Puts those brain cells to work, doesn't it?
Puts those brain cells to work, doesn't it?
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qarmatians also attacked mecca, they were mudslimes too
It's almost if Islam is divided into sects that hate each other as much as they hate us
This sort of dissimilutation literally only works because normies know nothing about the Sunni-Shia divide
ISIS = kike controlled to turn the middle east into a shit hole so they can gobble up the land.
>destroy iraq
>under false pretense of wmds
>force """""democracy""""" down people's throats
>make breeding ground for terrorists
>hurr durr why do these muslims hate us so
fucking retards.
They do realize that ISIS views those Muslims as heretics and untrue Muslims? That they may even think those heretic Muslims are worse than Heathens?
>Muslims were never violent before the year 2000
Taqiyya, everybody
nice strawman dumbass. i never said muslims weren't violent
all i'm saying is that you invading iraq is the reason why ISIS exist in the first place.
No, your goatfucking religion is why ISIS exists in the first place.
The invasion of Iraq comes in second.
Let's be real here. ISIS is a collection of Islamic groups that finally figured out the power of unity. Don't go twisting reality, you stupid cockroach.
The KKK and the LRA killed other Christians. Doesn't mean they're not Christian.
>They don't represent True X when it makes X look bad.
I don't accept this rationalization as valid. There is no God to actually tell you who represents the religion and who doesn't so anyone who takes up the mantle of the Group represents the Group. Some have just taken things more literally than others.
Up until they started being violent the "extremist" and the "moderate" are identical. Why trust the moderate when he's one step away from being the extremist? Why give him the chance of day, we gave it to the extremist and they crossed they the line. What's to say the moderate isn't next since -- THE MODERATE CONFORMS TO THE GROUP JUST AS MUCH.
Do not ask to be judged as individuals when you conform blindly to the group.
it's almost as if isis is a creation of israel and the USA (mossad and CIA)
You meme
It's almost like it's a civil war that I have no input in because I'm not Muslim.
Islam is why ISIS exists, should we wipe out Islam?
there is immediate chain of causation between the creation of ISIS and the invastion of iraq - but for US invasion and the power vacuum left by the death of sadaam, ISIS wouldn't exist. on top of that, today's report shows that it was known that a terrorist cell could take over iraq and pose threat to the whole world (as we are seeing now), so you can't argue that it was unforeseeable.
but i guess you're too dumb to even figure that out. good job taking out the one of the two last secular leaders in the ME though.
It's in their religion's mandate to blow shit up and kill people.
I'm more surprised the "most holy site in Islam" isn't being attacked every single day.
BTW Mecca is an Abrahamic holy site and Muslims arguably have the least right to call it their holy site since Jews and Christians would take precedence due to them being older religions more connected historically to that site. Just a little factoid to rustle muzzy jimmies with.
What bad thing did the guy to the far left do?
that's Ben Garrison
Texan who shot those filthy Muslims.
He really was doing gods work.
How do you call a mudslime in a wheelchair in Dutch?
is lam
>holiest place
>not Mecca
That is the poorest taquiyya I have ever seen
He's a fucking white male
>wahhabism and salafism were created because of western intervention
I agree with all of that but that doesn't justify IS and what they do. I never supported the invasion of Iraq. You could argue that my personal opinions are irrelevant but to that I say fuck you.
The divide between Sunni and Shia is political. Most of the divide comes from disagreements as to who were really noble companions of Muhammad. There is nothing in the Quran that says you can't kill Muslims and if there is it's definitely an earlier Sura which is irrelevant now.
I have never heard of any texan shooting Muslims in the name of the Christian god and I am pretty sure that would be crammed down my ears by lefties of true.
>Saddam was wahhabist
You probably think that Saddam did 9/11 too lel
He never said that you filthy tunisian.
