Find a single flaw in this perfect world

Other urls found in this thread:

>US not United
communist faggot detected

>La Gran Congolombia taking rightfull Peruvian clay

>Crimea part of Ukraine
Why would you even do this

The British Isles aren't the sole landmass.

Aside from the endless war that would result from having twice as many nations on earth as there are now?


>north america
>latin america

>a world where India is the World Superpower

Separatism thread? Separatism thread.




You didn't even fit my state, Alaska, on the map. Thanks for labelling us at least, but you didn't even include our flag.



It's shit.

There should only be one country under a World Government.


>tfw India invades your country and installs designated shitting streets after years of bloody occupation

Globalists please go and stay go.


Pretty good man.

I can't


Siberia, Manchuria and Kazakhstan is Mongolia

Now that's a map. We've got our colors and territory.

africa still exists

Not uigurstan as well?

Exactly. Why do those bloody Argies have any part of the Falklands?

Also why is Ireland still an independent nation?

Use this map instead, OP.

Actually OP. This is quite wonderful. Is this your OC?

Iowa and Nebraska should be united. Honestly, unite all north Americans of Germanic descent.

The Middle East still exists.

>paraguay on super uruguay
they are like 0% white fuck off
and they are still salty that brazil argentina and uruguay btfo them

>northern italy
>padania flag

top kek, how do you even know about it? ambitious but not enough italians want such thing

Gib Labrador to Based Quebec.

>Britain left unmolested by stupid foreign unions or a united Ireland.


India is utterly wiped off the map

i meant isn't

Looks cool, but why did you move Chile to Texas?

>its the ol' "The south will rise again" meme xDDD
>That should keep the southerners happy! xD
Alabama here. Fuck off.

A world where India, Argetina, Southeast Asia and Australia are superpowers

China, USA and Russia BTFO

Italy not united
Turkey exists

I'm so happy


Padania exists.

Also partitioned Arizona. Get your filthy Mormon, Mexican, and Commifornian hands off of mah Arizona.

Because your shithole state is even less relevant than Canada.

no greater israel

T. South Monkey

In every one of these Maps the U.S.A is torn up, and yet third world countries stay the same or just get bigger. If white people didn't set foot in africa you would have one huge empire in the sahara and the rest of it would be a different nation/tribe every 6 miles.

t. native rapechild

>purple band on the spanish flag


Germany exists

It's okay, you have some Brazilian rape blood in you.

>West Virginia part of the cuckfederacy.


Ha. No.

This is the most autistic trend on Sup Forums

So bad your people didn't finish the job

Holy damn! Paraguay! You're the last piece for my flag collection (South America will be complete!)

I never understood why, tbqh. Pity?

>not posting english version

Where would we buy cheap things?


we don't want Morocco fuck off

Correct, they leave kids
Imagine having Ypacaray all for yourself

Spain will have Morocco with or without the Moroccans!



Anyone who thinks that Ukraine should be an independent state shows frightening ignorance of the region.
