Would you vote for Frank if he was real, Sup Forums?

Would you vote for Frank if he was real, Sup Forums?

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No he is basically Hillary Clinton.

I would vote for him over Hillary but that's about it.

whats his endgame anyway?


fuck yes i'd vote for frank underwood

No, he's the archetype of the modern political power-player. He's Clinton, he's Bush, he's Cheney and Kissinger and Obama. He's a criminal.

Fuck yes I'd vote for Frank. I know he's an evil person, but he has the requisite amount of apathy that a person at the top needs. He doesn't waste time on lost causes, he doesn't negotiate with people who can't be reasoned with. He understands leverage, which one needs when wielding the full power of the executive. He's not perfect, but no man is. I think he would be effective.

No because my ex girlfriend was in that show and she cheated on me. No way.

>voting democrat
>literally ever
Name one election in a century where this was rhe right choice.

Would depend of what he proposes, but as an individual yes.
Underwood is a sociopathic piece of shit but he is impressively competent and efficient both at acquiring power and at using it.
He is basically a self made man too, which is something that speaks loud.

If Hollande and Sarkozy had the third of his efficiency we would probably run the Europe instead of letting Germany doing it.

I would have until season 4 when he became a massive pushover cuck. Fucking liberals ruin EVERYTHING. Used to be my favorite show

>f he was real
He is real, just in female form.

I would vote for him if he used his powers of fuckery in favor of the people instead of in favor for himself.

Which is the problem with Hillary, if she used her powers of corruption for the good of the people instead of personal profit, everyone would love her.

House of Cards show was based on the Clintons. Not even kidding you guys, the writers said so.

Who did she play?


Random by standard

this fucking guy, house of cards is originaly a british show.


who would you vote for in this election?

Did you watch the last two episodes? Dude's balls got massive.

Most boring show ever

The ending scene in the finale was brutal

If I didn't know what went on behind the scenes, probably not. He would seem like some generic Democrat then. If I knew all the ruses he pulled off, then yeah, definitely.

The only thing really based on the Clintons in the show is the concept of power couple, there is some similarity between Frank and Bill too on the characters background but not that much, there are some easter eggs too on Clinton Administration.

Underwood has a lot of similarity with a lot of US presidents anyway, that's the principle of the fiction, you can't make a credible imaginary POTUS if you don't inspire yourself from the real ones.

so you would vote for Hillary...gotcha!