Mohammad is the last Jewish King of Yemen
>Saudis destroy Islamic holy sites for centuries
>This represents Islam
>ISIS attempts to destroy Islamic holy sites
>This doesn't represent Islam
read the post he replied to cuck. i was talking about iraq and he starts his old wahhabism/salafism tale
in fact, if amerifats hated wahhabism so much, they'd invade saudi arabia instead of iraq. but hey, that's contrary to the narrative. maybe i shouldn't mention that 9/11 terrorists were exclusively saudi
>We fund and support ISIS especially when they kill Kurds but it is America's fault for creating the power vacuum that made it possible!
T. T*rkroach
What you really mean to say is that us leaving created ISIS. If America had stayed as conqueror of Iraq and taken our rightful place as an empire ISIS wouldn't be a thing.
Maybe if they weren't so Islamophobic ISIS would leave them alone.
your comment stretches to a larger point which is that islamic terrorism is a result of western intervention
the ideologies of wahhabism and salafism directly prove that wrong.
>What you really mean to say is that us leaving created ISIS.
exactly, you fucking fatass. as one commentator said, there are still fucking amerifat troops and bases in Korea and Japan 60 years after the wars there are over. and then when you leave iraq after 8 years you whine about islam? holy shit nigger, how fucking dumb are you?
I disagree with the iraq invasion. But if you're going to "spread democracy", don't fucking leave when the said democracy is most vulnerable.
islamic terror has been going on since before the iraq invasion.
Muslims whom don't partake in the way of Jihad are viewed as "hypocrites" in the Quran and are subject to punishment, since they technically transgress against the way of Allah just by existing. They are referred to as the "munafiqun".
>When the hypocrites come to you, [O Muhammad], they say, "We testify that you are the Messenger of Allah ." And Allah knows that you are His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites are liars.
>They have taken their oaths as a cover, so they averted [people] from the way of Allah . Indeed, it was evil that they were doing.
>That is because they believed, and then they disbelieved; so their hearts were sealed over, and they do not understand.
>And when you see them, their forms please you, and if they speak, you listen to their speech. [They are] as if they were pieces of wood propped up - they think that every shout is against them. They are the enemy, so beware of them. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded?
This is why ISIS is justified in killing other Muslims, just like how Shia/Sunnis are allowed to kill each other .They don't consider the other one a true Muslim.
Not true muslims says ISIS.
ISIS will say that they are the one and only true followers of islam.
Check and mate.
are you retarded? how many terrorists attacks happened before ww2? Hell, as one historian noted, where were all the islamic terrorists during the battles of El Alamein, tobruk, etc?
educate yourself. read Osama's message - he clearly says that what he is doing is a response to US bases in Saudi arabia and the puppet regime that's created as a result
>turn the middle east into a shit hole
That's like saying you want to make shit stink.
you might be retarded. genuinely.
rofl great.
norman descent
inferiority complex
top tier white
well ad hominem is a good indicator that you've just lost the argument. alas, the wonders of american ""education""" i guess
it's funny because amerifats should be the first people to wonder why Osama attacked them. but they think it's because of their freedums. hilarious.
>holiest site in Islam
>not Mecca
The lord does not need to advertise his plan.
>le napoleon complex meme
Our government is owned by elites, why does your all-knowing, all-merciful Allah order you to kill innocents who are not to blame for Iraq? Hmmmmmm really makes a turkroach skitter
Haven't ISIS been destroying historical Muslim artifacts for years? No one woke up then...
Almost excusable.
>read Osama's message
He started out as being anti Soviet, I'd argue it was their fault the power vacuum occurred in Afgahnistan and this gave rise to anti Nationalist secular Arab movement.
But anti western ideas have pervaded the Middle East for over a thousand years. We only saw about half a century of relative peace post Great War and prior to the Soviet invasion, since the Turks lost the Great War and the west installed secular Nationalist governments that actually greatly improved the state of the ME.
Jihadism and Islamic Fundamentalism was certainly influenced by US interventionism, since ministers and advisers didn't realize the extent of which Islam was so antagonizing toward other civilizations. When they made the mistake of destabilizing the region, they paved the way for the return of Islamic Fundamentalism in place of Arabic Nationalism.
To summarize, Wahhabism and Surafism is not because of the US interventionism. Their pervasiveness is contemporary ME is certainly caused by Wahhabism, but Jihadism has always existed and always will. Muslims have always hated us.
