FBI can flag her as a security risk all they want, it DOES NOT MATTER if she's sworn into office since Presidents are exempt from clearance - they don't have it at all. Do you understand that? Am I not communicating with you in your native language?

One more time for you: US Presidents and members of the US Congress are exempt from the need for security clearance. Their clearance "check" is the votes of the American people.

Absolutely fucking embarrassing that you don't know how your own country operates.

This is exactly like an episode of House of Cards.

You know what we have to do, right?

Obama and Hillary are virtually the same. Narcissistic, venial, mendacious...and both care about their legacies. After Obama leaves office it is your duty to drag his name through the mud and remind people that he pretty much let Hillary Clinton, one of the most disgraceful and horrible public officials the powers that be put upon the American public, off the hook.

If you kill Obama's legacy, you kill Obama.

Congress can pass the laws to make this possible.

She won't get away next time.