Absolutely false, I've got a Muslim friend (less so nowadays, she's gone full Saudi) who is Sunni, and her fiancee is toying with the idea of converting from Sunni to Shia, and if he does she'll leave him. There is absolutely a strong cultural divide, to a Sunni a Shia might as well be Christian.
Obama pulled out of Iraq prematurely. If it wasn't for that isis wouldn't exist. Stupid nigger president.
Don't worry fellow goyim, Father Wood is here to explain.
>are you retarded? how many terrorists attacks happened before ww2
A lot
>There is absolutely a strong cultural divide
When did I say this wasnt? Saying it's a political divide does not imply there aren't cultural differences of both.
>having Muslims "friends"
>believing a thing they say to you
>Wahhabism and Surafism is not because of the US interventionism.
it isn't. i never said it is. i simply cannot understand the nerve of you talking about wahhabism in context of the Iraq war. Again, i'll repeat this as if you're a 5 year old downs syndrome rapebaby - what did saddam have to do with wahhabism or 9/11, and if he didn't have to do anything with these ideologies, and if there's such a vehement disgust with these ideologies, why doesn't US invade Saudi arabia?
Answer this question, and you'll see that you aren't this knight in shining armor that wants "democracy" for the savage muslims. You're a hypocrite,
i completely agree. korea and japan, even germany, have US bases for more than half a century now. You can't just pull out so easily.
There's a clear agenda of destabilization of the middle east.
such as?
Medina is holy to all muslims
I haven't got all day, fatso.
This really makes me think.
ISIS is antimuslim, sure.
But most muslims aren't anti ISIS.
Muslims blowing up other muslims doesn't mean one side isn't muslim.
Muslims often use the frase: Mo slim christen dom.
Why do you one minute accuse someone of using ad hominems but yet pervade your response with them for me? I understand though, arguing with people here can piss me off too, especially if they refuse to provide little in the way of reasoning
Also, pardon me but for some reason I said here >Their pervasiveness is contemporary ME is certainly caused by Wahhabism,
That's meant to be
>Their pervasiveness is contemporary ME is certainly caused by the US.
I'm extremely tired, sorry.
>what did saddam have to do with wahhabism or 9/11, and if he didn't have to do anything with these ideologies, and if there's such a vehement disgust with these ideologies, why doesn't US invade Saudi arabia?
You're right, it is very, VERY hypocritical of the US to hate on Saddam one minute yet defend Saudi Arabia. My argument though is that Islamic Fundementalism in all forms was not created by the west, it simply used the US's mistake of intervening in Iraq and the Soviet's mistake of intervening in Afghanistan as a catalyst to spur a populace new movement across the ME.
Had neither of those two things happen, I suspect the ME would have continued in relative peace, since most Islamic movements who suppressed by authoritarian nationalist governments like Syria, Libya and Iraq.
>and you'll see that you aren't this knight in shining armor that wants "democracy" for the savage muslims. You're a hypocrite,
I don't believe in democracy for the ME, I believe that the Arab is best oppressed by dictatorial regimes or strong Imperial governments, since as we have seen, in it's absence we see the rise of Islam.
Silly people use the justification of "bringing freedom, democracy and burgers to Iraq" to justify the war, but these people make the fundamental mistake of presuming innocence in the Arab population, forgetting just how hostile they are if spurred on by Islam.
and how many of them were perpetrated by muslims?
they're not fooling anyone but libshits who already believe their banter.
>implying sectarian violence doesn't exist
>implying the more violent sect is somehow unislamic
>implying this shit didn't happen decades ago
>implying this shit didn't happen centuries ago
>implying shias are going to try and kill every sunni the moment we all turn a blind eye
politicised islam is why ISIS exists, and who can blame them? It was a part of islam since its founding.
Exactly. Qarmatians hated the worship of that stone, as ISIS does. This also proves there is no Allah, since he promised to protect the mecca and we know the qarmatians wrecked it.
>No one woke up then...
kuran says you can't worship religious artefact when you're a muslim. So nobody said shit because otherwise it would be blasphemy.
ISIS has this convenient thing called "kuran" which they strictly follow. Kuran is supposed to have been dictated from the mouth of "allah" himself.
Which means when you are a muslim and you criticize ISIS, you indirectly criticize the kuran and therefore "allah", which is blasphemy. There is a reason no religious authority voices critics against ISIS. ISIS is just strictly applying what's in the holy book of islam : caliphate, shariah, oppression of women, religious minorities have to pay djiziah (a tax when you're christian or jew) and kill all infidels and people who go against islam, etc...
>Islamic Fundementalism in all forms was not created by the west
i never said it was. it's a tiny sect of a guy named wahhab who got BTFO by ottomans very long time ago. Musims were fighting these guys before you even knew they existed.
The problem is that while we managed to BTFO them, the US revived them in their own interest.
Except the middle east is already an irredeemable shithole and has been for decades.
Case in point. Thanks for your input, Turkish Silly user.
>This also proves there is no Allah, since he promised to protect the mecca
But in the fundamentalist islamic mind, Allah sent ISIS to protect mecca. They're killing people ("bad muslims") exactly to protect mecca (in their mind).
And yet your own government supports "moderate rebels" in Syria against based Assad, someone who guaranteed relative secular standards for a middle eastern country, and which the Americans want to see get Gaddhafied.
>Muslims know less of their faith than an alt-right containment board of sperg
>I've got a Muslim friend
Kill yourself m8
If you count terrorist attacks as "conflict between Islam and the west", then... Hundreds? if not thousands?
Wahhabism is just a kind of Islamic fundamentalism, which is by the way, absolutely justified in regard to the teachings of the Quran.
Remember that Wahhabism is the "pure" form of Islam
Nazis attacked other white people, so it has nothing to do with white supremacy.
They're trying to radicalize moderates and drive muslim refugees into non muslim lands, so they might breed excessively and conquer those lands.
>He thinks muslims suddenly attack the western world only after the Iraq/afganistan wars
Holy fuck its not a meme that turks are degenerate roaches that will defend satan himself.
its like the word sectarian is completely absent in western societies liberal observation of religion and islam
honest to fucking god its not rocket science that a religion literally can have a war with itself
your average american is too stupid to even understand the middle east let alone the people and religions in it, and fixing the issue sure hell isnt going to come from them
>I believe that the Arab is best oppressed by dictatorial regimes or strong Imperial governments
You just have to accept that we are different. Just like the chinese, the russians, and the many non anglos (including germans before ww2) there is a dislike of democracy. We have a different history.
it's like seeing some amerifat trying to plant an oak tree in the desert - the environments for the growth of institutions such as human rights are completely different, yet we have to accept according to the West that everyone is equal, everyone is the same, and everyone wants human rights.
It's a gradual process. The magna carta did not come to fruition until the King went cray cray. The american revolution did not start until the king went cray cray. Why don't you Westerners give the opportunity to the Arabs to handle their own business when their king goes cray cray?
>ISIS isn't Muslim
They are, and this is all a move to get other countries to sympathize with Muslims, so they can continue to push people into other countries under the guise of 'refugees'.
>Remember that Wahhabism is the "pure" form of Islam
That's why the -Caliph of all Muslims-, the Ottoman sultan, fought and killed Wahhabists during the wahhab revolt? You're telling me that the foremost muslim power with all its imams and islamic scholars knew less about islam than some tribal wahhab guy in the desert?
There is no pure islam, just like there is no pure judaism or christianity. It's all down to interpritation and it always has been.
wtf is this image? pls tell me it's a fake.
that history they teach you there is wrong you fucking roach.
How many more terrorist attacks before the big happening Sup Forums?
what's wrong, tthat he WMDs were not discovered, or that iraq's power vacuum post-US invasion didn't lead to the rise of ISIS?
almost like Islam is such a violent religion that they can't even get along with each other.
Can we change "No true Scotsman" fallacy to "No true Muslim" fallacy?
And the Saudi goverment was lobbying our goverment to remove Saddam the entire time. Muslim oil money is all over every single move the US has made in the middle east.